Monday, February 19, 2007

February 14, 2007

NAB Meeting
February 14, 2007

The twelfth meeting of the National Action Board was called to order at 9:36 PM (CNT) on Wednesday, February 14, 2007 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Members present were Jasmine Honore (Co-Conference Coordinator), Antoine Jefferson (Southern Region President and NAB Chair), Amy Schwertner (Secretary), Sarah Leidheiser (Business Manager), Kristin Barnhart (North Central Region President), Jessica Falkenthal (Web Team Liaison), April Mendenhall (Advocacy Team Liaison), Amber Mathisen (Western Region President), Shane Sheridan (Western Region Second Year NAB), and in-and-out was Patrick Voorhies (Co-Conference Coordinator and Southern Region Second Year NAB). Schwertner served as proxy for Voorhies when he was not present.

First, Barnhart moved to suspend all parliamentary rules. Voorhies seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

The main item of discussion was the Strategic Planning Committee. The Committee informed the NAB of how they felt this year about their accomplishments with the Strategic Plan as well as their frustrations. Miscommunication concerns were also discussed between the NAB and the SPC.
Discussion then moved toward NAB. Members discussed how the governing body could be evaluated. A checks and balances system was discussed, and if this would be the case, how would it happen. Discussion continued until 11:04 pm (CNT) when Jefferson called for recess.

Jefferson recalled the meeting at 12:30 pm (CNT) on February 15, 2007. Members present at this time include Barnhart, Leidheiser (proxy for Val Krumm, North Central Region second year NAB), Schwertner (proxy for Voorhies, Southern Region second year NAB), Jefferson, Honore, Mathisen, Sheridan, Falkenthal, and Dale Leidheiser (Colorado State University Collegiate 4-H Club Advisor.)

Items of business included the national business meeting and the Strategic Planning Committee.

Leidheiser moved to table Strategic Planning Committee discussion until a decision is made about the national business meeting. Barnhart seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

The national business meeting was then discussed. The results of the discussion follow:
Abstentions do not count; they lower the entire voting number. During discussion, each voting delegate is allotted 1 minute to make a statement or give their opinion on the matter at hand; however, they can yield time to another member of their delegation by saying who they are yielding their time to. For discussion to begin, the delegate must be recognized by the NAB chair. To go into debate, a motion must be made; during debate, each side is allowed to have 3 people represent their opinion. Each person is allowed one minute, which gives each side a total of 3 minutes to debate. Time can only be extended during debate, not discussion. Leidheiser was give the Sargent at Arms position; she will have time cards to indicate when delegates have 15 seconds left, and then will say stop when their one minute is over. Jefferson can then move the motion straight to a vote. However, if time permits, then previous question can be called for. Anyone can call for a point of question at any time. The Web and Advocacy will be allotted 10 minutes total to give their committee reports during the national business meeting.
Leidheiser then moved to accept the discussion and decision made about the national business meeting. Sheridan seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

The Strategic Planning Committee was discussed next. Leidheiser moved to disband the committee. Barnhart seconded. The floor was then open for discussion. The NAB discussed that the Strategic Planning had done their job, were appreciated for their hard work, but were no longer needed. Leidheiser called for a point of question, and Barnhart seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. The NAB then voted to disband the Strategic Planning Committee on April 1, 2007. All members voted in favor.

The NAB then decided to use the Strategic Plan, written last summer by member of the National Action Board, as a guideline for future NAB members to strive to achieve. Sheridan said that he would give a report for the Strategic Planning Committee at the national business meeting.

The discussion then moved to the checks and balances system discussed the previous day. The National Action Board unanimously agreed that we are a board of thirteen members and should act as a checks and balances system naturally without creating another committee or document. They also discussed how they could help the new National Action Board members be successful and the second year NAB. An agreement was finally: The second year NAB is beneficial to the success of the new NAB, and no change was made to the structure of the National Action Board.

Leidheiser then moved to adjourn the meeting. Barnhart seconded the motion. All were in favor. The twelfth meeting of the 2006-2007 National Action Board was adjourned at 3:21 pm (CNT).

Amy Schwertner
NAB Secretary

Thursday, February 08, 2007

January 9, 2007

NAB Meeting Minutes

NAB Members Present: Antoine Jefferson, Southern Region President and NAB Chair Patrick Voorhies, Southern Region Second Year Member Jasmine Honore, Conference Planning Committee Member
Kristin Barnhart, North Central Region President Shane Sheridan, Western Region Second Year Member Amber Mathizen, Western Region NAB Representative Vanessa Cerny, Northeast Region President Amy Schwertner, National Collegiate 4-H Secretary
Jessica Falkenthal, Web Team Liaison April Mendenhall, Advocacy Team Liaison Tommy Inglis, Agricultural Consortium Liaison-Elect Byron Garrett, Liaison from USDA and National 4-H Headquarters Evelyn Rachell, Southern Region and National Collegiate 4-H Advisor
Samantha Ephgrave, Conference Planning Committee member NAB Members Not in Attendance: Val Krumm, North Central Region Second Year MemberSarah Leidheiser, National Collegiate 4-H Business Manager The elleventh meeting of the 2006-2007 National Action Board of the National Collegiate 4-H Organization was called to order at 9:05PM CST by Jefferson, NAB Chair. Barnhart moved to accept the agenda, and Sheridan seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

The item on the agenda was comments from Garrett. He announced that the National 4-H Headquarters has identified Entities and Organzations that operate not by charter but rather are national organizations, such as
NAE4-HA and National 4-H Council. Garret said that he would work with the organizational affairs committee to get a MOU for the National 4-H Organziation by the middle of the year. He explained that the committee felt that this was the best home for the National 4-H Organization, and that most likely, this change will change the way individual clubs are chartered; however, this is the next phase of the project, and more will be announced in February.

The next item of business was the secretary’s report. Barnhart moved to accept the minutes from the December NAB meeting as posted to the Blog. Sheridan made a second. Motion passed unanimously.

In absence of the business manager, Jefferson reported that there had a been an error in the book keeping and the NAB account had an increase of $150. This makes the new account balance $2541.18.

Voorhies then announced that Inglis will be attending the Consortium Meeting in February. Inglis said that he has contacted the Consortium committee, but has not heard anything back yet about the agenda for the meeting.

The next item of business was the discussion on the resolutions send by the Western Region. (Find copies of both resolutions at the end of this blog.) The first resolution discussed was the Progress Report. Inglis explained that if passed the resolutions will give future NAB members and 4-H members an idea of what has been accomplished with the Stragetic Plan. Voorhies called for a point of order: the resolutions are not in proper form and therefore can not be considered. He explained that the formating was incorrect, and the current resolutions call for specific actions and statements of support. He then made a motion for the two submitted resolutions to be delegated to the Strategic Planning Committee to be rewritten in proper form. Sheridan moved that the NAB apporve the actions written in the resolutions without calling them “resolutions” so that further action could be taken. Mathizen seconded the motion. Two minutes were then given for discussion. A vote was then taken for everything written in the resolutions to be put into action. The votes are as follow:

Barnhart- no
Cerney (2 votes)- abstain
Mathizen- yes
Voorhies- no
Sheridan- yes
Honore- abstain
Jefferson (with the deciding vote)- yes

The motion passed and the “resolutions” from the Progress Report be put into action.

The second resolution, Strategic Plan Implementation Strategy Development, was discussed next. Mathizen motioned to move this resolution into action as well. Sheridan seconded. Discussion followed. During the discussion time period, Voorhies said that a timeline for the Strategic Plan already includes what the resolution calls for. Sheridan explained that this resolution called for specific steps such as a map rather than dates like the time line. Inglis then suggested that implemetnation be presented at the national conference. A vote was then taken to accept the second set of resolutions. The votes are as follow:

Barnhart- no
Cerny (2 votes)- no
Mathizen- yes
Voorhies- no
Sheridan- yes
Honore- yes
The motion failed and the second resolution submitted was not accepted.

The next item of business was discussion about National Committees. Falkenthal suggested that NAB add additional national committees for different parts of the Strategic Plan so that more members can be invovled; involvement would give members a stronger sense of ownership. She said that two committees were discussed at last years conferences: 1) to putt the constitution into bilaws, and 2) to develop a recognition committee. No further discussion was taken on this matter.

Progress on the Strategic Plan was next on the agenda. Jefferson spoke for the diversity goal. He siad that nothing new has happened yet, but there may be an amendment presented at the National Conference to have a national diversity club of the year added to the awards presented at conference. Shereidan discussed progress on organziational affairs. He explained that the division statement is just for the national organization and not for individual clubs. He also said that it the dates presented in the timeline of the Strategic Plan will have to be updated, because it does not give enough time for paperwork. The national charter will finished when the name and emblem for the National Organization is discussed with Garrett, liability insurance is for the national conference can be discussed after it has been discussed with the National Conference Planning Committee, and club establishments and guidelines will be discussed when the name and emblem is discussed with the USDA. Definigh the responsibility of the NAB, liaisons, and advisors, will be worked on after the national conference. Voorhies updates NAB on the progess of Communication and Member Education; he said that the club database is currently being worked on. Since the last meeting, there has not been any further progress made on the Partnerships or Community Service sections of the Strategic Plan.

Voorhies then commented on the 2007 National Conference. He said that to date there were 118 conference attendees; there would be NO free copying at the hotel, and anything information wanted in the packets needs to be sent to the conference planning committee ahead of time. He also discussed insurance. The conference planning committee has taken out a personal injuries liability policy through the extension service. It will pay up to $1000, and it is good throughout the entire conference. NAB meeting times were also discussed; Voorhies sent all members of NAB a schedule via e-mail.

Barnhart then made a motion to extend the meeting time by 5 minutes. Sheridan seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Mendenhall updated the NAB on the Advocacy Team. She said that the newsletter is currently being worked on, and articles are needed for the hardcopy newsletter at conference. They are also working on extension brochures, compiling surveys from National 4-H Weeks, revamping the Advocacy Team application, and working with the Web Team to develop a general format for the application.

Falkenthal gave the Web Team update. She mentioned that they are currently updateing the organizations website, and she announced that there had been a lot of traffic on the website and message boards.

Rachell then announced that she would resigning as the Collegiate 4-H Advisor, due to personal and work conflicts, at the end of the 2007 National Conference.

Other concerns that were brought up was how will the Strategic Planning Committee exist next year: will the committee be chosen through application, selection, ect. NAB called for suggestions from the current Strategic Planning Committee as to what they would like to see happen. Voorhies then moved to refer the issue to the Strategic Planning Committee. Honore seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Jefferson said that he would contact the Strategic Planning Committee and let them know the NAB’s decision.

Mathizen then motioned to adjourn the meeting. Honore seconded the motion. The elleventh meeting of the National Action Board was adjourned at 10:26 PM (CST).


Amy Schwertner
National Action Board Secretary

Resolution 1:
Presented at the National Collegiate 4-H Organization National Action Board Meeting 12/??/06.

Authored by: Tommy Inglis
Endorsed by: Western Region Collegiate 4-H
Introduced by: Shane Sheridan, Amber Mathizen

Strategic Plan Current Progress Reports

Progress reports should be drafted and submitted to the national body by each of the current National Action Board Representatives on the current progress of the strategic plan. Individually each member can document their work on the implementation of the strategic plan, provide any information that has been acquired, and provide any additional guidance on what needs to happen next. Once the initial progress reports have been submitted monthly updates should continue even if no current progress has been made.

Whereas, little or no information has been provided outside of NAB meetings on the current progress of the plan;

Whereas, with only three returning NAB members in 2007 a lack of information regarding the strategic plan will be available;

Whereas, regions can’t monitor the progress of their regional representatives and offer resources;

Whereas, it will provide a foundation for future collegiate 4-H members to review and build upon so the strategic plan can be completed effectively;

National Action Board, The Western Region Collegiate 4-H body would like to see progress reports submitted by each of the current NAB. This will enable an accurate description of the current progress of the strategic plan to be obtained and presented to the national body. Further with only three returning NAB members in 2007 an information deficit will occur. Finally for the success of the strategic plan a foundation of current progress must be established. Then following the initial report monthly reports shall be submitted until the completion of the strategic plan.

Therefore it be resolved that the National Action Board will produce individual progress reports on their activity regarding the strategic plan. The monthly reports should contain any information that is not available on, a timeline of what has been completed, and recommendations for the future success of the Strategic Plan. Followed by monthly progress reports with the same information that comprised the initial reports included;
Therefore it finally be resolved that copies of this resolution along with NAB Progress Reports will be sent to each regional and national list serve and made available on

Resolution 2:
Presented at the National Collegiate 4-H Organization National Action Board Meeting 12/??/06.

Authored by: Tommy Inglis
Endorsed by: Western Region Collegiate 4-H
Introduced by: Shane Sheridan, Amber Mathizen

Strategic Plan Implementation Strategy Development

A strategy should be developed and implemented by The NAB for the current and future implementation of the collegiate 4-H national strategic plan.

Whereas, currently there is no way to track the progress of the implementation of the strategic plan;

Whereas, an outline of implementation and suggested strategies could accompany the strategic plan to promote future success;

Whereas, areas can be identified that may require additional resources that are currently behind the schedule contained in the strategic plan;

Whereas, opportunities for participation from the national body can be requested;

Whereas, the strategic plan is currently incomplete when addressing the implementation of the plan itself;

National Action Board, The Western Region Collegiate 4-H body would like to see a strategy developed for the implementation of the Strategic Plan. It will provide information to future NAB about the progress of the Strategic Plan, and will allow the strategic plan to come to its completion. An implementation strategy would provide tracking and the ability to monitor areas that have fallen behind and resources will not be wasted on areas that have been completed. Areas that have been identified as needing extra resources can be extended to committees, other NAB members, or national body members.

Therefore it is resolved that NAB will develop a strategy for the implementation of the strategic plan. Addressing when all aspects of the plan should be completed, a list of priorities, and who will be responsible for each of the various sections. This will be made available to the national body via . An implementation strategy should be completed 1 month prior to the 2007 National Conference so duties can be assigned while a majority of the national body is present.

Therefore it will be finally resolved that copies of this resolution will be sent to all NAB members, Committee’s, and made available for anyone involved in the Collegiate 4-H Organization to view.