Tuesday, November 18, 2008

November 2008 Meeting

Collegiate 4-H National Action Board

Meeting Agenda – Conference Call

November 9, 2008

I. Call to Order – Casey East – 9:05 EST (6:05pm PT, 7:05pm MT, 8:05pm CT)

I. Roll Call – Nocona Canady

a. Northeast – Lisa Richardson, Alyssa Ross

b. North Central – Jessica Falkenthal, Beth Neil (Conference Liaison), Mike Razim (Advocacy and 2nd Year NAB member)

c. West – April Mendenhall, Autumn Sheridan

d. South – Casey East, Melanie Skaggs

e. Secretary – Absent

f. Business Manager – Absent

g. Ag Consortium Liaison – Crystal Schauer

h. Advisor - Absent

i. Absent –Nocona Canady (Secretary, Southern), Ashley Buford (Business Manager, South), Brenda Allen (Advisor, North Central), and Beth Fawcett (Conference Liaison)

II. Changes to and Approval of Minutes for Sept. and Oct.

a. Postponed until next meeting

III. Business Manager’s Report

a. Budget

i. Getting put together by Ashley

ii. Will be presented at national convention for approval

b. $500.00 was sent to Colorado and they will need to cut a $200 check for Minnesota

i. Autumn – check will be sent this week

IV. Committee Reports

a. Diversity

b. Communication and Membership Education

i. Workshops – Look to Conference Update under Old Business

c. Service

d. Partnerships

i. NAE4-HA

1. Jess- spoke to 2 regional advisors about the merge.

a. Everything is expensive compared to our conferences

b. May not be able to combine the conferences.

2. Partnership will speak to Betty, president of NAE4-HA, this month to talk about future conferences.

i. Jess F., Casey E., Lisa R., Alyssa R., Crystal S. – interested in being a part of this conference call.

ii. National 4-H Headquarters

1. Haven’t received many responses from Eddy

a. Ryan Schmiesing, may be our new contact

i. He is the National Program Leader in 4-H Youth Development.

ii. May be able to help us get further along with our strategic planning.

2. Leadership is changing hands at National 4-H Headquarters

a. Glenn Applebee, the new head of 4-H Youth Programs; from Cornell, is re-evaluating all national events and groups.

i. Will potentially attend our conference to evaluate it and help us move forward. But we haven't heard from them yet.

b. Hopefully we will be figured out, as far as national recognition, before February.

c. Jess will let us know when meeting the is; it will most likely be during the day (business hours, maybe a Friday afternoon)

i. Jess F., Casey E., Melanie S., Crystal S., and Mike R. – interested in being a part of this conference call

e. Organizational Affairs

i. Refer above to National 4-H Headquarters under Committee Reports

f. Advocacy – Mike

i. Newsletter will be out before National Conference

g. Web Team - Jess

i. Has been reimbursed

ii. New page for Access 4-H is being created

iii. Possibly where our new webpage will be located

1. Need videos of Collegiate 4-Hers – send to Jess if available

h. Ag Consortium – Crystal

i. Workshop at North Central Conference this weekend – Ag Consort & Collegiate Life Knowledge

ii. Board meeting in January

1. In a different locale each year

2. Hosted by a different sponsor each year

V. Regional Updates

a. Western Region – Autumn

i. Conference this coming weekend

1. Oregon(calling in) and Nevada attending

b. North Central Region – Jess

i. Conference this coming weekend

1. 76 people are estimated to attend

2. Taking place in Columbia, Missouri at Mizzou

ii. Constitution will be revised

1. Restructuring officer team to have a President and a President Elect

2. In future years, voting will occur for only President Elect to help flow within Regional and National Offices

c. Northeast Region – Alyssa

i. Conference – December 6th and 7th at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD

ii. University of Delaware and Rutgers are currently attending

iii. Wonders of Washington, Internship in D.C. for 4-Hers being looked into by Alyssa

d. Southern Region – Casey

i. Conference this coming weekend

1. Biloxi, Mississippi

2. Hands On Gulf Coast –

a. Service project during the day, meetings at night.

ii. Melanie Skaggs taking on Sarah Eden’s position as 2nd year NAB Representative

iii. Three new schools have been added to the Southern Region

1. University of West Alabama, Texas Tech, and a school in Puerto Rico

a. Want to attend the National Conference - Jess will put them on the national listserv

VI. Old Business

a. The 2009 National Collegiate 4-H Conference – Beth

i. Beth sent out email on Monday with updated conference info

1. Will be sent out to everyone, by Jess, through the listserv so that registering can begin.

ii. Current planning stages

1. Cost

a. $245.00 regular registration, late registration is $275

b. $295 for advisors and alumni regular registration, $325 for late

c. NAB members will pay an extra $40 for the night before conference starts

2. Grants and Welcome bag items

a. Every NAB member can bring something for the basket. Need ~150 of anything.

i. Can be done by regions or schools

b. Grants and sponsorships still possible, and still accepted – will go towards extra meals, etc.

3. Workshops

a. Six were sent in, all six will be used

b. Second two spots – Jess F.

i. Will be inviting leaders for important 4-H issues (experts) to help us better understand these issues.

ii. Will be your topic for workshops two and three.

1. First workshop, an update of one of these areas and how Collegiate 4-H can be a part of it

2. During lunch, can speak to others to go over ideas

3. After lunch, come up with ideas with the national leader to actually have an “action plan” to help Collegiate 4-H better align with 4-H ideals.

iii. Each NAB member will be the host for one of these workshops and will be taking notes. 2-5 min updates will be given at the national business meeting.

iv. Will make us look good to the National 4-H Leadership Team to place us on a higher standing, which will help us in the future.

v. NAB - email area of interest to Beth and/or Jess so that you can get placed where you want to be

1. Jess will email out what the specific areas are.

4. Dates to remember:

a. Registration goes out Nov. 3

b. Registration is due Dec. 13

c. Registration late fee is due Jan. 5

iii. NAB usually gets there on the Wednesday before for meetings and to make sure everything runs smoothly.

1. Beth will let us know what time we can check in

a. NAB flights should land by 3pm, hopefully this will allow us to assemble at 5pm(tentative start time)

iv. New NAB member meetings

1. Tour/service time to have meeting (service projects and tours from 8:15am – 4:45pm)

2. Sunday morning

3. Meeting between workshops and states night out and then during normal time (during the dance).

4. Casey will set up a poll on which way will be better. Comments will be accepted – ONLY OPEN FOR ONE WEEK

v. Website – conference.collegiate4h.org

1. Up and running – will be in an email to national listserv

b. Access 4-H – Refer to above Web Team update

VII. New Business

a. Nocona is unable to attend meetings at this point due to school and other obligations

i. Lisa will substitute

b. Email Jess and Beth if you have suggestions on how to raise money to get more students to conference

i. Percentage of restaurant sales (ask your local restaurants!)

ii. General sales fund raisers (candy, candles, etc.)

iii. Bake sales

VIII. Adjournment - 10:16 EST (7:16pm PT, 8:16pm MT, 9:16pm CT)

a. Please respond to the Doodle poll for the date and time of our next meeting.

October 2008 Meeting

NAB Meeting


I. Call to Order – 9:04pm EST (6:04pm PT, 7:04pm MT, 8:04pm CT)

II. Roll Call

a. Northeast – Lisa Richardson, Alyssa Ross

b. North Central –Beth Neil and Beth Fawcett (Conference Liaisons); Mike Razim (Advocacy)

c. West – Absent

d. South – Casey East

e. Secretary – Absent

f. Business Manager – Ashley Buford

g. Ag Consortium Liaison – Absent

h. Advisor – Brenda Allen

i. Absent – Crystal Schauer (Ag Consort, Western), Nocona Canady (Secretary, Southern), Amy Redman and Jessica Falkenthal (North Central), April Mendenhall and Autumn Sheridan (Western)

III. Reading of the Minutes

a. Will be approved at the next meeting, along with the approval of these meetings minutes.

IV. Business Manager’s Report

a. Received notebook from Jasmine

b. Emailed Casey statements from the last couple of years.

c. Reimbursed Jess Falkenthal, $10.19, for domain renewal

d. Sending an updated statement to Sam

e. No budget prepared for this year yet, potential budget will be put together for the next NAB meeting.

f. $500 check sent directly to Colorado State University; $200 check for Minnesota will come directly from Colorado State

V. Committee Reports

a. Crystal contacted Eddie, we haven’t heard back from him yet

i. Once we hear, we will know how to structure our committees

b. Communication and Member Education

i. Workshops!!

ii. Proposals need to be re-sent to regions so that we can have proposals for conference, there is no specific theme

1. There are 3 time slot with 5 workshops per slot. Minimum of 5 workshops and a Maximum of 15


iii. Perhaps some regions can use workshops from Regionals for Nationals

iv. Autumn and CSU, Casey’s groups and Rutgers putting one together

v. Extension personnel CAN do workshops

c. Service

i. National Day of Service

1. National Youth Science Day

2. List of ideas for national 4-h day promotions emailed to regions

d. Advocacy/Web Team

i. Draft of newsletter sent out by next week

ii. Emails about National Day of Service

iii. Web Team was reimbursed for domain renewal

e. Ag Consortium

i. Conference coming up at the end of the year

VI. Old Business

a. Regional Updates

i. Northeast

1. National Day of Service day, new service, members participated (Rutgers as well at Maryland)

2. Speaker coming to Rutgers for OMK

3. Conference going well, planned for the first week in December

a. Information sent our next week

ii. North Central

1. Registration is going well

a. Conference is November 14th – November 16th

iii. West – N/A

iv. South

1. Conference is November 14th – November 16th

a. Everything is going well

b. Conference update

i. Registration is $295 , $30 more for late registrations

ii. Alumni rate is not know yet, ~ $20 more

iii. RCIS sent some funding, maybe on the way

1. $2500 donation

2. Casey will give an email address for Minnesota to contact them

iv. Service project planned and tours almost all sorted out

v. Only waiting on workshops

vi. Welcome bag items needed

1. Mention at your Regional Conferences

vii. Due Dec 13th, late registration is Jan 5th

VII. Next Meeting – November 1st

a. Time to be announced, decided by Poll

VIII. Adjournment - 9:35pm EST (6:35pm PT, 7:35pm MT, 8:35pm CT)