Monday, March 10, 2008

March 1, Meeting Minutes

NAB Meeting

I. Call to Order – 8:07pm EST (5:07pm PT, 6:07pm MT, 7:07pm CT)
II. Roll Call (10 people present)
a. Northeast – Lisa Richardson
b. North Central – Jessica Falkenthal, Amy Redman, Beth Neil (Conference Liaison)
c. West – Autumn Sheridan
d. South – Casey East, Sarah Edens
e. Secretary – Nocona Canady
f. Business Manager – Ashley Buford
g. Ag Consortium Liaison – Crystal Schauer
h. Absent – Alyssa Ross (Northeast), April Mendenhall (Western), Dan Patterson (Southern, Ag Consort Shadow), Eddie Mentzer (National 4-H Liaison)
III. Reading of the Minutes
a. Figuring out how to post to blog
b. Have been emailed to Casey
i. Will send email later
c. 2nd yrs and Web team will help Nocona
IV. Business Manager’s Report
a. Jasmine finalizing everything and then sending to Ashley
V. Committee Reports
a. Diversity
i. Breakfast mixer
ii. Contact 1890 and 1994 schools, five new clubs by 2010 (1890 schools)
iii. Club of the Year Addition
b. Communication and Member Education
i. NAB planning education part of conference
ii. Increasing communication with planning committee
iii. Web and Advocacy applications accepted
1. will help to chair the committee
c. Service
i. Three national service projects
1. March 15th – information will be posted on website
d. Partnerships – NAE4-HA
i. Relationship with Eddie and Cathann needs to be strengthened
ii. Relationship with National 4-H Council needs to be strengthened
iii. Casey will send out email of Betty our NAE4-HA contact
e. Organizational Affairs
i. Memoriam of Understanding for 4-H National Charter
1. write out and signed to make us an official organization
ii. Chair and committee will get paperwork in order
f. Advocacy/Web Team
i. Make a promo kit for National 4-H week to be out by August 1st
ii. Email applications to
iii. Voting NAB members have to vote on people for groups
1. email or yahoo group vote so that members can get started faster
g. Ag Consortium
i. Received email for contact
ii. Will contact soon
VI. Old Business
a. Conference review
i. Regional presidents – make sure people fill out evaluations
VII. New Business
a. Strategic Plan Committee Assignment – monthly meetings should occur before national meeting; absent members were assigned positions
i. Diversity – Lisa, Sarah
ii. Communication and Membership Education – Crystal, Nocona, Dan, Advocacy and Web Team Liaisons
iii. Service – Nocona, Casey, Alyssa
iv. Partnerships – Lisa, Jessica, Amy, Ashley
v. Organizational Affairs – Autumn, April, Crystal, Dan
b. 2009 National Conference - Beth
i. Briefing on current planning stage
1. Apply for Grant – biggest issue at this point
a. Applying to NAB in a couple of weeks
b. Setting up email/yahoo poll for voting purposes
ii. Possible Donors
1. NAE4-HA
2. Talk to Partnership group for contact
c. Internal Communications
i. Facebook, Yahoo, Listserv, etc.
1. set-up and maintain for regions
2. be involved in national groups
d. Regional Presidents
i. Contact officers in region to get list of contacts for region
ii. Send to Yahoo group and web team
iii. Contact state office for Collegiate 4-H groups in your state, Jessica has a standard email.
iv. Post at least 5 opportunities or ideas on message board each month or have your secretary do it.
1. shows what region/specific clubs are doing to help inspire others
a. 5 new clubs by 2010 from 1890 institutions, contact 1994 institutions
b. Adding diversity section to club of the year application
i. Added by Nocona, send to Jessica to be put up on the website
c. NAB being apart of the education planning portion of next year’s conference
d. Strengthening contact with National 4-H Council through Eddie and Cathann
i. NAE4-HA also
e. Defining roles for strategic plan and get it down in writing
i. Roles defined be those within the committee
f. Ag Consortium strengthening appearance with other organizations
g. Increased interaction with local 4-Hers (youth and other programs)
i. # of hours to be decided by the Service team
ii. To be enforced by regional presidents
h. National Service Project of Emphasis
i. To be done on the Saturday of National 4-H week
ii. 700 members involved by 2012
iii. Regional presidents to encourage groups to fill our forms for feedback
i. Increase Collegiate 4-H membership
i. At least three new clubs per region
ii. Goal for the number of people at National Conference in 2009
j. Increase the number of national sponsors to lower the price of the national conference to allow for the increase in the number of people
i. To be worked on by the Partnership committee
k. Proposal for Alternative Spring Break at upcoming regional conferences
l. Each committee should find at least one way they can contribute to 4-H
i. At least one goal for the next meeting
IX. Contact List
a. Review and send any corrections to Nocona
X. Committee Meetings (organizing)
a. Diversity – Sarah
b. Nocona – Service
c. Lisa – Partnership
d. Autumn – Organizational Affairs
e. Community and Membership Education – Jessica (not sure on this one)
XI. NAB Member Bios
a. Send picture, major, region, position, bio, goals for self with NAB (I think that’s all) to Jessica to be put on the website.
b. Also send her your regional officer information
XII. Next Meeting – April 5th at 8pm EST (5pm PT, 6pm MT, 7pm CT)
a. Same phone number for next meeting, good for 120 days
b. When number changes, Casey will send out new number through email
XIII. Adjournment - 9:11pm EST (6:11pm PT, 7:11pm MT, 8:11pm CT)

Respectfully Submitted,
Nocona Canady
NAB Secretary
(assisted by Lisa Richardson, Northeast Rep.)