Monday, November 20, 2006


Kristen Barnhart (North Central Region President) called the ninth meeting of the 2006-2007 National Action Board to order at 9:07 PM (CST).
Members in attendance:
Vanessa Renwick (Western Region President)
Antoine Jefferson (Southern Region President and NAB chair)-joined after the meeting began
Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region Second Year NAB, and 2007 National Conference Co-Coordinator)
Shane Sheridan (Western Region Second Year NAB)
Sarah Leidheiser (Business Manager)
Amy Schwertner (Secretary)
April Mendenhall (Advocacy Team Liaison)
Jessica Falkenthal (Web Team Liaison)
Val Krumm (Strategic Planning Committee Liaison)-voted for North Central Region until Jefferson joined
Tommy Inglis (Agricultural Consortium Liaison)
Evelyn Rachell (Southern Region Advisor)
Members not in attendance:
Vanessa Cerny (North East Region President)
Justin Bolte (North Central Second Year NAB)
Jasmine Honore (2007 National Conference Co-Coordinator)
Byron Garrett (USDA and National 4-H Headquarter)

The first item of business was the secretary’s report. There were no minutes from the last meeting because Schwertner was absent. Mendenhall said that she had sent a shorthand version of the minutes to the list serve. Schwertner will type them in longhand and the minutes will be approved next meeting.The business manager’s report followed. Leidheiser announced that there was no change in the balance.
The Consortium report was next. Voorhies announced that the Conference Planning Committee is planning a Collegiate Life Knowledge training at nationals. It will be offered as an alternative to the business meeting at the National Conference. When clubs sign up voting delegates they will also sign up a Collegiate Life Knowledge delegate; however, members are welcome to attend either one. The time limit for this agenda item had ended and Sheridan motioned to extend time for discussion. There was no second; therefore, motion failed. Jefferson then moved that NAB wait until the end of the meeting, and if time permits discussion would continue. Sheridan seconded this motion. The motion passed 4 to 1 with the following votes:
Those in favor:
Those against:

*Jefferson took over as NAB chiar.

An update of the 5 areas of the Strategic Plan was next. Jefferson said that there will be information at national over Diversity. Sheridan gave an update on Organizational Affairs. He said members working on this area have contacted Chuck Graves with the USDA and applied for an employee ID number; they can move forward with the 501C3 once an employee ID number has been granted. Voorhies said that each member is working on things individually with the Communication and Member Education area. The areas of Partnerships and Community Service were not discussed because time did not permit. However, there will be an update on the National Collegiate 4-H Website ( if members would like to know more about these five areas of the strategic plan. Please check there for future updates.
Voorhies then gave a National Conference Update. He said that registration is out and if any member has a question regarding the conference he/she can e-mail the registration chair.
Members in attendance at the meeting then discussed when they would arrive on Wednesday, February 14, 2007. It was decided that NAB members will check in at approximately 3 o’clock, and a formal meeting is scheduled for 5 PM on Wednesday evening. There will be also be a meeting before delegates on Sunday, February 18; a meeting time will be determined at a later date.
Mendenhall then gave an Advocacy Team Update. She said that the Advocacy Team has finished most of its projects and announced that the National 4-H Week and National Service Day surveys and information is all on the National 4-H Website.

A Web Team Update by Falkenthal followed. She said that the Web Team is working on a photo gallery and would like pictures from all regional conferences and past national conferences. If anyone has any pictures they would like to share, feel free to e-mail them to Falkenthal or any other NAB or Web Team members so that they can be put on the website. She also announced that the newest project the Web Team is working on is a Code of Conduct for the message boards.

Krumm then gave an update on the National Service Project of Emphasis. She announced that the committee is in need of any ideas anyone has for Operation Military Kids. If you have an idea please e-mail Krumm. She also said that there will be two workshops given at the National Conference over Operation Military Kids, and if anyone has any information about past projects they have done with OMK please send them to Krumm or any other person on the committee. Falkenthal then gave an update on the progress of the Resource Library. She said that database programming has been giving the committee problems, but documents and other information are still coming together.
Regional Conference updates were next on the agenda. Renwick said that the Western Region Conference had just finished. They had four total states in attendance, new officers and NAB representatives were elected, and delegates worked with Operation Military Kids project. Jefferson mentioned that the Southern Region Conference is the upcoming weekend. Two workshops and a business meeting are planned, and the strategic plan will be discussed. Barnhart said that the North Central Region Conference introduced the strategic plan to delegates and elected new officers; they had approximately 77 4-Her’s in attendance. There was no update on the North East Region’s Conference.
Under other concerns and future agenda items, Rachelle requested to be copied on all e-mails pertaining to the USDA so that she will know what is going on.
There were nine minutes left for the meeting time so discussion on the Collegiate Life Knowledge continued. Inglis suggested that question fro regional conferences, agendas from Consortium Conferences, by laws, etcetera on the message boards. Voorhies said that there were minutes from the consortium meeting that was held in August. He also has notes from brainstorming sessions held during the Consortium Conference in August. He will share this with NAB. He continued by explaining the different committees formed by the consortium. If anyone would like more information or has any question regarding the Consortium or Collegiate Life Knowledge feel free to e-mail Voorhies.

There was no further business. Barnhart moved to adjourn the meeting. Sheridan seconded the motion. Motion passed. The ninth meeting of the 2006-2007 National Action Board was adjourned at 10:00 PM (CST).

Amy Schwertner
NAB Secretary

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