Monday, June 04, 2007

May 22, 2007 NAB Meeting

NAB Meeting
May 22, 2007

Members in Attendance:
Kristie Storms, North Central Region President
Sarah Edens, Southern Region President
Tommy Inglis, Western Region Representative and NAB Chair
Antoine Jefferson, Southern Region Second Year NAB
Jasmine Honore, Business Manager
Amy Schwertner, Secretary
April Mendenhall, Conference Coordinator
Christy Clary, Advocacy Team Liaison
Jessica Falkenthal, Webs Team Liaison

Members not in Attendance,
Megan Baker, North East Region President
Beth Bray, North Central Region Second Year NAB
Vanessa Cerny, North East Region Second Year NAB
Amber Mathisen, Western Region Second Year NAB

Inglis called the second meeting of the 2007-2008 Naitonal Action Board to order at 9:14 Pm CST on May 22, 2007. Jefferson moved to accept the meeting agenda, and Edens seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Schwertner announced that the previous meetings minutes could be found on the Collegiate 4-H Blog. Jefferson moved to approve the minutes as posted to the blog. Storms seconded the motion. Motion passed. Honore then announced that there had been no credits or debits made to the NAB account, and the current balance is $2,033.83.

Under old business, there was discussion on the Agricultural Consortium Liaison. Inglis said that he would put an application form on the message board for the position. The NAB unanimously decided that the deadline for application submissions will be July 1, 2007.

Clary then gave a rpeort for the Advocacy Team. She announced that the Advocacy Team is working on the current newsletter. She will put an article in the newsletter regarding Advocacy Applications. The National Action Board will also advocate the Advocacy Team.

Jefferson then updated the NAB on the USDA's comments about having a NAB retreat this summer. He said that the retreat NAB had last year was a one time retreat and was not inteded to be annual. However, NAB can still plan a face-to-face meeting, but no fudning will come from the USDA. Discussion about a retreat this summer followed, but no decision was made regarding the topic.

Mendenhall then gave an update on the 2008 National Collegiate 4-H Conference. She said that the conference team is currently working on the registration forms, and conference cost is approximately $150. She discussed allowing conference delegates to stay an extra day to ski. NAB suggested that the Sunday following conference would probably be the most convienant day for delegates to attend the ski trip. Mendenhall then said that delegates wishing to stay and ski the Sunday following conference would have to pay an extra $90.

Falkenthall gave a brief update on the Web Team. She said that they had a joint meeting with the Advocacy Team last month; the minutes of the meeting were sent to the NAB list serve.

The next item of discussion was the Strategic Plan. Instead of each group reporting what progess they have made on their specific poritions of the the Strategic Plan, NAB decided to either e-mail or post their accomplishments on the NAB message board. The reports should include what has been done, what needs to be done, what we think we can/cannot accomplish, and the steps that will need to be taken to achieve the goals. Each group working on the Strategic Plan should have a report comleted and submitted by the next (June) NAB meeting.

NAB hen discussed the data base on the national collegiate 4-H website. Forms that need to be copleted include the diversity form, community service form, and club establishment form. Mendenhall has typed a more user-friendly club establishment form and sent it via the NAB list serve for suggestion and comments.

There are also promotional materials available on the website. However, some matierals still need to be worked on. The National 4-H week materials need to be updated and promtional materails for the diversity section of the Strategic Plan need to be made. Members of the National Action Board were also asked to contribute materials or information to Clary for the National Newsletter.

The last item pertaining to the Strategic Plan that was discussed was an award committee. Members of the National Collegiate 4-H body voted on creating an awards committee at the 2006 National Collegiate 4-H Conference. The committee's job would be to create new awards that would promote more invovlement from Collegiate 4-H Clubs. After discussing the idea of creating an awards committee, NAB decided to table discussion to the next meeting.

Edens then moved to adjourn the meeting. Jefferson seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. The second meeting of the 2007-2008 National Action Board was adjourned at 10:24 PM CST.

Amy Schwertner
National Action Board Secretary