Saturday, December 31, 2005

December 22, 2005 NAB Meeting

NAB Meeting

December 22, 2005

Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the ninth meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at 9:05 PM (CST) over a teleconference. NAB Board members that weren’t present for the meeting were Sommer McConihay (Northeastern Region President), Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager), David Hartley (Reference Liaison), and Shane Sheridan (Western Region President) who was replaced by April Mendenhall.

The first officer report was from Val Krumm (NAB Secretary). The secretary minutes were approved as posted on the NAB Blog (

Next Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region President) gave the Task Force update. The Task Force wants to make a proposal to present to this year’s National Conference delegation, and in order to finish the proposal the Task Force would like to meet in person. There ended up being some confusion on money that was going to be granted, so now the Task Force is down to three options: number 1 – go without the in person gathering which would probably lead to a report not as thorough as it could be, number 2 – continue to have a in person gathering but have the Task Force take care of finances all on their own, or number 3 – have the in person gathering after Columbus and eventually present proposal in 2007. Voorhies explained each of these options to NAB very thoroughly, because the Task Force wanted NAB’s opinion. Voorhies and the rest of NAB discussed every option for an extended period of time. Kyle Fogt (Conference Coordinator) moved for the Task Force to conduct a teleconference to create a proposal to be presented at the 2006 National Conference in Columbus by February 15, 2006. Sarah Leidheiser (Conference Coordinator) seconded, and the motion was passed. Other Task Force news included that they had received reports from every region’s listening session except the Western region. Also, Byron Garrett is officially the NAB USDA liaison. NAB will be inviting him to all meetings and functions here on out.

Next, Krumm gave an Advocacy Team update. She went over what was discussed at the last Advocacy Team meeting. The team would like to construct a pamphlet to be available at Columbus. Also, they would like to promote the national service project. Fogt and Leidheiser brought up that money could possibly come from the National Conference budget to cover the costs of publishing the pamphlets. Krumm emailed out an example pamphlet which member, Samantha Ephgrave, made; NAB members are suppose to email suggestions on the pamphlet back to Krumm. Krumm will make a budget for the Advocacy Team by the next meeting.

Voorhies then gave an update on the Web Team. They haven’t been able to meet yet, but Voorhies emailed them this past week to determine a time and date for a teleconference or echat. They will be brainstorming a design for the website and are hoping that at the National Conference in Columbus delegates will be able to view the website. Voorhies will make a budget for the Web Team by the next meeting.

Fogt and Leidheiser next gave a National Conference update. They reminded everyone that registrations and a schedule are posted on the National Conference website ( When NAB members have their travel plans determined they need to let Fogt and Leidheiser know. It was discussed that it would be a good thing to have a discussion schedule created for each time NAB is able to meet during the conference.

The first item of new business was the National Service project. The idea of this is that Collegiate 4-H picks a "National Service Project of Emphasis" every 3 years. The last one was adopted at the 2003 conference in Dallas and it involved "Cleaning up and Helping out." This project was where all clubs across the nation were suppose to do some kind of work to better their community in terms of "cleaning up" or work with Habitat for Humanity. This year a new National Service project is suppose to be selected. NAB decided to open up this responsibility to any school that would like to take responsibility. It’d be that school’s job to create and promote their service project. This is part of the Collegiate 4-H constitution. Typically in the past it was the conference club that was responsible, but this year it will be open to any school. Krumm will create an application for the National Service project and then email it out to NAB for an email vote. The application will be made available January 9th, 2006 and will be due the week before national conference.

Voorhies next explained an email that he sent out about the Collegiate Ag Organization meeting in Gainesville, Florida January 11-13, 2006. This conference would like a representative from Collegiate 4-H to attend. NAB voted for Voorhies to attend.

Next, Krumm brought up the National newsletter. She wanted suggestions. Discussion led to having the Advocacy Team help creating this year’s newsletter.

Lastly, the national club of the year, new club and scrapbook applications are on the Collegiate 4-H webpage and will also soon be posted on the National Conference website.

The next NAB meeting will be Monday, January 16th at 8PM CST via teleconference.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:50PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Krumm

NAB Secretary

Thursday, December 22, 2005

November 13, 2005 NAB Meeting

NAB Meeting

November 13, 2005

Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the eighth meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at 8:00 PM (CST) over a teleconference. NAB Board members that weren’t present for the meeting were Sommer McConihay (Northeastern Region President) and Shane Sheridan (Western Region President) who was replaced by April Mendenhall.

First item of business was officer reports. There was no secretary’s report taken at the last meeting. Val Krumm (NAB Secretary) was unable to attend the October 13th, 2005 meeting. Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager) reported that the balance was the same as at the past meeting at $1,215.66.

Next, each region gave an update and reported on their regional conferences. David Hartley (Reference Liaison) reported for the Northeast Region. Hartley said that their regional conference was hosted by Cornell. Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region President) reported for the Southern Region. Voorhies said that their regional conference was hosted by Oklahoma State University. Also, the Southern Region officers selected the location of the 2007 National Collegiate 4-H Conference. The 2007 National Conference will be hosted by Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisisana. Sarah Leidheiser (Conference Coordinator) reported for the North Central Region. Leidheiser said that their regional conference was hosted by Kansas State University. Mendenhall reported that the Western Region would be electing new officers in December through email and a conference call. Each report commented on what happened during each regional conference and commented on what was discussed during each Task Force’s listening sessions.

Next, NAB was given a Task Force update from Hartley and Voorhies. They commented on how the set up for the national conference delegate orientation was going well. Also, they said that they are still looking for a representative from the Western Region, and Tina Hersch from the North Central region hasn’t been attending meetings for a while. Currently the Task Force is looking for a time and place to hold a face to face meeting to create their final report.

Next was a Web Team update from Voorhies.  The members of the first annual Web
Team are Antoine Jefferson (
Louisiana State University), Justin McConaghy
Oklahoma State University), and Cindy Sperry (UC Davis). They will be holding
their first meeting in the near future.

Then there was an Advocacy Team update from Krumm. Krumm sent all of the applications from all the candidates through email to all of NAB. Voorhies moved to accept both Mary Baughman (Ohio State University) and Samantha Ephgrave (Oklahoma State University) as members of the first Advocacy Team; Leidheiser seconded. Motion passed. Then NAB discussed the first actions of the Advocacy Team. The Advocacy Team will decide what they would like to accomplish first and then will run their ideas through NAB. One suggestion from Hartley was that the Advocacy Team should make templates of brochures for display at the National Conference, and then the delegation could decide what the final brochure would be.

The last update was about the National Conference from Kyle Fogt (Conference Coordinator) and Leidheiser. They told NAB that National Conference registrations and schedule would be online November 15th. Registrations are due January 15th and late registrations will be due February 5th. The cost of this year’s conference is $210 and $235 respectively. Fogt moved to have NAB come to the National Conference Wednesday, February 22. Voorhies seconded and the motion passed. All NAB members are suppose to arrive in Columbus as soon as they can on that Wednesday. At the next NAB meeting everyone will discuss the number of rooms needed on that Wednesday and everyone’s arrival information. Voorhies moved for NAB to take care of the cost of a couple of rooms on that Wednesday. Leidheiser seconded and motion passed.

Next in new business NAB reviewed one Leadership Grant request. Louisisana State University put in a request of up to $400 for travel expenses for a member or group of Oklahoma State University students to put on a weekend long workshop on fundraising, sponsorship, and grant seeking to aid the LSU club in hosting the 2007 National Conference. Fogt moved to moved to accept the request for travel expenses up to $400 for LSU. Leidheiser seconded and the motion passed.

The next NAB meeting will be Thursday, December 22nd at 9PM CST via teleconference.

Leidheiser moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:15PM and Voorhies seconded. Motion passed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Krumm

NAB Secretary

Friday, October 07, 2005

National Collegiate 4-H Advocacy Team

The Collegiate 4-H National Action Board is looking for talented Collegiate 4-H members to serve on a National Collegiate 4-H Advocacy Team.

The application, structure, and selection process are outlined in the following two documents:
Structure & Selection (Word)
Application (Word)

The deadline to apply is November 1, 2005.

Please share this with any Collegiate 4-H member who may be interested.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Email Vote

The Advocacy Team email vote that ended on Sunday, September 18th at Midnight was approved. All NAB members should make the Advocacy Team applications and outlines avaiable to their regions.
Val Krumm

September 13, 2005 NAB Meeting

NAB Meeting

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region President) called the sixth meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at 8:10 PM (CST) over a teleconference. NAB Board members that weren’t present for the meeting were Sommer McConihay (Northeastern Region President) and Shane Sheridan (Western Region President) who was replaced by Steven Worker from University of CaliforniaDavis. Sarah Leidheiser (Conference Coordinator), Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair), and Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager) joined the meeting while it was in progress. Byron Garrett from USDA also attended the meeting.

The secretary’s report was the first item of business. Voorhies moved to approve the minutes as posted on the NAB blog and Kyle Fogt (Conference Coordinator) seconded; motion passed.

Next, David Hartley (Reference Liaison) gave an update on the Task Force. A couple of weeks previous to the NAB meeting the Task Force met. The group went through the guide that they are planning on sending to all of the regional conferences for their listening sessions. Hartley also explained that the Task Force has set up a website and a message board. The Task Force is hoping for a lot of discussion on the message board. As an incentive for discussing on the board the Task Force will be giving away an ipod shuffle. The Task Force is also planning on giving away random prizes. The message board is located at: The Task Force is also setting up a website at Both Hartley and Voorhies said that the Task Force meetings are going well, but they are still minus one Western Region member. The next Task Force meeting will be October 2nd.

Voorhies let the group know that he is setting up a mailing list of all the Collegiate 4-H clubs across the nation. So far there are 69 clubs; this number is not including the Western Region which he is still adding to the list.

Next, Fogt informed the group that National Conference proposals for workshops are available online. They will be due October 14th. He also said that registrations should on the National Conference website around regional conference times. The 2006 National Collegiate 4-H Conference in Columbus, Ohio’s website is located at:

There were no Web Team applications turned in at the time of the meeting according to Voorhies. He did comment that a couple of individuals had asked some questions about the team. Fogt suggested that hard copies of the applications be available at all of the regional conference. Discussion then started about moving the due date back if not many applicants had sent in their forms by the due date of September 15th. Voorhies moved that if there are less than four applicants by September 15th that the due date will be moved to November 1st. Then the team will be announced shortly after by November 6th. Fogt seconded. The motion was approved. Worker made note that his vote was an extension. Next discussed concerning the Web Team was who was going to be the NAB liaison. Fogt nominated Voorhies to be the NAB liaison for the Web Team; Voorhies accepted.

The next item of business was the Advocacy Team. Sheridan told Worker and Bolte that the application and guidelines that were sent out earlier to NAB were good. These applications will be sent out for approval. The group then discussed due dates for applications. A deadline of November 1st will be set for the Advocacy Team applications pending on the vote of approval of applications by NAB. Voorhies moved that there would be an email vote to be sent to Val Krumm (NAB Secretary) by Sunday, September 18th at Midnight to accept the Advocacy Team applications and outlines; Fogt seconded. Motion was approved. The Advocacy Team will use the same structure as the Web Team and Krumm will be the NAB liaison.

Goebel then joined the meeting and gave the Business Manager report. Currently NAB has $1500 in their account. It was passed that the money asked by the Task Force for their budget be given to them.

Fogt informed the group that Oct 29 – Nov 4 the NAE4-HA Conference (National Association of Extension 4-H Agents) will be held in Seattle, Washington. He talked about the conference and also said that he thought that the conference would be a good way to promote Collegiate 4-H. Fogt is planning on being at the conference and said he’d be willing to set up a booth. He is planning on emailing Cathann Kress to see if he can get a booth set up and to see if he can get some handouts for the booth.

Hartley made a recommendation to NAB to make sure that there would be some kind of orientation to tell what USDA and Collegiate 4-H can do together. Garrett is new to the program and Hartley thought it’d be a good idea to have an USDA employee assigned to the Collegiate 4-H organization. Bolte said he’d get in touch and follow up with Garrett. There were a couple other USDA employee names that were brought up also to be talked to about becoming a national advisor.

The next NAB meeting will be Thursday, October 13th at 8PM CST via teleconference.

There is a new listserv for NAB. It is:

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30PM CST.

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Krumm

NAB Secretary

Sunday, September 04, 2005

August 25, 2005 NAB Meeting

NAB Meeting

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the fifth meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at 9:10 PM (CST) over a teleconference. NAB Board members that weren’t present for the meeting were David Hartley (Reference Liaison), Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager) and Sommer McConihay (Northeastern Region President).. The task force made an outline of items of business they’d like to accomplish for the year. One of those items is to have regional listening sessions. At these listening sessions at least one Task Force member will be present. The Task Force is currently working on questions for the sessions. All notes from each region’s listening session will be given to the Task Force.

The Task Force also worked on a budget to be worked on through NAB. The Task Force
is requesting $241 from NAB for materials such as announcements and a message board website
. The message board will be set up on the Task Force’s website at The Task Force also recommended that NAB hold a new member and delegate voting session held 23 hours in advance before the business meeting that would last around an hour and a half. This would let those delegates voting know what will be addressed at the meeting as well as let new members learn what goes on and how a national business meeting is done. Kyle Fogt (Conference Coordinator) thought this would be a good idea to incorporate into the regional meetings, that way the region can address the issues together. Bolte suggested that the regions should be given agendas for the Task Force events and issues for regional conferences.

The first item of old business was over the Advocacy Team. Shane Sheridan (Western Region President) said that applications will be made available soon. An email vote will be conducted to approve the application.

Next, Fogt discussed N4-HYDC. He went over the sheet he sent out earlier to all NAB members. There will be issues of youth and governance discussed for two of the four workshops that National Conference delegates will attend. There will be professionals from Ohio that will be aiding to the workshops. Also, Fogt informed NAB members that on the National Conference website ( there are proposals that Collegiate 4-H members can complete for presenting a workshop at conference. Proposals are due October 14th.

Voorhies next talked about club establishment. He will graph out an email which will be sent to all clubs explaining how all clubs will be asked to fill out papers as if they were new clubs. Voorhies will work on this email with Goebel.

The next item of business discussed was the Web Team. Voorhies has not received any applications yet. Web Team applications are due September 15th. All NAB members are to let their regions know of this opportunity along with the Advocacy Team. If there are not many applications turned in by the initial date, the date may be extended along with the Advocacy Team due date.

To finish up old business, Sheridan moved to approve the Task Force funds; Voorhies second. Motion was approved.

The first item of new business was Fogt informing NAB that the National Conference website is up. The Ohio State University conference planning committee will keep updates on it frequently. The website is

Next, Regional Conference dates were announced. Bolte said that the North Central Regional Conference will be hosted by Kansas State University October 14th – 16th, and the cost is at $85. Sheridan said that the Western Regional Conference will be hosted by Colorado State University October 20th – 23rd, and the cost is at $130. Voorhies said that the Southern Regional Conference will be hosted by Oklahoma State University November 17th – 20th and he knew that the Northeastern Regional Conference will be hosted by Cornell University.

The next NAB meeting will be Tuesday, September 13, 2005 at 8PM (CST) through the same teleconference number used for this meeting. Any NAB members that need to be, will be, reimbursed for long distance purchases.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:50PM (CST).

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Krumm

NAB Secretary

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

July 10, 2005 NAB Meeting

NAB Meeting

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region President) called the fourth meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at 12:10 PM (CST) over a teleconference. Voorhies was appointed chair by Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) for this meeting, as well as, Val Krumm (NAB Secretary) was granted voting privileges to replace Bolte’s during the June meeting; Bolte was out of the country for the July 10th meeting. Other NAB Board members that weren’t present for the meeting were Sarah Leidheiser (Conference Coordinator) and David Hartley (Reference Liaison); Shane Sheridan (Western Region President) and Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager) joined the meeting after progress and Kyle Fogt (Conference Coordinator) left the meeting early. There was one guest present: Samantha Ephgrave (Oklahoma State.)

The first item of business was officer reports. Sommer McConihay (Northeastern Region President) and Voorhies each talked about state conference taking place in their regions. Voorhies and Ephgrave also informed the group about the Southern Regional Conference which is being hosted by Oklahoma State. The Southern Regional Conference will be held November 17-20, 2005; Ephgrave invited all NAB members to attend. Fogt informed members that the Ohio State University Collegiate 4-H club is busy with National Conference planning such as booking a speaker and working on workshops.

The next item of business was the secretary’s minutes. Krumm moved to approve the minutes as posted on the NAB blog; McConihay seconded. Motion passed.

Old business consisted of a Web Team update from Voorhies. So far Voorhies has not received any applications. Voorhies has worked on having an article to be posted about the team on the USDA website. Applications are posted on the NAB blog at and at The application deadline for the Web Team is September 15, 2005 and applications are to be sent to Voorhies.

New business started with discussion of the Advocacy Team. Ephgrave and Sheridan have been working on the application. Ephgrave said that she planned on sending out the application within the week. She explained that the set up is very similar to the Web Team. The similar structure and format between the two is because it had been said that the teams needed to be equal and the teams should mirror each other. Ephgrave had a few questions to the board about the discussion of portfolio material which was brought up at the June meeting. Discussion was made that portfolio material is not required but is highly looked upon. Ephgrave will send out the Advocacy Team application to all NAB members and then there will be an approval vote through email. Applications will be due on September 15, 2005 and will be sent to Krumm.

Voorhies then reminded Fogt that there should be a couple of hours set aside in the National Conference schedule for interviews. Then talk flowed into orientation meetings for both teams. Ephgrave suggested that orientation meetings for the Web and Advocacy Teams should be later in the night of announcement of the teams or the next morning. All NAB members thought having an orientation meeting was an important item to fit in the schedule. Fogt brought up the idea that meetings could be held at the same time with new and old NAB liaisons at the meetings and then to have the new NAB orientation meeting a half hour or so afterwards.

New business continued with Fogt talking about partnering with N4-HYDC. Fogt said that N4-HYDC is a leadership group of 4-H and he thinks it would be a good opportunity for Collegiate 4-H to partner with the group. It would be a way to show what Collegiate 4-H is all about and it’d be a way to give back. Fogt brought up that he thought it’d be good to incorporate N4-HYDC at the National Conference through personal development workshops. Fogt will send out an information sheet through email to NAB. He would like NAB support on this idea of having workshops about personal development and club development.

Voorhies then brought up the national service project. The national service project is a service project which is completed at a National Conference every three years and then local clubs are suppose to incorporate the national service project with their community service for the next couple of years. The idea is not known very well. This years National Conference is the year of the national service project. Voorhies concluded by saying that the national service project could work with the partnering with N4-HYDC.

Next, Goebel gave the financial report. There is currently $1300 in the account; this is without an outstanding bill to Haley Cook (Iowa State) for $36 of conference expenses and for the first NAB teleconference. Goebel then brought up the NAB leadership grant; he was wondering how it worked. Voorhies explained the NAB leadership grant applications are sent to regional president who then will send them to NAB. Clubs applying ask for a certain amount of money for help with a leadership project and then NAB will decide how much will be awarded depending on the NAB budget. So far no applications have been sent to NAB.

The next item of business was a Task Force update from Voorhies. Voorhies said that Harley and he worked on a proposal which was sent out to the Task Force a couple days previous. Voorhies will send the proposal to NAB who can then reply back to him with ideas to give back to the Task Force.

The final item of business was on club establishment. Voorhies said that on the National website currently there is a set of guidelines for new clubs to follow to be recognized nationally. This was adopted at the Pittsburg National Conference in 2005. There are ten steps for clubs to follow in the first year and three the second year. He then asked if NAB wanted all clubs to now go through these steps because currently there are no records for present clubs. McConihay brought up the university name approval which was a heavily discussed issued at the past National Conference. She brought up that maybe clubs could get a letter of approval from their state extension offices if they did not have university approval. Discussion then moved on to how the NAB Business Manager will keep records. There was then an extensive discussion about the approved club establishment rules.

Sheridan said that he had further information to discuss and he would send it out through email.

The next NAB meeting will be Sunday, August 14, 2005 at 4PM (CST.)

McConihay moved to adjourn the meeting at 1:40PM (CST) and Sheridan seconded. Motion passed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Krumm

NAB Secretary

Friday, July 08, 2005

NAB Business Meeting Agenda for 7/10

The Collegiate 4-H National Action Board will have a meeting via telephone conference on Sunday, July 10. Justin Bolte, NAB Chair, is out of the country and will not be present for this meeting. He has appointed Patrick Voorhies, Southern Region President, to chair the meeting in his absence, and Val Krumm, NAB Secretary, to have his region's voting privileges.

The meeting will take place via telephone conference. Telephone conference information will be e-mailed to officers and invited guests. The meeting will last an hour and a half (at maximum).

The tentative agenda will be as follows:
  • Officer Reports
    All officers present
  • Financial Report
    Derrick Goebel (LSU), Business Manager
  • Old Business
    - Approval of Last Meeting's Minutes
    Val Krumm (Iowa State), Secretary

    Web Team Update
    Patrick Voorhies (LSU), Southern Region
  • New Business
    - Advocacy Team
    Samantha Ephgrave (Oklahoma State), Invited Guest and
    Shane Sheridan (Colorado State), Western Region

    - Partnering with N4-HYDC (item from last meeting)
    Kyle Fogt (Ohio State), Co-Conference Coordinator

    Reflection on Submitted Taskforce Proposal
    David Hartley (WVU), Reference Liaison and
    Patrick Voorhies (LSU), Southern Region

    Club Establishment Guidelines (time permitting)
    Patrick Voorhies (LSU), Southern Region

If you are a Collegiate 4-H member and have business that you would like to bring before the National Action Board, please e-mail your agenda item 24 hours in advance to Patrick Voorhies at

Collegiate 4-H Web Team

Collegiate 4-H is in need of great people to serve on a National Collegiate 4-H Web Team, which will be responsible for establishing and maintaining a National Collegiate 4-H Website. We need your help by passing on this information to people who may be interested in helping out. More information, including details on the selection process and the application, may be found at:

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

June 13, 2005 NAB Meeting

NAB Meeting

Monday, June 13, 2005

Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the third meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at 7:45 PM (CST) over a teleconference. NAB Board members that weren’t present for the meeting were Sommer McConihay (Northeastern Region President), Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager), and Kyle Fogt (Conference Coordinator); Shane Sheridan (Western Region President) joined the meeting shortly after progress. There was one guest present: Samantha Ephgrave (Oklahoma State.)

The first item of business for the meeting was an update of the Task Force from Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region President.) Voorhies talked about how David Hartley (Reference Liaison) and himself had worked on a proposal and were planning on sending it to the Task Force the following day. Voorhies said that the Task Force would discuss the proposal soon and that there were would be more of a Task Force update at the next NAB meeting. Hartley confirmed the report.

The next item that was discussed was the secretary’s report as posted on the NAB blog. Voorhies asked for private to be switched to executive in the minutes. The correction and minutes were then approved. Val Krumm (NAB Secretary) will update the NAB blog with the corrected minutes.

The next item of conversation was the Web Team. Voorhies started by making sure that everyone had received the application and structure & selection process papers he had sent out via email before the meeting. He said that while constructing both items he looked over what NAB had discussed at previous meetings, as well as, he considered ideas from the proposal from University of California at Davis. Voorhies then moved to accept both documents; Sarah Leidheiser (Conference Coordinator) seconded. Sheridan brought up several questions concerning more than one term & reapplying, the Web Team’s input for next year’s group, and Collegiate 4-H involvement. After some discussion on all of these topics Voorhies made a friendly amendment for the selection process that after this initial, first Web Team, selection of the next team will include the two most senior non-returning members voting rights along with NAB. Another friendly amendment made by Voorhies was that in the application for the Web Team there would be another bullet added asking for applicants to elaborate on their previous Collegiate 4-H experiences. Motion passed.

Discussion continued about the Web Team concerning deadlines for this year and the following year. There were a couple different dates that were discussed. The final decision was that this year’s deadline for applications will be September 15, 2005 and the team will be announced October 1, 2005. The following year’s deadline for applications will be February 10, 2006 with decisions for the next Web Team at the National Collegiate 4-H Conference in Columbus, Ohio on February 23, 2006. Voorhies will email the application and structure & selection process information to listservs, regional presidents, and club presidents. Applications will be due to Voorhies by way of email. After the new and first Web Team is chosen NAB will then choose it’s liaison to the group.

The next item of business was the proposal wrote by guest Ephgrave over the Advocacy Team. Ephgrave started the discussion by introducing her rough draft. She brought forth several of her ideas on the team including that the Advocacy and Web Teams should be on the same level and that there should be a similar application format for both teams. Sheridan thought the Advocacy Team should include a working public relations plan along with a goal for the individual and team along with the application. He also added ideas that the Advocacy Team should work with the Web Team and that they should compile local and state information, along with national and regional. Ephgrave pointed out that the Advocacy Team is in a way assisting NAB. The team will build materials for anyone to access. These materials would be standard and would be an overall national representation of the Collegiate 4-H. An overall national picture is an area that Ephgrave believes is lacked in currently. Ephgrave then made points of that she thought the team shouldn’t have leadership positions within it, but make sure that it acts as a team with a liaison for NAB, similar to the Web Team, involved with the group. She brought up the idea that the NAB Secretary would be a good liaison for this team. Discussion then continued with sample work that should be included with the application. Sheridan reinstated his idea about including a portfolio. Ephgrave brought up that she thought the group would be better if it just wasn’t all public relations people; there are several areas of communications that this team will be involved in, so the team needs to be composed of individuals with these different skills. Krumm added that she didn’t think a portfolio was necessary and that the group should shy away from using those direct words. Voorhies concluded with saying that applicants could include an item from their portfolio or they could make something about promoting Collegiate 4-H. Ephgrave added that she wanted to make sure that all members of the team knew what Collegiate 4-H is all about, as well as, making sure members could communicate this information effectively. Advocacy Team discussion then went into representation on the team. Krumm thought that representation should be the same as the Web Team. Voorhies moved for there to be one person from each region, with three at large representatives, with a three person per region maximum for the selection of the Advocacy Team. Leidheiser seconded and the motion was passed. Ephgrave and Sheridan will make an application and structure and selection process sheet and will send it out to NAB before the next meeting.

The next NAB meeting will be Sunday, July 10, 2005 at 2PM (CST.) Bolte will be out of the country, so Voorhies was appointed chair and Krumm will vote in place of Bolte.

The meeting adjourned at 9PM (CST.)

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Krumm

NAB Secretary

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

May 19, 2005 NAB Meeting

NAB Meeting

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the second meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at 7:45 PM (CST) over an AIM chat room. NAB Board members that weren’t present for the meeting were Shane Sheridan (Western Region President), Sommer McConihay (Northeastern Region President), and David Hartley (Reference Liaison.); Jordan Sonnenberg from Colorado State University subbed for Sheridan. The meeting had an open, public session to start off, and then it was followed by an active, executive session. During the open, public session of the meeting guests present were: Jessica Falkenthal (University CaliforniaDavis) and Samantha Ephgrave (Oklahoma State.)

To start off the meeting Bolte reminded everyone that the secretary’s minutes can be found on the NAB blog. Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region President) moved to accept the minutes as posted on the blog; Kyle Fogt (Conference Coordinator) seconded. Motion passed.

The first item up for an open discussion was about the Web Team. Voorhies started by stating that the Web Team was brought up as an idea from last year's NAB; there was a resolution of support that was passed at the 2005 National Conference in Pittsburg that this year's (the 2005-2006) NAB support it's creation. At the last NAB meeting discussion on the Web Team was tabled until regional representatives were able to get feedback from their respective regions. Voorhies told everyone that the Southern Region held a listening session on May 5, 2005. He sent out an overview of the session via email to all of NAB earlier in the week. A group from California sent out thoughts on a few discussion topics via email to NAB earlier in the week too. Voorhies continued by giving a quick overview from the Southern listening session. The Southern region felt that there should be representatives from each region with a maximum of two individuals and a minimum of one. They wanted selection based on knowledge, skills, abilities, sample work, and maybe a phone interview. Guest Falkenthal then talked about the session for the Western Region concerning the Web Team. That session spent a lot of time talking about representation of the group. Falkenthal added that she didn’t think that equal representation was necessary. The entire group then had lots of conversation about having equal representation. Some members of NAB voiced their concerns about having equal representation as being important. Fogt brought up the idea of having one representative from each region and then having three to four at large positions. Then discussion over the Web Team moved on to the total number of individuals on the team. A couple different numbers were brought to attention with reasons. Voorhies then moved for there to be one person from each region, with three at large representatives, with a three person per region maximum for the selection of the Web Team. Fogt seconded. Voting on the motion was halted until the active, executive session. The next discussion over the Web Team was on a NAB liaison position on/from the Web Team. Voorhies brought up the idea. Discussion consisted over having the Web Team choose a representative to serve on NAB, a member of NAB serving on the Web Team, and a Web Team liaison to NAB. Guest Ephgrave reminded members of NAB that there couldn’t be an addition of another NAB member this year due to NAB having a set number of members, and that to make a new liaison to NAB there would need to be a constitutional amendment that could not be passed until February of 2006. Members discussed a “two-way street” information passage for the Web Team/NAB liaison and for the Web Team to be accountable of NAB as important. Bolte said that he noticed that the consensus of the discussion was that a chair needed to be appointed from NAB, by NAB, to report to both groups. It was noted that at least this needed to happen the first year for things to start rolling with the Web Team and that maybe an amendment to the constitution in February could be added for adding a liaison position. Discussion then on the Web Team was completed until the active/executive session.

Next on the agenda was the Task Force. Voorhies said that he talked with Hartley earlier in the day and that Hartley wanted everyone to know that progress was being made slowly but sure. Bolte then said that he too talked with Hartley and that Hartley wanted a couple of ideas brought forth at the meeting for the Task Force to work on. Voorhies said that he’d like to see the Task Force examine the structure and governance of NAB, along with what's working and what’s not working, representation, and measures that need to be taken to ensure the passing of information. Ephgrave added that she’d like to see some historical research done by the group. Falkenthal said that she’d like to see the Task Force look at what the real idea of what Collegiate 4-H is and how Collegiate 4-H can ensure its survival along with what the group can be doing not only for the group but for our society. She also added that whatever the Task Force finds needs to be visible. Fogt added that he’d like the group to look at the efficiency of Collegiate 4-H. Ephgrave brought up that the NAB handbook would be a good tool to look at. Discussion on the Task Force then was completed until the active/executive session.

The last agenda item for the open/public session was on the Public Relations Team. Voorhies brought up that the idea was brought up by Haley Cook of Iowa State University and past North Central Region President as she attended the NAE4HA. The idea was that this group could oversea promotion of Collegiate 4-H. Voorhies said that he’d like to see the same type of representation of the Web Team on the Public Relations Team too. Sonnenberg said that he thought the best way to promote Collegiate 4-H would be through the state and regional levels and then for ideas to be shared at the national level. Fogt brought up the idea of each school having a Collegiate 4-H ambassador and that there didn’t need to be a group of five to eight to promote Collegiate 4-H but that everyone needed to do this individually. This ambassador could represent the organization at state events. Voorhies said that the Southern region thought that promotion should be done at the regional level and then for a national group to represent Collegiate 4-H at national events and conferences. Falkenthal brought to attention that in the constitution that it states that NAB is to represent Collegiate 4-H at national events. Sarah Leidheiser (Conference Coordinator) brought up that she thought Collegiate 4-H needed to have uniform materials to promote the group with. She thought if resources were available that they would be utilized. Voorhies reminded the group that the resolution on the Public Relations Team was passed and that the new NAB needed to come up with how to get the group and what they should do. Ephgrave said she’d create a proposal for the Public Relations Team and will present this at the next NAB meeting. The group brought up that promotion needed to be addressed to a couple different audiences including state organizations, 4-H alumni, current 4-H members, and college aged students. The end of the Public Relations Team discussion ended the open/public session and both guests left the chat room.

To start the active/executive session was a report from Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager.) He reported that the current balance of the account was $1300. Goebel said he’d post the budget on the NAB blog.

The first discussion was over the Web Team. Voorhies moved for himself to make a proposal sent via e-mail on the Web Team containing the initial guidelines to develop the team, an application, guidelines, and a job description and then for there to be opinions on the proposal sent back to him and for the final proposal to be voted on via email. No seconded was documented. Motion passed.

The Task Force was the next item of business. Bolte restated items that the group wanted to see the Task Force do including: examining the structure and governess of NAB, what representation is working and not working (elected vs. not elected and regional presidents), efficiency, looking at measures to ensure the passing of information, the constitution, the passing of information from “old” NAB to “new” NAB, and the history of Collegiate 4-H. Sonnenberg added that the group wanted to see the overall purpose of Collegiate 4-H, what it is, and where we would like to see ourselves in our own program and in society. Voorhies moved that those suggestions were to be passed on to the Task Force; Leidheiser seconded. Motion passed. Bolte said that he’d relate those ideas to Hartley.

Bolte then asked to table the Public Relations Team discussion.

The conversation then led into members discussing that the blog had been receiving positive feedback and what needed to be discussed at the next meeting. Bolte said that items to be discussed would include: partnering with N4HYDC, club establishment guidelines, Web Team, and Public Relations team. The next meeting will be Monday, June 13th at 7:30PM CST over AIM or over conference call if a school can donate the call.

Sonnenberg moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 PM CST and Leidheiser seconded. Motion passed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Krumm

NAB Secretary

Corrected on June 13, 2005

Friday, May 13, 2005

Website Updates

There have been several noteworthy updates at the National Collegiate 4-H Homepage.

The webpage, which is housed at the 4-H Headquarters website, can be accessed at For easier access, you can also go to and you will be forwarded to the site.

(NOTE: As of May 2006, the National Collegiate 4-H website has been relocated to

The most noteworthy update is the National Collegiate 4-H Club Establishment Guidelines that were passed this year in Pittsburgh. Also posted are the National Club of the Year and National Scrapbook of the Year applications.

Posted by/Contact for more information:
Patrick Voorhies, President, Southern Region

Friday, April 29, 2005

April 24, 2005 Meeting

NAB Conference Call

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the first meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at 8:05 PM (CST). All NAB Board members were present at the time of the meeting being called except Shane Sheridan (Western Region President); Sheridan joined shortly later.

The first item of business was seeing if anyone had minutes from the National Round Table discussion which was held on Sunday morning of the 2005 National Conference in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. No one had any records.

The second item of business was officer reports. Bolte gave the Chairman report. He thanked everyone for being able to get together to hold the meeting. Next, Val Krumm (NAB Secretary) gave the Secretary’s report. She had nothing. Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region President) added to the Secretary’s report saying that he had minutes from the National Business Meeting at the 2005 National Conference. Voorhies will be emailing those minutes out to all members of NAB. Third was the Business Manager officer report by Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager.) Goebel reported on the relationship with the National 4-H Council with sending out checks. He also reported on the proposed and actual budgets. The actual budget equals to $1250. He will be receiving more information on the account from Scott (the person that will write the actual checks) soon. David Hartley (NAB Reference Liaison) added that he’s been working with Stacey Carroll of the National 4-H Council to sort out who is responsible and can take care of the money in the NAB account. The last officer report was from Sarah Leidheiser and Kyle Fogt (National Conference Coordinators) which then led into the National Conference Update.

To start of the 2006 National Conference update Leidheiser stated in general all things are going well and then turned it over to Fogt who had more specific details. Fogt explained how the National Conference Committee at the Ohio State University is starting to finalize the schedule. In order to finish this, the way of running the National Business meeting needs to be determined. Fogt brought up the idea of having a round table discussion on the last day resembling the process of the “conversations” that took place during 4-H’s Centennial celebration. His idea was to talk about Collegiate 4-H Business issues at a local club level then, then at a regional level during the region’s conference, and then with the final conversation at the national conference. This process would try to engage all members at the club level to the national level. It was seen as a way to get everyone’s ideas across and heard. Voorhies was first to discuss the topic and brought up how the task force is working on gathering information and said that maybe the conversation process could work with the task force. Sheridan added to the discussion talking about how there is never too much information and encouraged that the group move away from territorialism of positions and structures. He viewed the conversation process as a way to add more diversity and didn’t see why we couldn’t have the conversations and the task force’s plan. Voorhies then added by saying that the conversations may be too little too late. His view was that the opinions need to go to the task force. There have already been a couple individual ideas that have been brought forth to the task force. The task force is yet to find time to review them as a whole to this date. He brought up that the mission of the task force is to have ideas by the 2006 National Conference. He added that the conversation process brought up by Fogt would have no turnaround time for the task force. Sheridan then brought up that the conversation process then maybe could go up to the regional level. Hartley added into the conversation by saying that everyone should think of the task force as a group that will be doing the research for NAB and that information that the task force receives will then be given to NAB for action at the 2006 National Conference. Sheridan reminded the group that everything won’t be settled automatically by next year and that changes will take some time and won’t be instant. Fogt then brought up the idea to draw up a proposal, working with the task force that could be discussed at the next NAB meeting. He reinstated that the conversation was an idea that would engage people more at the National Business meeting. Voorhies said that he’d like to refer the discussion to the task force. Fogt added that he wants NAB to get this issue settled since the task force is yet to meet. He said it will be hard for the national conference committee to move on with plannings without knowing this part of the schedule. Sheridan then moved for all NAB members to talk with the task force and local and regional Collegiate 4-H members and then discuss findings at the next NAB meeting. Voorhies seconded. Motion passed.

The next item of business was regional updates. Bolte asked for all of the regional presidents to inform the group about their region’s conferences. The North Central Regional Conference will be hosted by Kansas State October 14-16. The Northeast Regional Conference will be hosted by Cornell and will be held around the end of September. No exact information has been released by Cornell to date. The Western Regional Conference will be hosted by Colorado and will be held mid-October to the end of the month. The Southern Regional Conference will be hosted by Oklahoma State and is November 17-20.

The following business item that was discussed was about the web team. Voorhies read a description of the web team and then asked the board their ideas about what kind of representation and selection process there needs to be for the team. He said he was open to any ideas and that the sooner the information got to him the better. Sheridan brought up to have NAB go back to their regional areas and talk with Collegiate 4-H members and then report back to the secretary their findings by the end of the week and then for the secretary to email everyone the compiled ideas. Voorhies then added that NAB needs to think about the public relations team which was the second resolution at the 2005 National Conference. Voorhies will email all of the resolutions and information to NAB. The discussion over the resolutions was ended with a motion by Voorhies to table the discussion until the next meeting, after which members of NAB have time to gather information and views from others on the topics of the web and public relation teams. Sheridan seconded. Motion passed.

After all updates the meeting continued with old business which was led by Voorhies explaining that it has been addressed in the past that members of Collegiate 4-H would like to see more open communication with NAB. Last years NAB thought of ideas of starting a blog or news area for all Collegiate 4-H members to view. Sheridan then asked if NAB should go with a message board maybe. Voorhies added that he thought a blog would be the easiest way to post ideas on a website and that NAB could share the password. He viewed the message board as a way for people to more write feedback on postings and that he’d rather maybe like to have an area for comments maybe. Bolte thought that this would be an idea and project for the web team. Voorhies agreed and said that the web team should be clued in on this idea, but in the meantime NAB needed to set something up to post the minutes and put news on. He added that last year’s NAB received complaints that the minutes weren’t shared and that they needed to be posted somewhere. Fogt thought that this idea would be a good thing to start up soon. He then moved to have NAB set up a blog pending the creation of the web team that would then take over the blog. Sheridan seconded. Motion passed.

New business addressed by Bolte was the last item of business for the meeting. He brought up the idea of having NAB co-chairs. The conversation started with silence as members didn’t know what to think. Bolte then brought up that it was just an idea, just in case if the chair would miss a meeting. Hartley informed the group that last year’s NAB never really had a chair and that all members shared responsibility. Krumm asked Bolte if he thought he needed a co-chair. Bolte responded that it was just an idea and he was thinking of it as a way of kind of having a vice president and didn’t know what the constitution stated who would take over in case the chair was absent. Hartley stated that he didn’t think the role of chair being passed on to another office in case the chair was absent was in the constitution. Discussion then died.

The next meeting of NAB will be in the third week of May. Bolte instructed all NAB members to email him days that work and then he’ll notify everyone what the consensus was. During the May meeting items of business will include web and public relations team idea findings and an update from the task force. Sheridan also asked to be put on the agenda to address a couple of topics. Voorhies assured everyone that the task force should be meeting soon and explained that a meeting hadn’t happened yet due to some issues that needed to be solved.

Sommer McConihay (Northeastern Region President) moved to adjourn the April 24, 2005 meeting at 9:10PM CST. Sheridan seconded.

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Krumm

NAB Secretary

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

NAB Resolutions

The following NAB Resolutions were passed at the 2005 National Collegiate 4-H Conference held in Pittsburgh.


Creation of a National Collegiate 4-H Web Team

Patrick Voorhies, LSU, Southern Region
Haley Cook, Iowa State, North Central Region

Referred To:
Voting Delegates, National Business Meeting, National Collegiate 4-H

Whereas, Collegiate 4-H is in need of a dynamic information resource in which to
collect and exchange information and ideas for our organization and various
programs; and

Whereas, open, consistent communication needs to be established between all member clubs; be it

RESOLVED, that the National Action Board (NAB) support the creation of a Website Team (Web Team) to manage and collect information for a dynamic, information rich website; and
be it further

RESOLVED, that one representative from each region serve on this committee, establishing equal representation; be it further

RESOLVED, that this group be charged with the responsibility to partner with
established resources, explore options, and assess the needs of establishing
such a resource.



Creation of a National Collegiate 4-H Advocacy Team

Haley Cook, Iowa State, North Central Region
Patrick Voorhies, LSU, Southern Region

Referred To:
Voting Delegates, National Business Meeting, National Collegiate 4-H Conference

Whereas, Collegiate 4-H is in need of promotional team to act as liaisons to various organizations to promote the importance of our organization and establish sponsorships; be it

RESOLVED, that the NAB support the creation a Advocacy Team that will be charged with the responsibility to oversee public relations campaigns, pursue beneficial partnerships and serve as advocates for the Collegiate 4-H program; and be it further

RESOLVED, that one representative from each region serve on this committee, establishing equal representation


Both resolutions were passed.

Posted by/Contact for more information.:
Patrick Voorhies, President, Southern Region

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Welcome to the newly created NAB Happenings blog. This blog is a venue for NAB members to share NAB happenings with Collegiate 4-H members across the country. Collegiate 4-H Members are encouraged to check back regularly to see what is going on as well as to share feedback on the issues by posting comments on this blog or by e-mailing the NAB members. NAB is excited about the potential of this blog to open communication between NAB and C4-H members while engaging all members in the decision-making process.