NAB Conference Call
Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the first meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at
The first item of business was seeing if anyone had minutes from the National Round Table discussion which was held on Sunday morning of the 2005 National Conference in
The second item of business was officer reports. Bolte gave the Chairman report. He thanked everyone for being able to get together to hold the meeting. Next, Val Krumm (NAB Secretary) gave the Secretary’s report. She had nothing. Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region President) added to the Secretary’s report saying that he had minutes from the National Business Meeting at the 2005 National Conference. Voorhies will be emailing those minutes out to all members of NAB. Third was the Business Manager officer report by Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager.) Goebel reported on the relationship with the National 4-H Council with sending out checks. He also reported on the proposed and actual budgets. The actual budget equals to $1250. He will be receiving more information on the account from Scott (the person that will write the actual checks) soon. David Hartley (NAB Reference Liaison) added that he’s been working with Stacey Carroll of the National 4-H Council to sort out who is responsible and can take care of the money in the NAB account. The last officer report was from Sarah Leidheiser and Kyle Fogt (National Conference Coordinators) which then led into the National Conference Update.
To start of the 2006 National Conference update Leidheiser stated in general all things are going well and then turned it over to Fogt who had more specific details. Fogt explained how the National Conference Committee at the
The next item of business was regional updates. Bolte asked for all of the regional presidents to inform the group about their region’s conferences. The North Central Regional Conference will be hosted by
The following business item that was discussed was about the web team. Voorhies read a description of the web team and then asked the board their ideas about what kind of representation and selection process there needs to be for the team. He said he was open to any ideas and that the sooner the information got to him the better. Sheridan brought up to have NAB go back to their regional areas and talk with Collegiate 4-H members and then report back to the secretary their findings by the end of the week and then for the secretary to email everyone the compiled ideas. Voorhies then added that NAB needs to think about the public relations team which was the second resolution at the 2005 National Conference. Voorhies will email all of the resolutions and information to NAB. The discussion over the resolutions was ended with a motion by Voorhies to table the discussion until the next meeting, after which members of NAB have time to gather information and views from others on the topics of the web and public relation teams.
After all updates the meeting continued with old business which was led by Voorhies explaining that it has been addressed in the past that members of Collegiate 4-H would like to see more open communication with NAB. Last years NAB thought of ideas of starting a blog or news area for all Collegiate 4-H members to view.
New business addressed by Bolte was the last item of business for the meeting. He brought up the idea of having NAB co-chairs. The conversation started with silence as members didn’t know what to think. Bolte then brought up that it was just an idea, just in case if the chair would miss a meeting. Hartley informed the group that last year’s NAB never really had a chair and that all members shared responsibility. Krumm asked Bolte if he thought he needed a co-chair. Bolte responded that it was just an idea and he was thinking of it as a way of kind of having a vice president and didn’t know what the constitution stated who would take over in case the chair was absent. Hartley stated that he didn’t think the role of chair being passed on to another office in case the chair was absent was in the constitution. Discussion then died.
The next meeting of NAB will be in the third week of May. Bolte instructed all NAB members to email him days that work and then he’ll notify everyone what the consensus was. During the May meeting items of business will include web and public relations team idea findings and an update from the task force.
Sommer McConihay (Northeastern Region President) moved to adjourn the
Respectfully Submitted,
Val Krumm
NAB Secretary