Tuesday, May 02, 2006

April 23, 2006 NAB Meeting

April 23, 2006

Antoine Jefferson (Southern Region President and NAB Chair) called the first meeting of the 2006-2007 NAB board to order at 2:05PM (CNT) over a teleconference. Members that weren’t present were Justin Bolte, Shane Sheridan, Vanessa Renwick, and Jacquline Slaughter (Co-Conference Coordinator). April Mendenhall filled in for Renwick as she was out of the country. Jessica Falkenthal, member of the Web Team and National Service Project also attended the meeting.

Jefferson began the meeting by introducing himself. The rest of the members followed.

The first report was given by Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region Representative and Co-Conference Coordinator) on the Strategic Planning Committee. He began by explaining how the committee worked and the election process of its members. The committee’s role is to the make goals for Collegiate 4-H to reach in the next few years. Voorhies also mentioned that Bolte would be sending out more information on the Strategic Planning Committee and their goals in the near future.
The officers that have already been selected to the Planning Committee were announced, and they are as follows:
- Northern Central Region:
-Val Krumm (New NAB)
-Justin Bolte (Old NAB)
-Western Region:
-Tommy Inglis (Old NAB)
The other positions are still in the selection process. Falkenthal suggested that NAB members not elect themselves to the committee, and Voorhies explained that the role of NAB is to be an advisor to the committee. Guidelines had been set previously stating that old NAB would be on the Strategic Planning Committee as well as four newly elected representatives.
Discussion then began on whether the Strategic Planning Committee should be involved in the retreat weekend or not. Jefferson believed that having the committee be a part of the retreat is a good idea so that everyone will be on the same level. However, the problem is that members of both groups would not be able to attend both meetings if they are scheduled at the same time. Cost was also a big concern. A decision was finally made to have Kristin Barnhart (North Central Region President) speak with Byron Garrett about funding for members of the Strategic Planning Committee. A final decision will be made at the next NAB meeting.

The next part of the meeting focused on the Ag Consortium. The Ag Consortium for the next 2 NAB years is Tommy Inglis; he was also present at the meeting. His position on NAB was explained: he is a liason to NAB and is considered a non-voting committee member. NAB unanimously decided that Inglis needs be a part of the board and should be at the meetings. Amy Schwertner (NAB secretary) will add Inglis to the officer list.

The next order of business focused on old NAB’s goals for the previous year. Voorhies explained that the main goal at the beginning of the 2005-2006 NAB year was to focus on the role of the Task Force with Collegiate 4-H. National club guidelines were established and immediate problems were the main focus. Voorhies also said that the Strategic Planning Committee’s structure was not really accomplished, and this could be a goal for the 2006-2007 NAB board to focus on.
Next, the NAB summer retreat was discussed. The dates for the retreat are July 14-16, 2006; members will arrive on Thursday so that we will have two full days of planning. Since Barnhart has been working on the retreat details, she explained what has been accomplished so far. Members will stay at the National 4-H Conference Center. The cost is $500 per night, which brings the total for rooms of all NAB members to approximately $1500. Barnhart has not received everyone’s travel plans so travel costs are still unknown. Meals will cost approximately $30 per day for each person. Barnhart will put together a proposal to send to the USDA within the next two weeks, so that we will have the estimated cost and funding for the next meeting.
Inglis suggested asking donors, such as the Las Vegas Casinos, to help fund the retreat. However, Voorhies thought that there may be a rule against having casinos fund 4-H events. Barnhart will check into it and there will be more information at the next NAB meeting.
Discussion then followed about having a facilitator present at the retreat and meetings. A facilitator would help keep the meeting going, especially if the board were to get stuck discussing something. NAB unanimously agreed that a facilitator would be beneficial. Falkenthal will send Barnhart information on a facilitator.
Goals during the retreat were also discussed. One of the things that NAB wants to accomplish during the weekend is to establish bylaws.

Next, Falkenthal gave an update of the National Service Project. One part of the Service Project is the resource library. Falkenthal is creating a database and will be making it work the following weekend. She will then send out information, hopefully by the beginning of May. She is also currently working on getting information to clubs across the nation.

Voorhies then gave an update of the 2007 National Conference. It will be in Baton Rouge, LA on February 15-18, 2006. Currently the conference team is working on funding and fundraising. The hotel schedule has already been put together. Changes from the 2006 conference include having alternate activities during the National Business Meeting time for people not wishing to participate. The National Business Meeting time was also moved. The schedule allows it to last only two hours: from 3:30-5:30PM, and the banquet will start at 7:30. Voorhies also mentioned that the National Business Meeting would be classroom style seating for better attention by those present, and NAB agreed.
The estimated cost per person to attend the National Conference is $250. However, this cost will most likely fluctuate depending on the amount of fundraising and people in attendance. The conference team is also looking into liability insurance, and they are trying to get state sales tax exempt; which would also lower the cost per person. Voorhies also mentioned that they have blocked the rooms in the hotel for an extra two days in case any clubs wish to extend their stay. However, if clubs do want to stay longer, they need to contact Voorhies no later than August 2006.

Sarah Leidheiser (NAB business manager) then gave the budget report. Jefferson then moved to add a budget report and secretary’s report to the agenda for the next meeting, and Voorhies seconded; motion passed.
The next meeting will be Sunday, May 21, 2006 at 5:00PM (CNT).
Barnhart then moved to adjourn the meeting. Voorhies seconded and motion passed. The first meeting of the 2006-2007 NAB board was adjourned at 3:29PM (CNT).

Respectfully Submitted,
Amy Schwertner
NAB Secretary