NAB Meeting
Monday, June 13, 2005
Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the third meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at 7:45 PM (CST) over a teleconference. NAB Board members that weren’t present for the meeting were Sommer McConihay (Northeastern Region President), Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager), and Kyle Fogt (Conference Coordinator); Shane Sheridan (Western Region President) joined the meeting shortly after progress. There was one guest present: Samantha Ephgrave (Oklahoma State.)
The first item of business for the meeting was an update of the Task Force from Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region President.) Voorhies talked about how David Hartley (Reference Liaison) and himself had worked on a proposal and were planning on sending it to the Task Force the following day. Voorhies said that the Task Force would discuss the proposal soon and that there were would be more of a Task Force update at the next NAB meeting. Hartley confirmed the report.
The next item that was discussed was the secretary’s report as posted on the NAB blog. Voorhies asked for private to be switched to executive in the minutes. The correction and minutes were then approved. Val Krumm (NAB Secretary) will update the NAB blog with the corrected minutes.
The next item of conversation was the Web Team. Voorhies started by making sure that everyone had received the application and structure & selection process papers he had sent out via email before the meeting. He said that while constructing both items he looked over what NAB had discussed at previous meetings, as well as, he considered ideas from the proposal from University of California at Davis. Voorhies then moved to accept both documents; Sarah Leidheiser (Conference Coordinator) seconded. Sheridan brought up several questions concerning more than one term & reapplying, the Web Team’s input for next year’s group, and Collegiate 4-H involvement. After some discussion on all of these topics Voorhies made a friendly amendment for the selection process that after this initial, first Web Team, selection of the next team will include the two most senior non-returning members voting rights along with NAB. Another friendly amendment made by Voorhies was that in the application for the Web Team there would be another bullet added asking for applicants to elaborate on their previous Collegiate 4-H experiences. Motion passed.
Discussion continued about the Web Team concerning deadlines for this year and the following year. There were a couple different dates that were discussed. The final decision was that this year’s deadline for applications will be September 15, 2005 and the team will be announced October 1, 2005. The following year’s deadline for applications will be February 10, 2006 with decisions for the next Web Team at the National Collegiate 4-H Conference in Columbus, Ohio on February 23, 2006. Voorhies will email the application and structure & selection process information to listservs, regional presidents, and club presidents. Applications will be due to Voorhies by way of email. After the new and first Web Team is chosen NAB will then choose it’s liaison to the group.
The next item of business was the proposal wrote by guest Ephgrave over the Advocacy Team. Ephgrave started the discussion by introducing her rough draft. She brought forth several of her ideas on the team including that the Advocacy and Web Teams should be on the same level and that there should be a similar application format for both teams. Sheridan thought the Advocacy Team should include a working public relations plan along with a goal for the individual and team along with the application. He also added ideas that the Advocacy Team should work with the Web Team and that they should compile local and state information, along with national and regional. Ephgrave pointed out that the Advocacy Team is in a way assisting NAB. The team will build materials for anyone to access. These materials would be standard and would be an overall national representation of the Collegiate 4-H. An overall national picture is an area that Ephgrave believes is lacked in currently. Ephgrave then made points of that she thought the team shouldn’t have leadership positions within it, but make sure that it acts as a team with a liaison for NAB, similar to the Web Team, involved with the group. She brought up the idea that the NAB Secretary would be a good liaison for this team. Discussion then continued with sample work that should be included with the application. Sheridan reinstated his idea about including a portfolio. Ephgrave brought up that she thought the group would be better if it just wasn’t all public relations people; there are several areas of communications that this team will be involved in, so the team needs to be composed of individuals with these different skills. Krumm added that she didn’t think a portfolio was necessary and that the group should shy away from using those direct words. Voorhies concluded with saying that applicants could include an item from their portfolio or they could make something about promoting Collegiate 4-H. Ephgrave added that she wanted to make sure that all members of the team knew what Collegiate 4-H is all about, as well as, making sure members could communicate this information effectively. Advocacy Team discussion then went into representation on the team. Krumm thought that representation should be the same as the Web Team. Voorhies moved for there to be one person from each region, with three at large representatives, with a three person per region maximum for the selection of the Advocacy Team. Leidheiser seconded and the motion was passed. Ephgrave and Sheridan will make an application and structure and selection process sheet and will send it out to NAB before the next meeting.
The next NAB meeting will be Sunday, July 10, 2005 at 2PM (CST.) Bolte will be out of the country, so Voorhies was appointed chair and Krumm will vote in place of Bolte.
The meeting adjourned at 9PM (CST.)
Respectfully Submitted,
Val Krumm
NAB Secretary
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