NAB Meeting Minutes 11/25/09
• Call to order-@ 4: 05 pm by Casey East
• Roll Call-Heather Williams
o Present: Melanie, Heather, Casey, Mike, Amanda, Ben
o Absent: Kelli, Autumn, Charlotte, Hannah, Jessica F., Brandon, Crystal (excused), Aaron, Jessica P. (excused)
• Changes to/Approval of minutes from October meeting
o No changes
o Approval motion made by: Melanie seconded by: No second, so approval was postponed until next meeting when everybody can look over minutes
• Business Manager’s Report (stands as is since Kelli Jo wasn’t present)
o Current balance: $4,812.00
o Any additions or deductions?
• Regional Reports
o Northeast: by Amanda-working on national conference; having regional conference in Delaware in January
o Northcentral: by –Had regional meeting, elected new regional officers, next year’s will be hosted by Iowa State. South Dakota State was club of year for region
o Western: no representation or report
o Southern: by Melanie-Had regional meeting, bagged 27,000 pounds of sweet potatoes for food bank, have new system for proposals for hosting/attending meetings
• Old Business
o 2010 National Collegiate 4-H Conference
Briefing on current planning stage: by Amanda—we have to get out all the forms to the clubs w/ due dates, sent out call for proposals for workshops and have received some and are accepting a few late ones (some from clubs, youth, volunteers, extension employees, etc.) Already sent out registration forms, trying to get it into typeable form. Casey asked if possible to extend first deadline so people who are done with club meetings have opportunity to register. So, Amanda asks that she at least have specific numbers then to finalize plans.
• Thursday night of conference, will have 17-18 year olds of Maryland 4-H to interact w/ Collegiate members during service project and dinner to learn about Collegiate 4-H and college, in general
• Casey asked for Registration table to have 2 spots set up for NAB Business Manager and Secretary to take up club dues and registration
Website-Ben will e-mail Jessica about getting stuff up online
Regional Presidents-informing all clubs
• New Business
o Communications with Headquarters
Partnership w/ NAE4HA by Amanda: been working with Susan and Karen, but having difficult time getting all pieces together.
Strategic Plan update by Mike: committee chairs were suppose to revise their sections
NAE4HA proposal-sent to NAB
National Community Service Project-Melanie
• Committee Reports
o Partnerships: By Autumn Sheridan: Mike is putting it together and committees are preparing sections; organizations no longer need to exist, secretary’s minutes and club listing should be separated (if not for Oct. NAE4HA, then for conference). Include URL instead of list of clubs
o Ag Consortium: by Crystal Schauer/Brandon Wilson-no recent meetings
o Advocacy: by Mike Razim
Sent e-mail w/ information needed from everybody. Prefer it by Dec. 5
Next edition will be service-focused—send descriptions and pics of service projects. Any club is welcome.
Put something about nationals in new edition!
o Webteam:
Membership update
Mike’s idea: combine Advocacy and Webteam into Communications director. Each region nominate people, they’re interviewed and selected @ conference, and a team would be developed
• Amendment needs to be made to constitution for this to happen, Casey will check to see how to go about doing this
• Adjournment: @4:34pm by Casey East
Sunday, November 29, 2009
August Meeting Minutes
Collegiate 4-H National Action Board
Meeting Agenda – Conference Call
July 12, 2009
I. Call to order – Casey East 10:05 EST
II. Roll Call – Interim Secretary: Melanie Skaggs
Present: Casey East, Kelli Jo Woodson, Ben Brown, Charolotte Jackson, Mike Razim, Amanda Clougherty, Autum Sheridan, Jessica Falkenthal, Aaron Birge
Excused: Crystal Schauer. Heather Williams
III. Changes to and Approval of minutes for April, May, June, and National Conference
April: Ben motion to approve min for, second Aaron, Motion passes
May: Aaron moved to approve, Autumn second, Motion passes
June minutes haven’t been posted yet, because Heather doesn’t have internet access. Minutes will be approved at the next meeting.
Nat’l Congress: Ben moved to accept minutes, Aaron second. Minutes from Nat’l conf approved.
IV. Business Manager’s Report – Kelly Jo Woodson
a. Current balance - $4,812
b. Deposits from Conference - $1,120
c. Any changes
No changes at this time to the current balance. No anticipated expenses.
V. Committee Reports
a. Diversity – Kelly Jo Woodson
i. Update
ii. Goals for the month
Met June 12. Goals for this month are dependent on changes and eliminations to the strategic plan.
b. Communication and Membership Education – Crystal Schauer
i. Update
ii. Workshops for Conference
iii. Goals for the month
Crystal was unable to attend and the committee will be meeting next week.
c. Service – Melanie Skaggs
i. Update
ii. Goals for the month
iii. the national service projects – getting information out to the clubs by Sept.
Met Wednesday. Working on getting information for the publication information for other clubs. Need help getting information on Access 4-H, Jessica F. will be sending information. Information will be sent out in the next newsletter.
d. Partnerships – Autumn Sheridan
i. NAE4HA: Karen
ii. National 4-H Headquarters
Eddie said that Nat’l headquarters was meeting about all organizations using Nat’l 4-H; still waiting to hear back from him. Also emailed Karen and waiting on a reply.
e. Ag Consortium – Crystal Schauer
Crystal and Brandon were not on the call. Conference in KC in a couple months. Reported by Kelli Jo.
f. Advocacy – Mike Razim
i. First Quarterly Newsletter
Mike sent out a rough draft of the newsletter before meeting. Needs welcome from Casey and updates from NE and W Regions.
Jessica did create Collegiate 4-H page on Facebook to be utilized for posting information by committees and such.
g. Webteam
i. Membership update: Lindsay Trout, ???
Meeting scheduled for next two weeks. Stephanie from Nebraska hasn’t gotten her application in. They are working on redoing the website in the next month.
Website needs $9.99 for renewing the address to Jessica. The Facebook page needs 100 members to get an access to a Facebook address. Polling can also be done on the discussion boards or on the wall for NAB to get the opinion of other members.
VI. Regional Reports
a. North East – Hannah
Ben: North East has a new club. Cornell is going to try and get involved.
b. North Central – Charlotte
Had the officer retreat and will be having a meeting to work on the NC strategic plan to incorporate NAB strategic plan into their own. Conference will be held in SD.
c. Western – Jessica
Jessica Poole was not on the call. Autumn gave the report. Conference will be in Oregon in October. Working on upping member numbers.
d. Southern – Melanie
Southern Region conference will be in Starksville, MS Nov 20-22. Southern Region will be moving the website, because Geocitites will be shutting down.
VII. Old Business
a. 2009 NAB Advisor: Amanda Clougherty
i. Contact number: 410-310-7966
ii. Email
Also on Facebook. Please no random phone calls.
b. The 2010 National Collegiate 4-H Conference
i. Briefing on current planning stage – Ben Brown
No real change in planning. Still searching for sponsors and will be creating a facebook event for everyone to invite their friends.
c. Strategic Plan
i. Google Doc: take this into your committee meeting
Diversity: With internal issues, the specific completion date for the 5 new clubs. Concerned with recruiting new clubs with no good definition of our clubs.
Amanda: don’t need to try and put an official date on stuff until we know more. Hoping to use this work for further development
Table old business until after new business
VIII. New Business
a. Amanda’s Conference with Headquarters
Appreciative of the C4-H efforts, if feel like stepping on toes please let her know.
Conference call July 6, Jeff Howard, Eddie, Ryan Smeezing, Susan interim Nat’l 4-h program leader. With the purpose of get a better understanding for NAB for C4-H is. There is going to be a conference call with Eddie, Ryan, Amanda, July 27, 29, 30. Opportunity to have a discussion for them to better understand our position and to better understand their position. The Nat’l 4-H leadership believe the primary strength is between the clubs and the state offices. There is a need to find what a national organization is going to look at. Changes across the entire 4-H program. Nat’l headquarters is trying to work with hundreds of orgs. They are trying to put into writing on how to use emblem, etc. NO nat’l staff for National –C4-H. Nat’l 4-H headquarters will be strongly influencing an addition of student/young professional to be apart of NAE4-HA as a subgroup. Could provide better opportunities. Goal to have conference call at end of July and end of Aug, beg sept get list of what is required to use nat’l emblem for nat’l event and work on NAE4-HA. Communications need to filtered through Amanda to headquarters and Casey to get a concise and clear message from us. Lauren Ledbetter (UGA), Amanda, and Jeff very committed to get Collegiate 4-H a direction.
People involved in conference call will be notified by the end of the week. These people need to have notes about challenges and successes and goals in Strategic plan. Since Nat’l hasn’t finalized their policy for Nat’l events, we would like to help get then a clear picture of what is going on for C4-H.
Moved back to the Strategic plan.
Strategic Plan
Diversity cont.
Skip Kelli Jo got kicked off
Communitcation and Membership Ed: No changes yet.
Diversity: Increasing diversity of membership. Like this idea
Increase youth urban projects. Was added to club of the year form. Believe that clubs are documenting information on Club of the Year form. Either want to just reach urban youth or make it more general.
Bringing a diversity activity to Nat’l conf. What is the definition of Diversity? What would be considered diversity activity?
Amanda: Need to follow the definition of Diversity as given by USDA and followed by 4-H programs.
Kelli Jo will search USDA to find their definition.
Amanda suggested to ask State Office.
Service: Melanie: have accomplished establishing a national service project of interest. Would like to add that information be distributed with the National newsletter.
Aaron talked to Antwoine for a national service project week.
Amanda suggested we pick a date during National 4-H week.
Maybe try and put the database for service and diversity together.
Service grant has already been put into the budget.
Partnerships: Autumn: everything needed will happen at the conference call at the end of the month.
Advocacy: Mike: The biggest problem right now is getting people to be apart of the Advocacy Team. Terminology about Nat’l Collegiate 4-H week needs to be taken out. Should be promoting resources from Nat’l 4-H. They have accomplished sending out newsletters and putting out an idea sheet for Nat’l 4-H week. There for clubs to contact, but no one does.
Webteam: Jessica F. Webteam has completed everything listed except for the databases for Diversity and Service Committees. Waiting on the other committees to figure out how there were going to increase participation before acting on this project.
IX. Adjournment 11:16pm EST
Meeting Agenda – Conference Call
July 12, 2009
I. Call to order – Casey East 10:05 EST
II. Roll Call – Interim Secretary: Melanie Skaggs
Present: Casey East, Kelli Jo Woodson, Ben Brown, Charolotte Jackson, Mike Razim, Amanda Clougherty, Autum Sheridan, Jessica Falkenthal, Aaron Birge
Excused: Crystal Schauer. Heather Williams
III. Changes to and Approval of minutes for April, May, June, and National Conference
April: Ben motion to approve min for, second Aaron, Motion passes
May: Aaron moved to approve, Autumn second, Motion passes
June minutes haven’t been posted yet, because Heather doesn’t have internet access. Minutes will be approved at the next meeting.
Nat’l Congress: Ben moved to accept minutes, Aaron second. Minutes from Nat’l conf approved.
IV. Business Manager’s Report – Kelly Jo Woodson
a. Current balance - $4,812
b. Deposits from Conference - $1,120
c. Any changes
No changes at this time to the current balance. No anticipated expenses.
V. Committee Reports
a. Diversity – Kelly Jo Woodson
i. Update
ii. Goals for the month
Met June 12. Goals for this month are dependent on changes and eliminations to the strategic plan.
b. Communication and Membership Education – Crystal Schauer
i. Update
ii. Workshops for Conference
iii. Goals for the month
Crystal was unable to attend and the committee will be meeting next week.
c. Service – Melanie Skaggs
i. Update
ii. Goals for the month
iii. the national service projects – getting information out to the clubs by Sept.
Met Wednesday. Working on getting information for the publication information for other clubs. Need help getting information on Access 4-H, Jessica F. will be sending information. Information will be sent out in the next newsletter.
d. Partnerships – Autumn Sheridan
i. NAE4HA: Karen
ii. National 4-H Headquarters
Eddie said that Nat’l headquarters was meeting about all organizations using Nat’l 4-H; still waiting to hear back from him. Also emailed Karen and waiting on a reply.
e. Ag Consortium – Crystal Schauer
Crystal and Brandon were not on the call. Conference in KC in a couple months. Reported by Kelli Jo.
f. Advocacy – Mike Razim
i. First Quarterly Newsletter
Mike sent out a rough draft of the newsletter before meeting. Needs welcome from Casey and updates from NE and W Regions.
Jessica did create Collegiate 4-H page on Facebook to be utilized for posting information by committees and such.
g. Webteam
i. Membership update: Lindsay Trout, ???
Meeting scheduled for next two weeks. Stephanie from Nebraska hasn’t gotten her application in. They are working on redoing the website in the next month.
Website needs $9.99 for renewing the address to Jessica. The Facebook page needs 100 members to get an access to a Facebook address. Polling can also be done on the discussion boards or on the wall for NAB to get the opinion of other members.
VI. Regional Reports
a. North East – Hannah
Ben: North East has a new club. Cornell is going to try and get involved.
b. North Central – Charlotte
Had the officer retreat and will be having a meeting to work on the NC strategic plan to incorporate NAB strategic plan into their own. Conference will be held in SD.
c. Western – Jessica
Jessica Poole was not on the call. Autumn gave the report. Conference will be in Oregon in October. Working on upping member numbers.
d. Southern – Melanie
Southern Region conference will be in Starksville, MS Nov 20-22. Southern Region will be moving the website, because Geocitites will be shutting down.
VII. Old Business
a. 2009 NAB Advisor: Amanda Clougherty
i. Contact number: 410-310-7966
ii. Email
Also on Facebook. Please no random phone calls.
b. The 2010 National Collegiate 4-H Conference
i. Briefing on current planning stage – Ben Brown
No real change in planning. Still searching for sponsors and will be creating a facebook event for everyone to invite their friends.
c. Strategic Plan
i. Google Doc: take this into your committee meeting
Diversity: With internal issues, the specific completion date for the 5 new clubs. Concerned with recruiting new clubs with no good definition of our clubs.
Amanda: don’t need to try and put an official date on stuff until we know more. Hoping to use this work for further development
Table old business until after new business
VIII. New Business
a. Amanda’s Conference with Headquarters
Appreciative of the C4-H efforts, if feel like stepping on toes please let her know.
Conference call July 6, Jeff Howard, Eddie, Ryan Smeezing, Susan interim Nat’l 4-h program leader. With the purpose of get a better understanding for NAB for C4-H is. There is going to be a conference call with Eddie, Ryan, Amanda, July 27, 29, 30. Opportunity to have a discussion for them to better understand our position and to better understand their position. The Nat’l 4-H leadership believe the primary strength is between the clubs and the state offices. There is a need to find what a national organization is going to look at. Changes across the entire 4-H program. Nat’l headquarters is trying to work with hundreds of orgs. They are trying to put into writing on how to use emblem, etc. NO nat’l staff for National –C4-H. Nat’l 4-H headquarters will be strongly influencing an addition of student/young professional to be apart of NAE4-HA as a subgroup. Could provide better opportunities. Goal to have conference call at end of July and end of Aug, beg sept get list of what is required to use nat’l emblem for nat’l event and work on NAE4-HA. Communications need to filtered through Amanda to headquarters and Casey to get a concise and clear message from us. Lauren Ledbetter (UGA), Amanda, and Jeff very committed to get Collegiate 4-H a direction.
People involved in conference call will be notified by the end of the week. These people need to have notes about challenges and successes and goals in Strategic plan. Since Nat’l hasn’t finalized their policy for Nat’l events, we would like to help get then a clear picture of what is going on for C4-H.
Moved back to the Strategic plan.
Strategic Plan
Diversity cont.
Skip Kelli Jo got kicked off
Communitcation and Membership Ed: No changes yet.
Diversity: Increasing diversity of membership. Like this idea
Increase youth urban projects. Was added to club of the year form. Believe that clubs are documenting information on Club of the Year form. Either want to just reach urban youth or make it more general.
Bringing a diversity activity to Nat’l conf. What is the definition of Diversity? What would be considered diversity activity?
Amanda: Need to follow the definition of Diversity as given by USDA and followed by 4-H programs.
Kelli Jo will search USDA to find their definition.
Amanda suggested to ask State Office.
Service: Melanie: have accomplished establishing a national service project of interest. Would like to add that information be distributed with the National newsletter.
Aaron talked to Antwoine for a national service project week.
Amanda suggested we pick a date during National 4-H week.
Maybe try and put the database for service and diversity together.
Service grant has already been put into the budget.
Partnerships: Autumn: everything needed will happen at the conference call at the end of the month.
Advocacy: Mike: The biggest problem right now is getting people to be apart of the Advocacy Team. Terminology about Nat’l Collegiate 4-H week needs to be taken out. Should be promoting resources from Nat’l 4-H. They have accomplished sending out newsletters and putting out an idea sheet for Nat’l 4-H week. There for clubs to contact, but no one does.
Webteam: Jessica F. Webteam has completed everything listed except for the databases for Diversity and Service Committees. Waiting on the other committees to figure out how there were going to increase participation before acting on this project.
IX. Adjournment 11:16pm EST
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