Sunday, November 29, 2009
11/25/09 Meeting Minutes
• Call to order-@ 4: 05 pm by Casey East
• Roll Call-Heather Williams
o Present: Melanie, Heather, Casey, Mike, Amanda, Ben
o Absent: Kelli, Autumn, Charlotte, Hannah, Jessica F., Brandon, Crystal (excused), Aaron, Jessica P. (excused)
• Changes to/Approval of minutes from October meeting
o No changes
o Approval motion made by: Melanie seconded by: No second, so approval was postponed until next meeting when everybody can look over minutes
• Business Manager’s Report (stands as is since Kelli Jo wasn’t present)
o Current balance: $4,812.00
o Any additions or deductions?
• Regional Reports
o Northeast: by Amanda-working on national conference; having regional conference in Delaware in January
o Northcentral: by –Had regional meeting, elected new regional officers, next year’s will be hosted by Iowa State. South Dakota State was club of year for region
o Western: no representation or report
o Southern: by Melanie-Had regional meeting, bagged 27,000 pounds of sweet potatoes for food bank, have new system for proposals for hosting/attending meetings
• Old Business
o 2010 National Collegiate 4-H Conference
Briefing on current planning stage: by Amanda—we have to get out all the forms to the clubs w/ due dates, sent out call for proposals for workshops and have received some and are accepting a few late ones (some from clubs, youth, volunteers, extension employees, etc.) Already sent out registration forms, trying to get it into typeable form. Casey asked if possible to extend first deadline so people who are done with club meetings have opportunity to register. So, Amanda asks that she at least have specific numbers then to finalize plans.
• Thursday night of conference, will have 17-18 year olds of Maryland 4-H to interact w/ Collegiate members during service project and dinner to learn about Collegiate 4-H and college, in general
• Casey asked for Registration table to have 2 spots set up for NAB Business Manager and Secretary to take up club dues and registration
Website-Ben will e-mail Jessica about getting stuff up online
Regional Presidents-informing all clubs
• New Business
o Communications with Headquarters
Partnership w/ NAE4HA by Amanda: been working with Susan and Karen, but having difficult time getting all pieces together.
Strategic Plan update by Mike: committee chairs were suppose to revise their sections
NAE4HA proposal-sent to NAB
National Community Service Project-Melanie
• Committee Reports
o Partnerships: By Autumn Sheridan: Mike is putting it together and committees are preparing sections; organizations no longer need to exist, secretary’s minutes and club listing should be separated (if not for Oct. NAE4HA, then for conference). Include URL instead of list of clubs
o Ag Consortium: by Crystal Schauer/Brandon Wilson-no recent meetings
o Advocacy: by Mike Razim
Sent e-mail w/ information needed from everybody. Prefer it by Dec. 5
Next edition will be service-focused—send descriptions and pics of service projects. Any club is welcome.
Put something about nationals in new edition!
o Webteam:
Membership update
Mike’s idea: combine Advocacy and Webteam into Communications director. Each region nominate people, they’re interviewed and selected @ conference, and a team would be developed
• Amendment needs to be made to constitution for this to happen, Casey will check to see how to go about doing this
• Adjournment: @4:34pm by Casey East
August Meeting Minutes
Meeting Agenda – Conference Call
July 12, 2009
I. Call to order – Casey East 10:05 EST
II. Roll Call – Interim Secretary: Melanie Skaggs
Present: Casey East, Kelli Jo Woodson, Ben Brown, Charolotte Jackson, Mike Razim, Amanda Clougherty, Autum Sheridan, Jessica Falkenthal, Aaron Birge
Excused: Crystal Schauer. Heather Williams
III. Changes to and Approval of minutes for April, May, June, and National Conference
April: Ben motion to approve min for, second Aaron, Motion passes
May: Aaron moved to approve, Autumn second, Motion passes
June minutes haven’t been posted yet, because Heather doesn’t have internet access. Minutes will be approved at the next meeting.
Nat’l Congress: Ben moved to accept minutes, Aaron second. Minutes from Nat’l conf approved.
IV. Business Manager’s Report – Kelly Jo Woodson
a. Current balance - $4,812
b. Deposits from Conference - $1,120
c. Any changes
No changes at this time to the current balance. No anticipated expenses.
V. Committee Reports
a. Diversity – Kelly Jo Woodson
i. Update
ii. Goals for the month
Met June 12. Goals for this month are dependent on changes and eliminations to the strategic plan.
b. Communication and Membership Education – Crystal Schauer
i. Update
ii. Workshops for Conference
iii. Goals for the month
Crystal was unable to attend and the committee will be meeting next week.
c. Service – Melanie Skaggs
i. Update
ii. Goals for the month
iii. the national service projects – getting information out to the clubs by Sept.
Met Wednesday. Working on getting information for the publication information for other clubs. Need help getting information on Access 4-H, Jessica F. will be sending information. Information will be sent out in the next newsletter.
d. Partnerships – Autumn Sheridan
i. NAE4HA: Karen
ii. National 4-H Headquarters
Eddie said that Nat’l headquarters was meeting about all organizations using Nat’l 4-H; still waiting to hear back from him. Also emailed Karen and waiting on a reply.
e. Ag Consortium – Crystal Schauer
Crystal and Brandon were not on the call. Conference in KC in a couple months. Reported by Kelli Jo.
f. Advocacy – Mike Razim
i. First Quarterly Newsletter
Mike sent out a rough draft of the newsletter before meeting. Needs welcome from Casey and updates from NE and W Regions.
Jessica did create Collegiate 4-H page on Facebook to be utilized for posting information by committees and such.
g. Webteam
i. Membership update: Lindsay Trout, ???
Meeting scheduled for next two weeks. Stephanie from Nebraska hasn’t gotten her application in. They are working on redoing the website in the next month.
Website needs $9.99 for renewing the address to Jessica. The Facebook page needs 100 members to get an access to a Facebook address. Polling can also be done on the discussion boards or on the wall for NAB to get the opinion of other members.
VI. Regional Reports
a. North East – Hannah
Ben: North East has a new club. Cornell is going to try and get involved.
b. North Central – Charlotte
Had the officer retreat and will be having a meeting to work on the NC strategic plan to incorporate NAB strategic plan into their own. Conference will be held in SD.
c. Western – Jessica
Jessica Poole was not on the call. Autumn gave the report. Conference will be in Oregon in October. Working on upping member numbers.
d. Southern – Melanie
Southern Region conference will be in Starksville, MS Nov 20-22. Southern Region will be moving the website, because Geocitites will be shutting down.
VII. Old Business
a. 2009 NAB Advisor: Amanda Clougherty
i. Contact number: 410-310-7966
ii. Email
Also on Facebook. Please no random phone calls.
b. The 2010 National Collegiate 4-H Conference
i. Briefing on current planning stage – Ben Brown
No real change in planning. Still searching for sponsors and will be creating a facebook event for everyone to invite their friends.
c. Strategic Plan
i. Google Doc: take this into your committee meeting
Diversity: With internal issues, the specific completion date for the 5 new clubs. Concerned with recruiting new clubs with no good definition of our clubs.
Amanda: don’t need to try and put an official date on stuff until we know more. Hoping to use this work for further development
Table old business until after new business
VIII. New Business
a. Amanda’s Conference with Headquarters
Appreciative of the C4-H efforts, if feel like stepping on toes please let her know.
Conference call July 6, Jeff Howard, Eddie, Ryan Smeezing, Susan interim Nat’l 4-h program leader. With the purpose of get a better understanding for NAB for C4-H is. There is going to be a conference call with Eddie, Ryan, Amanda, July 27, 29, 30. Opportunity to have a discussion for them to better understand our position and to better understand their position. The Nat’l 4-H leadership believe the primary strength is between the clubs and the state offices. There is a need to find what a national organization is going to look at. Changes across the entire 4-H program. Nat’l headquarters is trying to work with hundreds of orgs. They are trying to put into writing on how to use emblem, etc. NO nat’l staff for National –C4-H. Nat’l 4-H headquarters will be strongly influencing an addition of student/young professional to be apart of NAE4-HA as a subgroup. Could provide better opportunities. Goal to have conference call at end of July and end of Aug, beg sept get list of what is required to use nat’l emblem for nat’l event and work on NAE4-HA. Communications need to filtered through Amanda to headquarters and Casey to get a concise and clear message from us. Lauren Ledbetter (UGA), Amanda, and Jeff very committed to get Collegiate 4-H a direction.
People involved in conference call will be notified by the end of the week. These people need to have notes about challenges and successes and goals in Strategic plan. Since Nat’l hasn’t finalized their policy for Nat’l events, we would like to help get then a clear picture of what is going on for C4-H.
Moved back to the Strategic plan.
Strategic Plan
Diversity cont.
Skip Kelli Jo got kicked off
Communitcation and Membership Ed: No changes yet.
Diversity: Increasing diversity of membership. Like this idea
Increase youth urban projects. Was added to club of the year form. Believe that clubs are documenting information on Club of the Year form. Either want to just reach urban youth or make it more general.
Bringing a diversity activity to Nat’l conf. What is the definition of Diversity? What would be considered diversity activity?
Amanda: Need to follow the definition of Diversity as given by USDA and followed by 4-H programs.
Kelli Jo will search USDA to find their definition.
Amanda suggested to ask State Office.
Service: Melanie: have accomplished establishing a national service project of interest. Would like to add that information be distributed with the National newsletter.
Aaron talked to Antwoine for a national service project week.
Amanda suggested we pick a date during National 4-H week.
Maybe try and put the database for service and diversity together.
Service grant has already been put into the budget.
Partnerships: Autumn: everything needed will happen at the conference call at the end of the month.
Advocacy: Mike: The biggest problem right now is getting people to be apart of the Advocacy Team. Terminology about Nat’l Collegiate 4-H week needs to be taken out. Should be promoting resources from Nat’l 4-H. They have accomplished sending out newsletters and putting out an idea sheet for Nat’l 4-H week. There for clubs to contact, but no one does.
Webteam: Jessica F. Webteam has completed everything listed except for the databases for Diversity and Service Committees. Waiting on the other committees to figure out how there were going to increase participation before acting on this project.
IX. Adjournment 11:16pm EST
Monday, October 12, 2009
NAB Meeting Minutes: 10/12/09
· Called meeting to order by Casey East @ 10:03 pm EST
Roll Call: Heather Williams
o Present: Kelli Jo Woodson, Autumn Sheridan, Melanie Skaggs, Charlotte Jackson, Heather Williams, Hannah Sanford, Jessica Falkenthal, Brandon Wilson, Casey East, Mike Razim, Amanda Cloughtery.
o Missing: Crystal Schauer (excused), Aaron Birge, Ben Brown (excused?), Jessica Poole (excused)
Changes to/Approval of previous minutes:
o Melanie will send Heather the August minutes so approval will be postponed and done with these minutes at next conference call.
Business Manager’s Report: Kelli Jo Woodson
o Balance: $4,812.00
o Recorded deposit from conference: $1,120.00 (included in current balance)
o Deductions/Additions: None right now, Ben already received money that goes towards conference
§ Payment to Jessica Falkenthal $9.99 for web address still not completed, Casey will double check to see if it needs to be done and to make sure it gets done.
Regional Reports
o North East: by Hannah
§ Doing fundraising for conferences—making $100-$200 a week to help with conference cost. Working with other universities to get Cornell to start a 4-H club in region
o North Central: by Charlotte
§ Have region conference this weekend, have a lot going on and planned. Selling regional “gear,” at conference. Have a lot of business things going on and also going on many trips. Mizzou is taking a big group, so it’ll be a fun and successful conference. Discussing moving officer elections to regional meetings.
§ Casey wanted them to take pictures (this goes for all regions) for the newsletter and website
o Western:
§ Doing skype conference this weekend, and that’ll be regional conference.
o Southern: by Melanie
§ Working on regional conference. There are a lot of fun things planned, including OMK Hero packs. Wanting to make a budget for the region.
Old Business
o 2010 National Collegiate 4-H Conference: Amanda
§ Briefing on current planning stage
· Have a budget put together. Gained a little over $3,000 in sponsorships and working on more. Have a rough draft schedule up and Ben is supposed to be contacting people who work with website so it can get done. Also, hope to have promotional flyer done by the end of the week (with dates, prices, etc.) Want series of 3 workshops—some taught by professionals, extension staff/educators, and clubs. Service project will be teamed with OMK coordinator and make gift baskets to go to families of deployed soldiers with something for deployed soldier, youth, and stay-at-home significant other—also, go through mock deployment and OMK Ambassadors give speech. This will then be followed by social with all Maryland 17-18 year olds to give Collegiate 4-H more exposure via carnival theme with games. Friday, tours will occur—3 types (Maryland Agricultural tour, D.C. Monument tour, Sports Themed tour). Workshop day will start with business meeting, then workshops (including hands-on things like a robotics competition). Final evening dinner will be at alumni center, breakfast-to-go bags for Sunday. Want to survey collegiate 4-H’ers to see if they want general collegiate 4-H apparel or regional-specific apparel.
§ Website
· Need to contact person who did it before, or people from college to get some help. Casey will contact Jessica Falkenthal so that can get situated.
§ From Communicating & Membership Education Committee: do want to offer opportunities for workshops to 10-year track employees and so have a mixture of some clubs along with other things. Then, they will need help getting people to apply to do a workshop and then narrowing it down.
· Casey will contact Crystal who put together the previous proposal form.
New Business
o Communications w/ Headquarters
§ Partnership w/ NAE4HA-Amanda
· We know that proposal that was submitted to headquarters was “really good” and initial contact was made. Board took it under review during conference call a few weeks ago, but no further response has been received. Amanda sent e-mail to get some feedback so we know what steps need to be next.
§ Strategic Plan Update-Autumn
· Casey: Making it more handbook-like, a workable document. All committee chairs have been contacted to work on their specific part of the handbook. Kelli Jo asked about deadline, and Casey will re-send that to everybody to remind everyone of due dates. Suggested Kelli Jo going through old reports to figure out how many members each club has.
· Autumn: Needs somebody from each committee to go through and develop that portion of the handbook. The organizational section of handbook doesn’t need to exist because it’s no longer a committee. Secretary’s minutes and national clubs are in the handbook but should be separate so that it’s not something that changes a lot from year to year.
· Amanda wanted to be able to have it at next NAE4HA conference (in 2 weeks) so would definitely at least like everything to be done by the next Collegiate 4-H Conference in February 2010. She also suggest have the list of clubs with members in the handbook so that it can be readily given to NAE4HA. Will send e-mail to Susan to get ballpark figure of how many members we have.
§ NAE4HA Proposal-Casey
· Will send it out to everyone so we can look at it and know what was sent.
§ National Community Service Project-Melanie
· In the event that NAE4HA will approve our proposal, we want to work with them on establishing a national project. Melanie has researched a lot and have thought about Habitat for Humanity. Jessica Falkenthal suggested to do something involving youth government and training for advocacy/compiling ideas.
Committee Reports
o Diversity: by Kelli Jo Woodson
§ Nothing new to talk about—just waiting for NAE4HA
§ Need to compare a summarization of committee so ready to go
o Communicating and Membership Education: by Crystal Schauer
§ Working on everything for handbook
§ Workshops for Conference—as spoken about by Amanda in Old Business
o Service: by Melanie Skaggs
§ Working on handbook
o Partnerships: by Autumn Sheridan
§ Getting together handbook and has been working on that diligently.
o Ag Consortium: by Brandon Wilson
§ Didn’t attend conference and hasn’t heard anything new from Crystal
§ Casey will get Crystal will send me update so I can add to minutes
o Advocacy: by Mike Razim
§ Sent out e-mail with a bunch of new information. Next edition of newsletter will be service-focus with descriptions from clubs on the service projects they do. Pictures are also great to have.
§ If anyone wants to do “Club of the Month” for website, they have to send stuff.
o Webteam:
§ Membership update: Ken Peterson & Lindsay Trout
· Need more members, but need people to complete application before they can be voted on
§ Jess reimbursement: $9.99 for web address—guy who normally does it is on sick leave
§ Suggested for Jess to develop training book so somebody could easily take over her spot –concern is that experience is required so that you understand codes and financial accounts
Adjournment by Casey East @ 10:53 pm EST
Saturday, May 09, 2009
NAB May 3, 2009 Meeting Minutes
· Called meeting to order by Casey East @ 9:06pm EST
· Roll Call: Heather Williams
o Present: Kelli Jo Woodson, Autumn Sheridan, Melani Skaggs, Charlotte Jackson, Heather Williams, Ben Brown, Hannah Sanford, Brandon Wilson, Casey East, Mike Razim
o Missing: Aaron Birge, Jessica Falkenthal, Jessica Poole, Amanda Cloughtery, & Crystal Schauer (excused)
· Reading of Minutes: Heather Williams
o No minutes for National Conference meeting—Lisa hasn’t had chance to post them yet but says she will. I will e-mail them to everybody when I get them to avoid conflict. Approval for these minutes will be postponed until next conference call.
o Changes: None
o Approved motion made by: Melanie Skaggs seconded by: Ben Brown, unanimously approved
· Business Manager’s Report: Kelli Jo Woodson
o $4,812 balance
· Committee Reports
o Diversity: by Kelli Jo Woodson
§ Communicated via e-mail and focused on the first item on To Do list and Melanie is working on list of all Indian Universities and list of extension offices and historically-black universities and start contacting them to get them involved—goal is to try to add one per year but want to try to add more per year
§ Some of the dates need to be updated because some goals have not been accomplished in the past 3 years—will work on updating the timeline and then accomplishing those tasks
§ Casey asked how they would go about contacting the offices and Kelli Jo reported that they would use a combination of mail and use telephone but have not discussed that as a committee yet
o Communicating and Membership Education: by Crystal Schauer
§ Creating media through promotional resources for clubs
· PSA’s and flyers
§ Going through strategic plan to help plan out workshops with the Conference committee (i.e., Ben Brown)
· Working on what to do with workshops at National Conference-like doing career prep, club development and healthy lifestyles
§ Casey suggested getting workshop info./applications out earlier than last year to be more effective and make sure things get done in a timely fashion
o Service: by Melanie Skaggs
§ National service projects—getting information out to clubs
· Didn’t get a chance to meet but did notice that they need a publication sent out to the clubs by September 1st according to the Strategic Plan and will probably work with Advocacy in order to accomplish this task
o Partnerships: by Autumn Sheridan
§ Reading through strategic plan and mark stuff that is complete
§ Meeting with Eddy and Ryan
· Hasn’t heard back from them yet, but is working on it—will contact Casey when she has done so
o Ag Consortium: by Brandon Wilson
§ The next board meeting is in August in Kansas City
o Advocacy: by Mike Razim
§ Mike introduced himself and explained what he needs for the newsletter and wants to try to get it back out on a quarterly basis like it is suppose to be. The most important thing he needs from everybody is a bio and picture from each NAB member by May 22nd along with letter from regional presidents, an update on conference, etc. Articles are just information that we want to display in the newsletter.
§ Heather shared idea of showcasing clubs in the quarterly newsletters to increase the amount of material available to use in the newsletters. So, to do this, we can just advertise to all clubs.
o Webteam: ????? We still don’t have anybody!!!
§ Applications—Nacona Canady on behalf of Lindsey Trout from Texas Tech.
· Motion for discussion made by: Kelli Jo Woodson and seconded by: Melanie Skaggs
o Info. on Lindsey: Ag education major and is a Sophomore. Shared that she sounds like a great candidate but didn’t share having web design experience. Mike said web design is really different from what her experience is, so she’d be able to make content to put on the site but not necessarily design the actual site. Casey suggested making her a member of the Webteam and Kelli Jo has agreed since Lindsey has expressed interest, but her lack of knowledge and experience prevents her from being the head of Webteam.
· Motion for vote to make her a member of the Webteam made by: Melanie Skaggs and seconded by: Charlotte Jackson—motion carried and she is now a Webteam member.
§ We really need to stress out to members from all over the need for somebody to take over this project
· Regional Reports
o North East: by Hannah
§ Preparing for conference for next year and doing fundraising in order to make money for conference and lower conference costs, as well as recruit new members for manpower
o North Central: by Charlotte
§ Had two conference calls. Mainly working on recruiting new secretary and put out application for that last week. The second weekend in June, they are having a retreat for officers in Iowa to redo constitution and work on strategic plan, make changes on website, etc. Things are going well and will have next conference call the end of May
o Western:
§ Autumn Sheridan reported that they are just trying to recruit new members
o Southern: by Melanie
§ Just had regional meeting. Have date and price set for Southern Regional Conference. Have new info. from Western Kentucky to be added as a new club. Webmaster is still working on the website
· Old Business
o 2009 NAB Advisor
§ Amanda Cloughtery is new advisor but was unable to make the conference call. Casey wanted her phone number to make sure she was receiving NAB informational e-mails. This way, she can attend next conference call
o The 2010 National Collegiate 4-H Conference
§ Briefing on current planning stage by Ben Brown
· Ben says they’re working on funding, sponsorships. They have set up lodging and accommodations. Casey suggested looking into grants and other arrangements where they can use funding as long as they do particular workshops or meet certain requirements
o Internal Communications
§ Facebook, Yahoo Group, list serv, etc.
· New Business
o What we need to delete from the Collegiate 4-H Strategic Plan
§ None was reported
o What do we need to focus on from the Collegiate 4-H Strategic Plan
§ Kelli Jo reports we need to revamp the Diversity timeline because we haven’t accomplished any of the goals for the past 3 years by perhaps targeting one area and working solely on that. So, Casey suggested that during the next Diversity meeting, they should specify and clarify what things they want to get rid of and what things they want to work on and then report it to everyone else at the next NAB conference call
§ Ben Brown says that should be applied to every committee, so Casey said that for the next month, each committee’s job is to pick apart the Strategic Plan and decide what needs to be removed, changed, or added—committee chairs agreed
· So, Casey suggested that committee chairs can e-mail out what the committee determined so that everybody can read it themselves, think it through, and discuss it during the next conference call so Mike suggested doing everything on googledocs so that we can see the changes being made so Mike will set that up and we will all have to have internet access at the next conference call so that we can do this
o Casey wanted to emphasize that we need to have committee meetings, I will continue to work on posting minutes and we will approve the National Conference minutes at the next Conference Call
· Adjournment by Casey East @ 10:01pm EST
NAB April 1, 2009 Meeting Minutes
· Called meeting to order: Casey East
· Meeting was called to order @: 9:05 pm EST
· Roll Call: Heather Williams
o Present: Kelli Jo Woodson, Brenda Allen, Autumn Sheridan, Melanie Skaggs, Crystal Schauer, Aaron Birge, Heather Williams, Ben Brown, Jessica Falkenthal, Jessica Poole, Brandon Wilson, and Casey East
o Absent: Charlotte Jackson, Hannah Sanford, and Mike Razimkj
o Need to contact NC so that they have a representative on the call (Kelli Jo Woodson will tell them)
o Casey will tell NE team to get a representative on future calls
· Minutes-will call Lisa to contact Heather to tell me how to post minutes
o Save approval of minutes from past 2 meetings at the next conference call (this one and the one @ Conference)
· Business Manager’s report:
o Kelli Jo had contacted Ashley Buford (old BM) to get old report and information for current status so that she could give report
o Current amount should be the same that old BM Ashley Buford proposed at the Conference because nothing else has come out/been spent since then.
· Committee Reports: After this conference call, it is extremely important to make sure that we have committee meetings before the conference calls to make conference calls more efficient. We all need to read the committee responsibilities/purposes online to know what we’re supposed to be doing in our committees.
o Diversity: Kelli Jo Woodson (Melanie and Aaron are other members)
§ Didn’t have meeting
o Communication & Membership Education: Crystal Schauer
§ Wanted to check to see who was suppose to be on committee (Heather, Charlotte, Ben & Brandon)
§ Focus on creating media and promotional resources so we will continue to do so for the local clubs to use for promotion-this can includes radio announcements and media kit (which, as Jessica shared, is already online)
§ Will work with National Conference committee to work on workshop sign-ups, selection, etc.
§ Casey suggested one of this committee serving as Webteam liaison so that we can use the website for promotional purposes
§ Crystal’s suggestion: make it clear what has and has not already been accomplished for those who are new to NAB and Casey reinforced this idea by wanting all NAB members to read the Strategic Plan by our next meeting.
o Service: Melanie Skaggs
§ National service projects
· Need to get info. for those 2 service projects out to everybody
· Kelli Jo suggested something on Facebook that would help committee figure out what they’re doing
§ Want to set up service competition where we keep track of the number of hours each club participates in certain service projects (average hours per member) so we need to develop application to do so. Serves as way to track types of service and hours of service our clubs are doing. If we want to make it an actual award, will have to propose this competition’s addition at the national business meeting.
§ Need to research Access 4-H so we actually know what it is and what we can do with it
o Partnerships: Autumn Sheridan
§ Will work on contacting Eddie to figure out what Headquarters is looking for from us and where we should fit in so that we can be chartered
§ Casey suggested making sure we contact Ryan Smeething who is another resource with headquarters
o Ag Consortium: Crystal Schauer & Brandon Wilson
§ Had board meeting in January, are currently working on promoting ag consortium-board person Jill Young met with marketing company to come up with marketing plan to promote the consortium to all affiliating clubs
§ Crystal is sending Jill an e-mail to tell her about Brandon and how he will be participating as well
o Advocacy: Mike Razim
§ At previous NAB meeting, had no applications turned in but will have Mike come back on and Heather is required to serve due to being Secretary and Kelli Jo wants to be on committee so Mike will be contacting Heather and Kelli Jo soon
§ Mike did turn in application: Motion to appoint him as Advocacy chair made by: Kelli Jo Woodson, Seconded by: Melanie Skaggs, Motion carried.
o Webteam:
§ Jessica explained that there is an application (which needs to be updated) for Webteam and people need to apply!
§ BM and Secretary have an address through which they can access applications submitted
§ Heather will update the application and then send it out to the listserv (go on yahoo group, post something and send to entire group) and Jessica will help with updating numbers
§ Jessica needs officer’s name and position list for each region e-mailed to her in order to update the website
§ Regional presidents need to advertise within region that we need people to serve on Webteam to take over for Jessica
· Regional Reports:
o North East: Hannah Sanford-Crane
o North Central: Charlotte Jackson
§ Had conference call 2 weeks ago, feel like they have a great officer team and it’ll be a great year. Will have a summit in the summer to become more unified as an officer team to be more effective with the strategic plan. Have several website problems and will get that fixed in a few weeks.
o Western:
§ Jessica is new Western regional President-were unable to go to National Conference and haven’t had a regional meeting since then, but will work on getting a meeting soon to get updated
o Southern: Melanie Skaggs
§ Webmaster is redesigning southern region website—and need to relay to her that she should join NAB Webteam
· Old Business:
o 2009 National Collegiate 4-H Conference Review
§ No comments or complaints
o 2009-2010 NAB Advisor
§ Amanda Cloughtery will be new She was a Collegiate 4-H’er at UMD all throughout college and currently works with Maryland’s 4-H Foundation
· New Business:
o Strategic Plan Committee Assignments:
§ We need to mark what we’ve done and what we have not completed so that new NAB members who come on don’t have to worry about what has been completed
§ Therefore, we must read the Strategic Plan by the next meeting so that we can know what needs to be omitted
o 2010 National Collegiate 4-H Conference:
§ Briefing on current planning stage-Ben Brown
· 3rd weekend of February
· Will contact hotel by the end of this month
· Schedule can be rearranged except the national business meeting so that it is after the regional meetings within the schedule
· Casey suggested that Ben work with Crystal and her team for workshop purposes
o Internal Communications:
§ Facebook, Yahoo group, listserv, etc.
· Jessica (Western) is not on yahoo group so Casey will clear this up and add her to the yahoo group
· If people have questions, e-mail or call Casey and she will “walk them through it”
· Use to have facebook group, and Casey will be sending everybody an invitation to join the group
· Casey will send out contact info. to everybody to save (especially for next year’s National Conference). It will also be posted to our yahoo group.
o National 4-H Council:
§ Suggested something that Collegiate 4-H use to have an advisor from the Council but they want a commitment from us to move forward in strengthening the organization and provide a number of active collegiate 4-H members from across the country. A rough estimate from the dues that were paid should have the number of members. Casey will e-mail Ashley Buford’s contact info to Kelli Jo so that she can get those numbers.
o Jessica Falkenthal reported that the National 4-H Council are working up 25 paid internships for website and customer-service related trainings
o Jessica Falkenthal had a successful meeting with about working with them (and will physically be meeting with them soon). We are one of the largest non-profits that have own facebook site ( and Council would like Collegiate 4-H to help by inviting everybody we can.
· Will have next meeting end of April/beginning of May
· Adjournment by Casey East @ 10:02pm EST
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
December/January Meeeting Minutes
Collegiate 4-H National Action Board
Meeting Agenda – Conference Call
I. Call to Order – Casey East – 10:04pm (9:04pm CT, 8:04pm MT, 7:04 PT)
II. Roll Call – Lisa Richardson
a. Northeast – Lisa Richardson
b. North Central – Jessica Falkenthal, Beth Neil (Conference Liaison)
c. West – Absent
d. South – Casey East, Melanie Skaggs
e. Secretary – Lisa Richardson
f. Business Manager – Absent
g. Ag Consortium Liaison – Crystal Schauer
h. Advisor - Absent
i. Absent – Alyssa Ross(Northeast Region), Nocona Canady (Secretary, Southern), Ashley Buford (Business Manager, South), Brenda Allen (Advisor, North Central), Beth Fawcett (Conference Liaison) and Amy Redman (North Central), Mike Razim (Advocacy, North Central), April Mendenhall (West), Autumn Sheridan (West)
III. Changes to and Approval of Minutes from November NAB Meeting
a. Jessica will make minor changes to the minutes and re-post them to the blog.
b. Acceptance of the November minutes will be postponed till the following meeting.
IV. Business Manager’s Report – Ashley Buford
a. Budget
i. The budget for the new year will be available at the next business meeting
ii. Suggestions for the budget can be emailed to Casey and Ashley
b. The National Action Board owes the Agricultural Consortium dues of $150 by February 1st ; There are no late fees, but should be mailed as soon as possible
i. Crystal Schauer will send the bill to the National 4-H Council ATTN: Mr. Sam Plumpter
c. The $200 grant was received by the University of Minnesota
V. Committee Reports – Reports will be discussed at the National Business Meeting
a. Unable to contact Eddy and Ryan.
i. Conference attendance is unknown. Contact attempts will be continued
b. National Business Meeting
i. Come up with a system of organizing this for next year’s NAB, especially service projects.
ii. Will suspend discussion till conference so we can speak about it in person.
iii. Casey will send out an updated email to get suggestions on organizing committees and being prepared for next years.
iv. NAB members can put the suggestions in a Google Doc so that a written document for ideas is available and thus will allow for better discussion.
c. Diversity
i. Decision on deleting this committee will be done at the conference
d. Communication and Membership Education
i. Workshops – update
e. Service
i. Update on 3 National Service Projects for this coming year
f. Partnerships
i. NAE4-HA
ii. National 4-H Headquarters
1. An update is needed from Ryan or Eddy
g. Organizational Affairs
i. Crystal or Jess check with Ryan or Eddy about our Strategic Plan
h. Advocacy
i. Will get information from Mike and present at conference
ii. Hard copy is usually available at the conference
a. Newsletter includes articles from various schools, photos, and fun facts
b. This edition will include NAB bios
2. Will be placed on a projector during the NBM
a. Copy emailed to registered members of conference. Print any hard copy needed.
b. Send out mass email when we get to conference on Wednesday
iii. Report at National Business Meeting
i. Web Team
i. Renewed Web Base
ii. Jessica sent Ashley bill information
1. She will be sent a reimbursement
a. Money is already a part of our budget
j. Ag Consortium
1. January board meeting
a. Took place in Eagan, Minnesota
2. Spoke about the Ag consort Website and introducing as many students and sponsors as possible
a. possible internships for students
3. CHS visit, possible sponsor for next year
4. Next meeting – August 10-11; location TBD
VI. Regional Updates
a. Western Region
i. Representative not available
b. North Central Region
i. Regional Conference held in November.
ii. Constitution update
1. Regional President Elect Amendment accepted
iii. Regional Advisory Team – Auditing officers to make sure they are doing proper job
1. Regional Communications Coordinator – one person from each club
c. Northeast Region
i. Conference held in December at the University of Maryland
1. Discussed many recruitment issues in the Business Meeting
2. Also discussed hosting the conference for 2010
d. Southern Region
i. Currently working with a club in Puerto Rico that wants to begin collegiate 4-H, 3 new clubs joining the Southern Region in addition to this.
ii. Biloxi, MS
iii. Hands on Gulf Coast – Community Service Project
iv. Mississippi State
1. Hosting regional conference next year
v. Meeting before conference some time
VII. Old Business
a. The 2009 National Collegiate 4-H Conference
i. Current planning stage
1. Deadline passed, Registrations have come in.
2. Sweatshirts instead of t-shirts due to a grant received
3. Workshops – 3 sections of workshops:
a. 1st - 6 clubs that sent in forms
b. 2nd and 3rd: National Mission Mandates
i. Jessica was planning on having extension experts of all of these to present these workshops in the 8 areas for 2nd workshop then for 3rd workshop generate ideas of how to do all of these and present an action plan to be presented at the Nat. Business Meeting (a 2-5 min. update)
1. Economic conflict – National 4-H employees will not be able to come and present a workshop
a. “HOT TOPICS” - but breakout into groups to allow people to hash out Collegiate 4-H ideas for sessions 2
b. Session 3 – Video project to make commercials about 4-H, promos, special to them, inspiring. (National service project and promotion for 4-H)
i. something to bring back to your personal clubs
ii. random bag of props must be used in commercials
iii. Commercials will be viewed at the final banquet.
iv. May present silly awards at banquet; guidelines need to be drafted
2. Same people for sessions 2 and 3
3. Ohio State University will the info to Minnesota
c. NAB members will be the host for one of these, take notes and upload to website and central computer as we are getting USB drives donated
d. Google documents have been sent out to conference organizers to let them know what’s going on.
e. Crystal Schauer will do an Ag consort workshop for session 1
4. NAB will arrive a day early to organize everything at least by 3pm and the tentative start time to our meeting will be 5pm
VIII. New Business
a. National Conference
i. National Business Meeting
1. Need projector and screen, microphone, surge protector, podium, flags (American and 4-H flag – also at banquets)
2. 8 members registered for Wednesday Night
3. Door Prize!!! TRADE ITEMS!! Bring what you can.
ii. National Dues – More than 10 - $50, Less than 10 - $5 per person, $5 individual people. Need a copy of Club Establishment Guidelines which is available on the national website
iii. Yearly Awards
1. Clubs required to hand in copies before the conference starts so that NAB can read them before we get there.
2. Regions have in selection by Feb 10th; to NAB by Feb 15th for consideration; Awards during regional meetings
iv. Scrapbook done at Conference
b. Interim Secretary
c. Jessica Falkenthal moved to have Lisa Richardson become the Interim Secretary for the National Action Board.
i. Motion was seconded by Melanie Skaggs
ii. None opposed, Motion passed
IX. Adjournment – 11:54pm EST (10:54pm CT, 9:54pm MT, 8:54 PT)
a. Feb 16th will be next tentative meeting date