Sunday, September 07, 2008

July 2008 Minutes

Collegiate 4-H National Action Board
Meeting Agenda – Conference Call
July 12, 2008

I. Call to Order – Casey East 8:05 EST
II. Roll Call – Nocona Canady
Ashley-joined later
Alyssa-came on later
Mike—joined later
III. Changes to and Approval of Minutes (Please read prior to meeting)
Crystal moves to approve Beth second
IV. Business Manager’s Report – Ashley Buford-got jasmine’s number and will be giving out that information
V. Committee Reports (You MUST meet prior to the NAB meeting)
a. Diversity – Lisa and Sarah
Possibly drop this committee, needs to discuss with Lisa and we will discuss this later in the meeting about Sarah
i. Update from last meeting
1. Did you get your list complied and letter sent out?
ii. Goals for the month
b. Communication and Membership Education – Crystal, Dan, Nocona
i. Update from the last meeting
1. Compilation of all existing Collegiate 4-H Organizations – Jessica sent out an email of the clubs we know about
We question the reason for the list of the clubs? And contacting the State 4-H office, we don’t really need to send this out to 4-H offices right now, because of the lack of charters, etc
This is something we are going to wait on until this organization is already figured out
2. Workshops
a. Proposal forms update
i. What is the status on proposal forms? Are they ready to go out by the July 19 deadline? This has been updated goals added and posted to the group; this is supposed to be sent out to? National Listserv and On the National website, send both of these to Jess for her to take care of
b. New Dates to remember:
i. Proposals due by Sept. 30
ii. A poll will be set up after all proposals in and will need to be voted on by all voting members of NAB prior to the Oct. 4 meeting
ii. Goals for the month
c. Service – Alyssa, Casey, Nocona
This is something we are going to discuss scaling back on.
Documents for the clubs to do the hours, which is a part of ACCESS 4-H so this is something we can still do as long as we do this with ACCESS.
i. Update from last meeting
1. Researching into a National Summer Service Project.
2. Sending out packets containing information about our three National Service Projects to all clubs in email form
3. Create a document for clubs to report on the hours that they participate in; in order for us to log the hours we do as a Nat. org.
ii. Goals for the month
d. Partnerships – Ashley, Amy, Jess, Lisa
Has emailed Betty about going to Galaxy and she has received no response and will be unable to contact her. The people sent to this conference would not be on NAB and we would be merging with a different conference. This is probably not the best idea when the same thing could be accomplished on a conference call. Contacted them about a booth for Advocacy team at Galaxy, but we have not heard back from them on this issue yet. We will not be sending anyone except advocacy for sure the female members, but still looking for male option. NAB might be consulted on meal or gas reimbursement. We will be checking with Betty first.
i. NAE4-HA
1. Updates about the conference in September.
2. Updates on the merge in 2011
3. Update on the packet that will be put together for regional officers to present at regional meetings.
ii. National 4-H Council
iii. Goals for the month
e. Organizational Affairs – Dan, Crystal, Autumn, April
i. Update from the last meeting
1. Did you meet with Cathann and/or Eddy about our goals and how we can become a National organization?
Strategic plan---4-H headquarters not included, it is long and ambitious which is great, but it is too long for the size of organization and amount of time we have
Cathann has summarized this in a short one page document and eddy Cathann and Chris want us to work with them to overhaul the strategic plan so that we can work better with everyone
Eddy and Chris want the first step is to compose a one page document of question as to what we want to achieve etc.
They want this by Wed and will compare it to Cathann’s new strategic plan
And the week after that he wants to meet the OAC about this
Idea to meet on Sunday or Monday to answer these questions on the same conference call-Crystal will email out that list of questions to the group
Will be meeting 7/13 at 11 EST 10 CDT

f. Advocacy – Mike
Big thing is the national business letter, and he would like you to get your articles in to him. As soon as those articles are in he will be sending this out. They will try to meet between now and the next meeting to work on national 4-H week stuff.
i. Promotional packet for National 4-H Week
ii. Goals for the month
g. Web Team – Mike
i. National Business Letter
1. Date it will be released
2. Status
ii. Goals for the month
h. Ag Consortium – Crystal
i. Update from your meetings with the Ag Consortium
1. In August in Davenport Iowa they have their conference she asked NAB if they would be able to help with cost. In the past they have been very generous to give NAB a special deal. Ashley has not received the documents from Jasmine yet. All the fees are covered Crystal not need help
2. She is now officially on the list serve for the Consortiums
VI. Regional Updates
a. Western Region – Autumn---no one on from west
b. North Central Region – Jess---met one or two times since conference and they will be meeting again in the next three weeks to work on regional conference, service project (ACCESS 4-H) and list serv
c. Northeast Region – Alyssa—no one on
d. Southern Region – Casey--- Jasmine and Antoine planning our regional conference in Mississippi doing service, something we have never done before, and trying to help out with some clubs such as in Alabama, OK State helped out with some of that
VII. Old Business
a. NAB Grant – ($300.00 to the 2008 conference and $200.00 to the Minnesota club)
i. Ashley – what is the update on these checks? has not received conformation that they have received this check, will be checking again these come from national council and Ashley will get the contact and get these checks out as soon as possible
b. The 2009 National Collegiate 4-H Conference – Beth and/or Megan
i. Current planning stage==Leah the clubs advisor is on to help answer question
Has hit several road blocks and stumbling blocks members resigning, lack of man power, not affiliated with state 4-H only have a year to plan and a lack of funding
Due to roadblocks the cost of conference must be raised 330 for students and 380 for advisor, this is without any other funding (people budgeted for attending 150) must raise 15000 dollars to take the cost back down to what it was last year…requested money from NAE4-H, we will probably get 1000 dollars from them
Brenda asked about the seed money, it is only 500 dollars, but Colorado went into debt they have not received this money
Other national conference this is a typical cost
Rough economy means that prices must be raised
Request additional support from NAB for manpower, if they can not help the conference may have to be canceled
---business and sponsor letters, people to call and follow up with donations, they must be mailed out by end of July and follow up calls by August –putting it on the yahoo group and members of NAB needs to send this out to different businesses and make sure we are not overlapping, so you must post to the group and etc. must 10…Google document so it is updated as the people do stuff.
Meals for Thursday night and Friday lunch—vendor by September—send out letters to different corporations
Save the date email=assign to web team or advocacy will take care of this these need to go out by September and it will be included in the national newsletter as well
Some kind of insurance company—what kind of insurance are we looking for? Is event and liability...They will get back with us on insurance
Material for welcome bags—assemble the night before registration...each club bring in different stuff for the swag bag
Casey will send out an email about this stuff
Registration includes housing, food, speakers, meeting rooms etc.
Estimated cap note speaker--free keynote not sure about cost

1. Dates to remember:
a. Registration goes out Nov. 3
b. Registration is due Dec. 13
c. Registration late fee is due Jan. 5
c. NAB Retreat/Workday
i. Report from the last meeting. Mike Casey and Jess were in attendance. We need to make sure we are up to date on national initiatives such as SET and they think that doing some kind of awards and recognition would be an idea to get more people involved.
ii. Do we need another one? The one on Sunday. One will be held on July 27 tentatively to discuss the information we hope to have back from Cathann
VIII. New Business
a. NAB Advisor-Brenda Allen works at Iowa State working as the advisor of Iowa State club and other responsibilities with the state 4-H office. She asked what for some clarifications as to what her role as an advisor would be. Jessica explained it would just be to chime in and provided opinions and a voice. If possible we would like for her to attend the conference, and the possibility of a NAB retreat on the Sunday following conference. Brenda will send Nocona her information.
b. Access 4-H – Jess to make it safer if you are not register as a volunteer or 4-H member you will not be able to participate until possibly next spring. Want to get NAB in so that we can decide the collegiate perspectives of this website. All the 4-H members will be receiving an email with their username and passwords on October 6. All NAB members must become registered as a volunteer so that they can become registered. This will be included in the national newsletter
c. Incentive Programs – will the Organizational Affairs and Membership Education Committee stay afterwards to discuss ideas.—not needed not enough people present
d. NAB attendance—the 2nd year members possibly being replaced, the region has the choice and responsibility to replace these members if they have not been attending meetings and would like to give up their positions. The idea was suggested to send out an email explaining the situation and for Casey to generate a poll about exploring a new date and time for meetings. Each region will try to contact members who have been exempt from meetings and check with those people about still being a part of NAB or if they would like to be replaced
Casey will take care of Southern and northeast
Jess-northcentral and western
The region has to take care of the regional representation
Increasing accountability, show the progress between each meeting, and an action item list to remind people of what they volunteered for.
Agenda will be sent out earlier
IX. Adjournment
Next meeting August 2nd at 8 EST adjourned at 10:09 EST