Tuesday, December 04, 2007

November 27, 2007

National Action Board Meeting Minutes
November 27, 2007

Members present:
April Mendenhall- Conference Coordinator, appointed Chair after Tommy Inglis resigned
Megan Baker- North Eastern Region President Antoine Jefferson- Southern Region Second Year
Amber Mathisen- Western Region Second Year
Jasmine Honore- Business Manager
Amy Schwertner- Secretary Christy Clary- Advocacy Team Liaison Jessica Falkenthal- Web Team Liaison, proxy for Kristie Storms
Autumn Sheridan- Western Region representative, proxy for April Mendenhall

Members Absent:
Kristie Storms- North Central Region President
Sarah Edens- Southern Region President
Beth Bray- North Central Second Year Vanessa Cerny- North Eastern Second Year

The November meeting of the National Action Board of the National Collegiate 4-H Organization was called to order at 9:04 PM (CST). Mendenhall called the meeting to order via teleconference call.

Schwertner announced that the minutes from the October meeting have been posted on the NAB blog. Falkenthal moved to accept the minutes as posted to the blog. Jefferson seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Under old business, Mendenhall reminded members that NAB will be having their December meeting on December 4 at 9 PM (CST). Cathann Kress, National 4-H Council, will be participating in the conference call. Falkenthal delivered the document to Kress that NAB had prepared for her in October and would be sending to the NAB list serve. All members are asked to review and be familiar with the document for the December meeting as it will be referred to during the discussion with Kress. Falkenthal also reminded members to read the posts on the NAB Facebook group as they will also be referred to. Falkenthal will send links to the Facebook group and the document in an e-mail to the NAB list serve. Finally, Mendenhall asked that all NAB members be in attendance at the December meeting to maintain the status of our national organization.

The second item of business discussed was the creation of a set of Education goals for the national organization for the next three years. The goals should be related to the national initiatives set by National 4-H Council and are suppose to give direction to the next three national conferences as well as the regional conferences. Discussion on developing a document and goals to present to Kress at the December 4 meeting followed. Falkenthal mentioned developing a certification that conference delegates could receive after attending the workshops or trainings. There are six different emphasis areas, and Falkenthal mentioned that NAB focus on teaching two areas at the regional conferences in 2008, two at the national conference in 2009, and two at the regional conferences in 2009. Members agreed that this would present each of the six emphasis areas to collegiate 4-H members within the next two years. Mendenhall said that she would prepare a short document using the six educational goals from the Volunteer, Research, Knowledge, and Competency document. She will revamp each area so that it is focused toward collegiate 4-H members instead of 4-H volunteers. Once the document is prepared she will send it to the NAB list serve. Members should look over the document before the December 4 meeting; it will be presented to Kress, and members should be familiar with the document.

Discussion on the strategic plan was the next item of business. NAB went over several different areas of the strategic plan that need to be developed before national conference 2008.

-The first area of concern was the National Acton Board Handbook that Mendenhall has been preparing. The handbook is a document that lists responsibilities of each position on the National Action Board. Each member has been asked to prepare a short description of their position’s responsibility on the National Action Board. The descriptions should be e-mailed to Mendenhall as soon as possible.

-Diversity was the next area of concern. Jefferson spoke on the progress he and Honore have been making toward the NAB’s diversity goals. He said that they have developed two different ideas to increase the diversity of the collegiate 4-H organization. The first is club oriented. The idea is for clubs to partner with people outside of the 4-H family to complete projects and activities; thus, increasing the awareness of collegiate 4-H, and hopefully, increasing the diversity of the organization’s members. Secondly, they would like to encourage collegiate 4-H clubs from 1890 schools to partner with 1960 schools. This will create a completely diverse new group of individuals for the collegiate 4-H family. Jefferson was asked by Mendenhall and agreed to create an informational document explaining ways clubs could become more diverse. The document will be added to packets given to delegates at the National Collegiate 4-H Conference. Jefferson and Honore will also plan an ice breaker game that focuses on diversity for the national conference. Jefferson will also make changes to the club of the year application so that it diversity. This document will be presented to delegates at the national business meeting to be approved.

-Mendenhall then discussed the possibility of collegiate 4-H partnering with NAE4-HA. This was one of the goals set in the Organizational Affairs section of the Strategic Plan. Mendenhall announced that Betty Wingerter, President of the NAE4-HA national organization and former Ohio State Collegiate 4-H member, will be meeting with the National Action Board on February 20 in Denver. Wingerter will discuss with the NAB possibilities of the two organizations partnering and possibly combining the two conferences. Mendenhall will be contact with Wingerter until the meeting in Denver.

-The next item of business pertaining to the Strategic Plan was in regards to the National Service Project of emphasis. Both of the current national service projects expire at conference in 2008 and a form needs to be created to either get the current projects renewed or for new applicants. Falkenthal mentioned that she had the past requirements for submitting a national service project, and Schwertner has the form used two years to submit service projects. Falkenthal and Schwertner will work jointly to develop an application for submission for the national service project of emphasis. The service projects submitted will be voted on by delegates at the national business meeting.

-The National Service File, also known as “Ideas in Motion,” was the next area of concern discussed regarding the Strategic Plan. Mendenhall is currently updating the 1990 file as well as compiling new service projects for a packet that will be distributed to delegates at national conference. All NAB members were asked to fill out the “Ideas in Motion” form with service projects that their club has participated in. This will add more service projects to the book and give delegates more ideas for their clubs. Falkenthal e-mailed a link to the form to all NAB members.

-The last area of concern regarding the Strategic Plan was the Service Project Grant that was discussed in the Community Service section of the Plan. Because NAB does not have the funds to provide a grant to clubs of the national 4-H organization, Schwertner will compile a list of grants available that clubs can use to apply for if funds are needed. The list will include the name of the grant, the deadline for submitting the grant, and a link to access the grant. The list will be added to the national collegiate 4-H website for clubs to access when needed.

A National Conference update was given next. Mendenhall discussed several different activities that they will be offering delegates, and also asked NAB members to lead some of the workshops.

-At the 2008 national conference they will be offering a National Action Board Workshop. The goal of the workshop is to give delegates a better understanding of what the National Action Board is, and their roll in the national collegiate 4-H organization. Mendenhall asked for a coordinator for this workshop who would develop a short agenda and lead the discussion. Schwertner volunteered, and Honore said that she would assist.

-Mendenhall then went over NAB requirements at national conference. National Action Board members are asked to be at the Renaissance Hotel before 5 PM on February 20, because the meeting with Wingerter will begin at 5. Because the airport is a good distance from the Hotel, members’ flights should arrive no later than 3:30 PM. Cathann Kress and Byron Garrett will also be participating in the meeting with Wingerter so it is imperative that all National Action Board members be present and on time. There will also be a meeting during the dance on Saturday night. All new NAB and old NAB members are required to participate. The meeting will be an informative meeting for new NAB members.

-The selection process for secretary and business manager was discussed next. Schwertner said that she had the web and advocacy team applications and would e-mail to the NAB list-serve for review. Applications for the secretary, business manger, and web and advocacy team will be sent in an e-mail to delegates prior to conference. If there are any changes or questions that NAB members would like to see added to the applications they should get in contact with Falkenthal as she will be compiling and creating the new applications.

-Finally, NAB discussed the voting member orientation. The orientation went very well at conference 2007 and made the business meeting run very smooth. The orientation will last one hour and should introduce proper voting procedures and amendments that will be on the floor for discussion. Clary volunteered to lead the orientation, and Schwertner will help.

Under regional updates, Falkenthal reported on the North Central Region. They had their regional conference the first weekend of November in Purdue. Next fall their regional conference will be hosted by the University of Missouri. The North Central Region will also be hosting the 2009 National Collegiate 4-H Conference in either Kansas City or the Twin Cities of Minnesota. Falkenthal was elected as the 2008 North Central Region President and will be next years National Action Board Chair.

Under Web and Advocacy updates, Clary announced that the news letter has not gone out yet. They are still working on it, and it should go out in the next few weeks.

The next item of business was the National Leadership Grant. Honore said that she had sent the grant to Baker, but it had never been cashed because the North East Region no longer needed it. Since the 2008 National Conference team had also applied for the grant, discussion began on weather or not the money would go to them. Mendenhall said that the grant would be helpful in paying for National Conference workshop. Discussion was tabled to the next meeting.

Sheridan then moved to adjourn the meeting. Mathisen seconded the motion. Motioned passed unanimously. The eleventh meeting of the National Action Board was adjourned at 10:16 PM (CST).

Amy Schwertner
National Action Board Secretary

Thursday, October 18, 2007

October 9, 2007

October NAB Meeting

Members Present:
Jessica Falkenthall- Web Team Liaison
Amy Schwertner- Secretary, proxy for Sarah Edens
April Mendenhall- Conference Coordinator, proxy for Tommy Inglis
Christy Clary- Advocacy Liaison
Jasmine Honore- Business Manger
Amber Mathisen- Western Region Second Year NAB

Members Absent:
Beth Bray- North Central Region Second Year NAB
Vanessa Cerny- North Eastern Region Second Year NAB
Antoine Jefferson- Southern Region Second Year NAB
Megan Baker- North East Region President
Kristie Storms- North Central Region President
Sarah Edens- Southern Region President
Austin Bishop- Ag Consortium Liaison
Tommy Inglis- Western Region President and NAB Chair

Members of the National Action Board met on October 9, 2007 via teleconference call for the monthly meeting. The first item of business was discussion on the document to Cathann Kress. The document is to explain how the National Action Board can benefit the National Collegiate 4-H Organization and how the board and the organization can benefit the National 4-H program. Falkenthal announced that she would be meeting Kress at a conference on October 19, and that she could bring the finished document with her to discuss the information in it in person. Information discussed to be put in the document included the following:
-Purpose of the National Action Board
-Training/Spreading Ideas
-National Calender
-Ways NAB could provide resources
-National Conference
-Club Initiatives
-Alternative Spring Break Program
-National Commercial

After discussion on the document, Falkenthal announced that the Grab Life, Give Life voting begins on October 21, 2007. If collegiate 4-H can get 20,000 votes first, then the National Collegiate 4-H Organization will receive a $20,000 endowment. To win, the organization needs 2,000 undergraduate students to vote every day for 10 days straight. To vote, students can go to www.grablifegivelife.com and vote for the Colorado State University’s “Dane-A-Thon.” Falkenthal also mentioned that if collegiate 4-H can win this endowment, then it could prove to National 4-H council that people actually care about the National Collegiate 4-H Organization. Falkenthal announced that she would send an e-mail via the list serve to announce the voting.

Mendenhall then gave an update on the 2008 National Collegiate 4-H Conference. Registration will be out November 5. The ski information is already on the conference website. Workshops that have already been determined will be on the conference website within the next few weeks, and currently, the cost per person is $225.

Falkenthal then made a quick announcement that a web cast about 4-H SET would be shown on Thursday, October 11 from 2-3. If anyone was interested in viewing it they should pre-register. Information could be found in the mass e-mail she sent.

The discussion ended at 10:24 PM (CST).

Amy Schwertner
NAB Secretary

September 11, 2007

September NAB Meeting

Members Present:
Megan Baker- North East Region President
Christy Clary- Advocacy Liaison
Kristie Storms- North Central Region President
Sarah Edens- Southern Region President
Amy Schwertner- Secretary
Austin Bishop- Ag Consortium Liaison
April Mendenhall- Conference Coordinator
Tommy Inglis- Western Region President and NAB Chair
Amber Mathisen- Western Region Second Year NAB

Members Absent:
Beth Bray- North Central Region Second Year NAB
Vanessa Cerny- North Eastern Region Second Year NAB
Antoine Jefferson- Southern Region Second Year NAB
Jasmine Honore- Business Manger
Jessica Falkenthall- Web Team Liaison

The fourth meeting of the 2007-2008 National Action Board was called to order on September 11 at 9:04 PM over a teleconference call.

Discussion focused on information that will be presented to Cathann Kress, National 4-H Council Representative. Mendenhall first went over all of the things mentioned in the August meeting discussion and ideas brought up on the NAB Facebook group as well as the message boards. She said that NAB must put together a report to present to Kress before our teleconference call with her. Questions discussed included how NAB and the collegiate 4-H organization can be beneficial to 4-H in general and what NAB’s purpose of existence is.

Following is a brief outline of what ideas discussed by members present about what will be put in the document that will be sent to Kress.

What will NAB put in the document?
Idea sharing
§ Creation of calendar of national events during National 4-H week
o Collegiate 4-H Website
o Facebook
Used as a networking tool
· Develop a sense of belonging at the national level
o Facebook
o Myspace
o National Conference
§ Gives ideas to new and existing clubs
§ Offers delegates leadership and community service opportunities
§ Is a way for everyone to learn about problems around other parts of the country
· Creation of national initiatives for clubs to achieve
o Possible training for this at national conferences
· Creation of an alternate spring break program and a scholarship for this opportunity
o Program during summer months so it won’t conflict with school
o Possibility of a large company, i.e. John Deere, to provide scholarships
Encourage universities in the same area to work together on national and regional projects
Develop a “state calendar” or a “national calendar” so that all university clubs know what’s happening with other clubs across the country
Create a national commercial for promotion
Can link commercial to 4-H Myspace and Facebook sites. If it’s viewed a lot it could be shown on television with little to cost to our organization.
Could make a video at national conference
Commercial/Video could be about a national initiative
Clubs could compete to see who can develop the best video and delegates could vote on videos at national conference

After discussion on these items and the document, Inglis stated that he would develop an outline and write a summary of these things so that they can be presented to Kress. NAB will meet on on September 25 at 9 PM CST to discuss the meeting with Kress.

Mendenhall volunteered to contact Kress to set a date for her to meet with NAB.

Mendenhall then mentioned that she is working on handbooks for the organizational affairs section of the strategic plan. She requested information from each NAB member about their individual duties on the National Action Board as well as their rolls within their respective regions. She asked that the information be sent to her via e-mail before the next meeting.

Baker then moved to adjourn the meeting. Edens seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:49 PM CST.

Amy Schwertner
National Action Board Secretary

Friday, August 24, 2007

July 24, 2007

NAB Meeting
July 24, 2007

The fourth meeting of the National Action Board was called to order at 9:15 pm (CST) on July 24, 2007. It was a continuation of the unofficial meeting that was held on July 17. Members in attendance included Megan Baker- North East Region President, Amy Schwertner- NAB Secretary, Sarah Edens- Southern Region President, Jasmine Honore- NAB Business Manager, Jessica Falkenthal- Web Team Liaison and proxy for Kristie Storms, April Mendenhall- Conference Coordinator and proxy for Amber Mathisen, and Vanessa Cerny- North East Region Second Year NAB.

Members in attendance at the July 17, 2007 unofficial meeting included Amber Mathisen- Western Region Second Year NAB, Jasmine Honore- Business Manager, Amy Schwertner- Secretary, Jessica Falkenthal- Web Team Liaison, Christy Clary- Advocacy Team Liaison, April Mendenhall- Conference Coordinator, Antoine Jefferson- Southern Region Second Year NAB, and Sarah Edens- Southern Region President. There were not enough voting members present on the conference call to call an official meeting to order.

Announcements and updates from the Web and Advocacy Teams were given at the July 17 meeting. Falkenthal announced that the Web Team is working with the Advocacy Team on the database. They would like NAB members to write a page for the new area of the website. Falkenthal also gave an update on the database. She said that she is needing the following from each regional representative: a list of every active club in each region, and contact information for each of these clubs as well as an alternate member and advisor. Clary gave updates on the Advocacy Team. They are currently working of National 4-H items. This year’s theme for National 4-H Week is “Science, Engineering, and Technology” and Collegiate 4-H is welcome to use it as well. Therefore, the Advocacy Team will be updating material from last year to use this year during National 4-H Week.

Mike Razim was then accepted to the Advocacy Team, and Clary will be in touch with him.

The Ag Consortium position will be voted on through e-mail. Votes can be made until July 22. Schwertner will send both applications to NAB voting members.

The fist item of business that was discussed at the official meeting was the NAB Leadership Grant. Mendenhall had sent in a request for the grant so that it could be used to bring in a representative for a workshop at the 2008 Collegiate 4-H Conference. Baker also sent in a request for the Maryland 4-H Club; they would use the grant money to assist in funding the North East Regional Conference. Edens motioned to cease discussion, and Baker seconded the motion. All voting members present were in favor of closing discussion. Falkenthal then moved to give the $400 leadership grant to the Maryland Collegiate 4-H Club. Discussion followed. Edens then seconded the motion, and the motioned passed unanimously. The $400 NAB Leadership Grant was presented to the Maryland Collegiate 4-H Club to assist them in sponsoring the North East Regional Conference.

The next item of business was in regards to the Agricultural Consortium position. Voting delegates voted through an online pole, and the results were announced:

Members voting in favor of Austin Bishop, South Dakota State University Included:
Kristie Storms
April Mendenhall
Beth Bray
Amber Mathisen
Members voting in favor of Mike Razim, University of Missouri Included:
Sarah Edens
Megan Baker
Member abstaining from the vote Included:
Antoine Jefferson

After the results had been announced, Edens moved to accept Bishop as the new Agriculture Consortium to the National Action Board. Cerny seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Edens then moved to adjourn the meeting. Baker seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. The fourth meeting of the National Action Board was adjourned at 9:25 pm (CST).

Friday, August 17, 2007

August 14- NAB Meeting


April Mendenhall, Conference Coordinator and proxy for Western Region Representative

Sarah Edens, Southern Region President

Antoine Jefferson, Southern Region Second Year NAB Member

Amber Mathisen, Western Region Second Year Member

Kristie Storms, North Central Region President

Jessica Falkenthal, Web Team Liaison to NAB

Austin Bishop- Ag Consortium Liaison-Elect

Dale Leidheiser- National Collegiate 4-H Advisor

Byron Garrett- Liaison from National 4-H Headquarters


Megan Baker, Northeast Region President

Vanessa Cerny, Northeast Region Second Year NAB Member

Beth Bray, Second Year NAB Member

Tommy Inglis, Western Region Representative and NAB Chair

Jasmine Honore, Business Manager
Amy Schwertner, Secretary

Christy Clary, Advocacy Team Liaison

The meeting was called to order at 10:07 by April Mendenhall. April was defaulted to the NAB Chair position. Jessica was appointed the temporary secretary.

Sarah moved to accept the minutes from June’s meeting and Amber seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Noone from the Partnerships Committee was present to report on their previous meeting

Antoine moved to table the Partnership Committee Report to the next meeting. Sarah seconded. All in favor.

Reimbursement for Collegiate4h.org domain name. Antoine moved and Sarah seconded that Jessica be reimbursed for payment of the collegiate4h.org domain name. Motion passed unanimously.

Direction of the National Collegiate 4-H Organization.

Jessica discussed conversations she has had recently with Cathann Kress, National Director of Youth Development, National 4-H Headquarters, USDA and Byron Garrett, National Program Leader of Mission Mandates. There has been no followup by NAB with National 4-H Headquarters since the NAB Retreat last summer. The Strategic Plan had not been forwarded to Headquarters, in addition to no thank you notes for sponsoring the meeting. Jessica has since forwarded a contact list for this year’s NAB and the Strategic Plan. Unfortunately, the National Collegiate 4-H Strategic Plan did not answer the question of how Collegiate 4-H at the national level will benefit 4-H. There is no emphasis on service to 4-H or interaction with 4-H. We need to identify this. Cathann would like to meet with some NAB members very soon to discuss what we want our organization to be and evaluate how we can get there. Resources could be provide to the National Collegiate 4-H Organization if we were to identify what it is that our national organization is supposed to be about. Example: If XYZ Collegiate 4-H Club exists at XYZ University, what does it mean to their club members and their club to be a part of the National Collegiate 4-H Organization. How is there a benefit to the club towards being a part of a national organization?

Every 4-5 years the National Collegiate 4-H Organization goes through a crisis of “who we are and what is our national purpose?” and it would be nice to finally solve this and establish our relationship with the 4-H organization. How does our organization benefit 4-H as a whole? What is the value of having a NAB? What should NAB members be doing to make the national organization function?

Jessica asked Dale to elaborate on this as he has been involved with National Collegiate 4-H since the organization was formed in the 70s.

Dale mentioned that there was not a lot of continuity of leadership in the organization and how there are many challenges that collegiate organizations faces. He believes it would help if the National Collegiate 4-H Organization supported the national 4-H objectives and that would probably help provide National 4-H Headquarters with a reason to support us. Being involved with SET would be very beneficial for our organization.

He believes the value of NAB and a national conference for Collegiate 4-H is to further alignment with 4-H by offering training in Youth Adult Partnerships, science, technology, GPS, GIS, and provide methods and resources to how all collegiate 4-H clubs can do this locally.

Ideas and Comments

SDSU- Austin would like to see Collegiate 4-H be advocating the need to “get involved during college” to high schoolers during state conferences. Needs to DO stuff. There are other clubs, or start a new clubs.

We need to create a sense of belonging to a national organization

We’d like to create a National Service Outing similar to an alternate spring break. This could go on during winter breaks or offered during several weeks during the spring break season. This would be coordinated by NAB. (Idea proposed for Jess to setup a web survey to gauge Collegiate 4-H members interest in participating in such an event)

Campaign where land grants 1862 and land grants work together to help create clubs.

Headquarters and National 4-H Council have done a great job in doing professional development opportunities such as the Collegiate Facilitator opportunities. We feel there is a need for national opportunities that reach more people. They give Collegiate 4-H visibility. Need to be able to use NAB members as Facilitators to advocate Collegiate 4-H.

Dale mentioned that Colorado 4-H is involved in a series of events at home football events for kids and children. 4-H is present at village. SET activities, GPS scavenger hunts. Colorado Youth Summit that engages youth in service and making an impact.

We’d like to create a National Collegiate 4-H promotional video with clubs from everywhere featured. Personalized regional ones. State video commercials.

The National Action Board needs to know what’s going on. Has someone to understand what others are doing.

1- Management- communications. Ensures that committees do work. Converse about what clubs can do. Devise ideas how Collegiate 4-H Clubs can align with national organization. Manage by supplying information.

2- Creating a retreat nationally for leadership. USDA and Council train us on this.

4-H SET- Science Engineering and Technology

Visit http://www.fourhcouncil.edu/scienceengineeringtechnology.aspx to learn more about SET. This is a very important area of discussion for what 4-H is and where we are going. Collegiate 4-H Clubs need to get involved in this. (All NAB members need to be well versed in this topic prior to the next NAB meeting, so read the website and files.)

Byron Garrett joined the call to discuss 4-H SET with NAB.

Currently 5.9 million young people are involved with Science, Engineering, and Technology within the 4-H Program. The goal is that by 2013, we will have involved 1 million more youth in 4-H SET programs.

Right now the framework for making this happen is being developed. This consists of a national SET leadership team and then each state has a designated SET Liaison who is an adult (in most cases a state 4-H staff member or a local staff member) and perhaps a youth liaison.

What does this 4-H SET initiative really mean? Didn't you say that 4-H was already doing SET programs? What's changing?
The framework for progress is being developed that outlines 4-H SET’s objectives in seven key areas: program development, professional and volunteer development, curriculum development, evaluation and research, communications, collaboration and partnerships, and funding. This framework is based on four guiding principles that give 4-H a clear niche in the SET arena. They are:
  • Science, engineering and technology learning takes place in the context of the Essential Elements of 4-H Youth Development.
  • 4-H’s approach to science, engineering and technology must include youth/adult partnerships.
  • Programs are based on National Standards.
  • Programs are delivered in a variety of setting and locations and involve diverse audiences.

What materials are available about creating SET 4-H clubs? October 11th will be the 4-H SET Internal Launch, which is to be held at NASA in DC.

Visit the 4-hbrandnetwork.org for information about promoting National 4-H Week. Counties and local 4-H will be watching the NASA event through teleconference equipment and then planning local events. Local agents have been invite.

How can Collegiate 4-H help the 4-H SET program/initiative?

  • Get clubs thinking about cutting edge science and utilizing their land grant universities connection.
  • Look for information and stats from the RAGS report. Business came to the table. We believe that youth will go into science. How can we tie into that?
  • Mentoring, tie into technologies and teach others.
  • Advocate the success of the 4-H SET program.
  • Help local or institution focus and develop 4-H SET programs.
  • Supply feedback for the 4-H SET area.
  • What is the broadest way possible to incorporate ideas for technical or professional organizations? Need to recruit volunteers that come from science areas. Identify some technical and professional organizations that 4-H should partner with to find such volunteers.

We need a shift in thinking. What about me and what about us needs to go away….

Start thinking about what can we do as a part of the national 4-H system.

Support 4-H…. how, how, how? How do we serve? What is the role of NAB at a national level to help 4-H?

How do we tweak this to serve all 4-H members?

Currently there is YIG/YAP (Youth in Governance and Youth Adult Partnerships). The other mission mandates will soon follow with national initiatives. Healthy Living- national conversations about healthy living will be conducted in a similar fashion as the 2002 National 4-H Conversations. They will need people to serve on the leadership team for that. Citizenship- they’re still developing the structure of things for this area. Need to create some uniquely different from CWF.

We can:

  • Dream projects at national level for healthy living or citizenship.
  • Identify program that need funding. Creative ideas that are effective that youth will be engaged in. Bring to scale.
  • One final thing: facilitators- Headquarters is trying to identify other opportunities.

On the topic of state leaders creating similar experiences within states: Need to keep us engaged and increase skill sets while using our 4-H experience.


  • We need to get the nation to collaborate together.
  • Getting us involved in leadership deals such as SET and leadership conferences.
  • Increase skills and competencies of members engaged in science programs. Want to see them graduate and continue into science careers
  • We have to provide opportunity to reach interested potential Collegiate 4-H members.

Ag Magic- would be a good curriculum to use. LSU teaches 4th and 5th grade about Ag fun. Setup fair.

Coming up with new ideas could be overwhelming. Finding a way to align ourselves with existing things. It will be easier to handle by aligning instead of creating new ideas.

More reasons we need a national organization?

  • We advocate for local clubs.
  • We recruit for local clubs.

It was resolved that in order to continue this discussion, NAB members needed more time to think things over and come back together.

Austin, April, Antoine, Kristie, Amber, and Jess agreed to post on the NAB discussion board about these topics.

As NAB covered a lot of new topics today, it is very important that other NAB members know immediately what is going on. NAB members that were present during the discussion will be calling other NAB members to update them on what NAB is doing.

All NAB members will be expected to post their thoughts on the topics provided on the NAB Facebook discussion board. After we are actively participating, Jessica will invite Cathann to participate in the group.

Names of people to call and who will be contacting them.

Jasmine- Antoine

Beth- Kristie

Megan- Jess

Vanessa- Antoine

Tommy- Amber & April

Christy- Jess

Amy- Sarah

The next NAB meeting in September will be solely to finalize the thoughts of what NAB members believe the responsibilities of NAB need to be and where the national organization needs to go and finalizing our proposal to Cathann about what the National Collegiate 4-H Organization can bring to the table with National 4-H. We will schedule a meeting with Cathann via online or conference call for late September/ early October. Jessica and April have been identified as the liaisons to Cathann. We need to take this very seriously as the meeting will determine whether there is a need for a national organization or if we should cease to exist.

As there were many conflicts with the next meeting being held on the second Tuesday of the month due to new schedules for the new schoolyear, NAB members need to vote this week on what their availability is for NAB meetings.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

June 12, 2007

NAB Meeting
June 12, 2007

Members in Attendance:
Megan Baker, North East Region President
Sarah Edens, Southern Region President
Tommy Inglis, Western Region Representative and NAB Chair
Amber Mathisen, Western Region Second Year NAB
Jasmine Honore, Business Manager
Amy Schwertner, Secretary
April Mendenhall, Conference CoordinatorChristy Clary, Advocacy Team Liaison
Jessica Falkenthal, Web Team Liaison

Members not in Attendance:
Kristi Storms, North Central President
Beth Bray, North Central Second Year NAB
Vanessa Cerny, North East Second Year NAB
Antoine Jefferson, Southern Second Year NAB

The third meeting of the 2007-2008 National Action Board was called to order at 9:21 PM (CTS) by Tommy Inglis. Schwertner announced that the minutes from the last meeting were posted to the blog. Edens motioned to accept the minutes, and Baker seconded. All approved.

Honore reported that there was no change in the Business Mangers report and the balance remained at $2,033.38.

Under old business Inglis announced that the only Strategic Plan update that was missing was from the Partnership Section. Baker was not assigned to any section of the Strategic Plan, so she was asked to partner with Storms, Cerny, and Inglis on the Partnership Section. All other sections of the Strategic Plan had their progress reports turned in. Inglis encouraged everone to use the NAB conference call number to communicate with their groups about their individual sections of the Strategic Plan. This can also be a way to help new members understand the goals of the Strategic Plan.

Falkenthal then gave a brief update on the website database. It is expected to be completed by August 1. After it is up and running, clubs from each region will be asked to fill out a form. NAB can then contact clubs that are not on the national listserve.

The two leadership grant applications that were submitted by the 2008 National Conference Planning Committee and the University of Maryland were then reviewed and discussed. Baker spoke on behalf of the University of Maryland. She said that the University of Maryland is requesting the leadership grant because they are a new, small club with very little funds. They are planning the 2007 North East Conference and they plan to divide the money up for workshops, paper/handouts, and to help lower the cost of conference in hopes of getting more delegates to attend. Currently they are charging delegates $100 per person to attend conference, and are expecting 20-40 delegates to attend. She also informed the NAB that their Student Government will not assist in funding, because they do not a 20+ member Collegiate 4-H club and are not recognized as an organization by the University of Maryland Student Government.
Mendenhall spoke on behalf of the 2008 Conference Planning Committee. She said they would like the leadership grant to bring in a professional conference coordinator to teach individuals about putting on a national conference. Currently there is no record of how to organize a national level conference/event for the National Collegiate 4-H Organization, and this would be a professional way to gather materials and information. The money from the leadership grant will be used to cover the cost of printing materials and handouts that the coordinator will have. She also announced that they are estimating between 250-300 delegates at the National Conference. After discussion, the NAB asked both groups to write and send in a budget of how they will be using the leadership grant. Discussion was then tabled to the next meeting.

Clary then gave a report on the newsletter. She said she should be receiving an article from the Southern Region by Thursday, June 14. The only other article she lacks is one regarding the North Central Region Conference. The newsletter will be sent within the next week.

Since the last meeting, Schwertner had received a Web Team Application from Heather Gottke, The Ohio State University. NAB reviewed the application. Mathisen motioned to accept the application. Edens seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Schwertner then discussed the possibility of setting time limits for each item of the agenda. She informed the NAB that the 2006-2007 NAB had put time limits on agenda items so that meetings did not run too long and discussion was brief yet informative. There was discussion on the topic. Members agreed that this was a good idea. Inglis said that he would begin assigning time limits to agenda items. Honore volunteered to act as the “Sergeant at Arms” and keep time. NAB agreed that meetings would be kept to one hour.

Mendenhall then gave a brief National Conference update. She said that surveys for the ski trip went out this week so that can receive feedback and start compiling packages. Registration forms will be out by September 1 and will contain workshops that will be presented by professionals. If any Collegiate 4-H member would like to present a presentation at the national conference, Mendenhall requested that you send in an application as soon as possible. Applications can be found on the National Conference Website at http://nationalconference.collegiate4h.org/

Falkenthal gave a web team update. She said that she has been updating and requesting links for the website. She does need help generating discussion on the message boards, because traffic is decreasing. To create more traffic on the message boards she asked members to create new posts. Posts can include information about individual clubs, questions about what other clubs are doing, etc. She also announced that she is planning a “look redesign,” and she is working with the advocacy team to create a section on the website titled “How to create a new club.”

Inglis also asked regions to get their regional websites updated. Falkenthal volunteered to help regions put together their websites.

Baker then motioned to adjourn the meeting. Edens seconded the motion. Motion passed.

The third meeting of the 2007-2008 National Action Board was adjourned at 9:56 PM (CST).

Amy Schwertner
National Action Board Secretary

Monday, June 04, 2007

May 22, 2007 NAB Meeting

NAB Meeting
May 22, 2007

Members in Attendance:
Kristie Storms, North Central Region President
Sarah Edens, Southern Region President
Tommy Inglis, Western Region Representative and NAB Chair
Antoine Jefferson, Southern Region Second Year NAB
Jasmine Honore, Business Manager
Amy Schwertner, Secretary
April Mendenhall, Conference Coordinator
Christy Clary, Advocacy Team Liaison
Jessica Falkenthal, Webs Team Liaison

Members not in Attendance,
Megan Baker, North East Region President
Beth Bray, North Central Region Second Year NAB
Vanessa Cerny, North East Region Second Year NAB
Amber Mathisen, Western Region Second Year NAB

Inglis called the second meeting of the 2007-2008 Naitonal Action Board to order at 9:14 Pm CST on May 22, 2007. Jefferson moved to accept the meeting agenda, and Edens seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Schwertner announced that the previous meetings minutes could be found on the Collegiate 4-H Blog. Jefferson moved to approve the minutes as posted to the blog. Storms seconded the motion. Motion passed. Honore then announced that there had been no credits or debits made to the NAB account, and the current balance is $2,033.83.

Under old business, there was discussion on the Agricultural Consortium Liaison. Inglis said that he would put an application form on the message board for the position. The NAB unanimously decided that the deadline for application submissions will be July 1, 2007.

Clary then gave a rpeort for the Advocacy Team. She announced that the Advocacy Team is working on the current newsletter. She will put an article in the newsletter regarding Advocacy Applications. The National Action Board will also advocate the Advocacy Team.

Jefferson then updated the NAB on the USDA's comments about having a NAB retreat this summer. He said that the retreat NAB had last year was a one time retreat and was not inteded to be annual. However, NAB can still plan a face-to-face meeting, but no fudning will come from the USDA. Discussion about a retreat this summer followed, but no decision was made regarding the topic.

Mendenhall then gave an update on the 2008 National Collegiate 4-H Conference. She said that the conference team is currently working on the registration forms, and conference cost is approximately $150. She discussed allowing conference delegates to stay an extra day to ski. NAB suggested that the Sunday following conference would probably be the most convienant day for delegates to attend the ski trip. Mendenhall then said that delegates wishing to stay and ski the Sunday following conference would have to pay an extra $90.

Falkenthall gave a brief update on the Web Team. She said that they had a joint meeting with the Advocacy Team last month; the minutes of the meeting were sent to the NAB list serve.

The next item of discussion was the Strategic Plan. Instead of each group reporting what progess they have made on their specific poritions of the the Strategic Plan, NAB decided to either e-mail or post their accomplishments on the NAB message board. The reports should include what has been done, what needs to be done, what we think we can/cannot accomplish, and the steps that will need to be taken to achieve the goals. Each group working on the Strategic Plan should have a report comleted and submitted by the next (June) NAB meeting.

NAB hen discussed the data base on the national collegiate 4-H website. Forms that need to be copleted include the diversity form, community service form, and club establishment form. Mendenhall has typed a more user-friendly club establishment form and sent it via the NAB list serve for suggestion and comments.

There are also promotional materials available on the website. However, some matierals still need to be worked on. The National 4-H week materials need to be updated and promtional materails for the diversity section of the Strategic Plan need to be made. Members of the National Action Board were also asked to contribute materials or information to Clary for the National Newsletter.

The last item pertaining to the Strategic Plan that was discussed was an award committee. Members of the National Collegiate 4-H body voted on creating an awards committee at the 2006 National Collegiate 4-H Conference. The committee's job would be to create new awards that would promote more invovlement from Collegiate 4-H Clubs. After discussing the idea of creating an awards committee, NAB decided to table discussion to the next meeting.

Edens then moved to adjourn the meeting. Jefferson seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. The second meeting of the 2007-2008 National Action Board was adjourned at 10:24 PM CST.

Amy Schwertner
National Action Board Secretary

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

April 9, 2007 NAB Meeting

NAB Meeting
April 9, 2007

Members in Attendance:
Tommy Inglis- Western Region Representative and NAB Chair
Amber Mathisen- Western Region Second Year NAB
Vanessa Cerny- North East Region Second Year NAB
April Mendenhall- Conference Coordinator
Kristie Storms- North Central President
Beth Bray- North Central Second Year NAB
Sarah Edens- Southern Region President
Jessica Falkenthal- Web Team Liaison
Amy Schwertner- Secretary

Members not in Attendance:
Megan Baker- North East Region President
Antoine Jefferson- Southern Region Second Year NAB
Jasmine Honore- Business Manager

Inglis called the first meeting of the 2007-2008 National Action Board was called to order at 9:15 PM CST. The agenda was approved first. No business manager’s report was given due to Honore’s absence, and no secretary’s report was given.

The first item on the agenda was old business. Discussion began over the position of Agriculture Consortium Liaison. The duties of the Ag Consortium Liaison include representing the interests of the Collegiate 4-H Organization at Collegiate Life Knowledge events, relaying messages from the Collegiate Life Knowledge program to the National Action Board, and attending one or two Collegiate Life Knowledge conferences each year. NAB discussed how a candidate would be chosen for the position. Edens then moved to develop an application to send out to the entire Collegiate 4-H body and put applications for the position on the NAB message board, and then select the Liaison through an e-mail vote. Bray seconded the motion. Inglis volunteered to write the application for the position, and NAB decided that a Liaison should be chosenby May 15. Inglis called to question, and the motion passed unanimously.

The Advocacy Team applications and liaison were discussed next. Mathisen moved to accept all advocacy and web team applications that had been submitted to the secretary. Edens seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously and all web team and advocacy applications were accepted. Applications that were accepted for the Web Team included Jessica Falkenthal; she will remain the Web Team Liaison. Applications that were accepted for the Advocacy Team included April Mendenhall and Christy Clary, Collegiate 4-H member from The Ohio State University. Mendenhall said she would contact Clary in regards to the Advocacy Team Liaison position and to give her more information about the Advocacy Team.

Mendenhall gave an update on the 2008 National Conference. She said that the website is up and running. Applications for workshop will be up shortly and e-mails will start going out through the national list serve. She also mentioned that Wednesday night and Sunday night rooms will be available for members wishing to come early or stay late to snow ski; all information regarding these days will be on the applications. The cost will be approximately $150 per person.

Regional updates were the next item on the agenda. Cerny gave an update on the North East Region. She said that the University of Maryland will be hosting their regional conference. The exact date for the conference has not been set yet, but it will be in September. Edens said that the Alabama Collegiate 4-H club will be hosting the Southern Region conference. The Southern Region conference will most likely be held in Birmingham, Alabama in November. Bray reported that the North Central conference will be hosted by Purdue University in November. Inglis said that the Western Region conference will be held at Lake Tahoe by the Nevada Collegiate 4-H Club. He said that it will be like a college leadership retreat so anyone/club will be able to attend, and then they will have separate activities for the non-collegiate 4-H delegate during their regional business meeting. The Western Region conference will be October 18-21 and the cost will be $150 per person.

Falkenthall then gave the Web Team update. She said that all Collegiate 4-H leadership information and NAB biographies have been updated, as well as anything information pertaining to national conference. She is currently in the process of making all NAB contact information and e-mail addresses work properly, and the message boards are set up. She also announced to the regional representatives that if they would like to set up a website for their region she would be willing to assist.

Discussion on the Strategic Plan was the next item on the agenda. Antoine Jefferson, Southern Region Second Year NAB, has an addition to the “Club of the Year” application so that it includes a diversity section; however, it was not ready to be presented to the national Collegiate 4-H Organization at the 2007 national conference. Honore and Jefferson will continue to work on the goals outline in the Diversity section of the Strategic Plan.
Mendenhall updated the NAB on the Organizational Affairs portion of the Strategic Plan. She that the Collegiate 4-H Organization does have a tax ID#; however, work still needs to be done on getting permanent housing for Collegiate 4-H bills, etc. She said that the permanent housing should be kept with the USDA or the National 4-H Council, not a university. She has contacted the USDA, but there is still a lot of paper work that has to be submitted with the IRS. Mendenhall and Mathisen volunteered to work on this section of the Strategic Plan.
Communication and Member Education was the third section of the Strategic Plan that was discussed. Mendenhall said that the club directory database has not been completed yet, and that the Advocacy Team and Web Team have completed most of the paperwork for this portion of the Plan. NAB agreed that it would be most beneficial if the Advocacy Team and Web Team worked as a group on this section of the Strategic Plan. Inglis said that he will also help.
Cerny updated the NAB on the Partnerships section of the Strategic Plan. She said that this really needs some direction from the NAB. She said that she would contact Kristen Barnhat, 2006-2007 North Central President, about more information on Partnerships. Cerny and Storms will be working on the Partnerships section of the Strategic Plan.
Schwertner gave a brief review on what had been done on the Community Service portion of the Strategic Plan. She said that as of the December 2006 NAB meeting, NAB said that it would best if they looked at grant money for providing funds for the Community Service grant discussed in the Strategic Plan. NAB mentioned that Michael Coughly, Operation Military Kids Service Project of Emphasis coordinator, would be a good individual to help with this portion of the Strategic Plan. Schwertner said he would contact him and send out the Strategic Plan time line created by the 2006-2007 NAB via e-mail. Schwertner, Edens, Bray, and possibly Coughly will work on this portion of the Strategic Plan.

The NAB then discussed when future meetings would be held. A decision was made to vote on Yahoo Groups so that individuals that were not able to attend the April meeting will be able to express when they would like future meetings to be held. Falkenthal said that she would send out the vote through the NAB list serve.

The National Service Projects of Emphasis were discussed next. Information about Operation Military Kids has recently been posted on the National Collegiate 4-H Website. The OMK committee is asking that each club participate in two different activities each year that involve military children.
Falkenthal then gave an update on the Resource Library. She is asking that each club submit two items per year to the resource library. Information to be submitted can include club programs, power points, workshops, ice breakers, etc. These items can be submitted through the message boards.

Under other business, Mendenhall suggested that NAB create an awards committee for club recognition. For example, Mendenhall suggested that NAB create a new award for the most active region, best regional website, etc. The idea is to promote more participation throughout the regions. The idea will be posted on the message boards to revamp the idea and to see what other ideas NAB can come up with.

Edens then moved to adjourn the meeting. Bray seconded the motion. The first meeting of the 2007-2008 National Action Board was adjourned at 10:30 PM CST.

Respectfully Submitted,
Amy Schwertner
NAB Secretary

Friday, March 02, 2007

February 17, 2007


The 2007 National Collegiate 4-H Club Meeting was called to order at 3:49 PM (CNT) on February 17, 2007 by Antoine Jefferson (Southern Region President and National Action Board Chair, Louisiana State University). The meeting was held in the Cypress I Room at the Holiday Inn Select in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Amy Schwertner (National Action Board Secretary, Texas Tech University) began the meeting by calling roll. Clubs present and their voting delegates are as follows:

CollegeDelegate 1Delegate 2
Alabama Collegiate 4-HCody Johnson
California Polytechnic State UniversityEmily Morris
Colorado State UniversityA.J. LambertAutumn Sheridan
Georgia State ClubVanessa BoldenJosh Rogers
Indiana UniversityJess Falkenthal
Iowa State UniversityKyle MowrerRachel Bethards
Kansas State UniversityMelinda TebowKylee Grant
Louisiana State UniversityJasmine Honore
Montana State University- BillingsGillette Vaira
Oklahoma State UniversityJoyce AmbrosBecca Lasich
Oregon State UniversityMichelle MartinChantelle Hennikson
Purdue UniversityDustin PottsSarah Wickert
Rutgers UniversityKristen Tangel
South Dakota State UniversityKyle LessmanHannah Englin
Texas Tech UniversityDusty WinklerSpencer Schacht
The Ohio State UniversityRyan CurtisChristy Clary
Troy UniversityKayce East
University of MinnesotaSamuel Zavory
University of Wyoming Erin Therriault Amber Mathisen
University of ArkansasRyan SeeKrisha Dickson
University of California- DavisVanessa Renwick
University of Missouri at ColumbiaMike RazinKelly Jo Woodson
University of Nebraska- LincolnBryan HuskRebecca Heilman
University of Nevada- RenoTakela Eaton
University of Wisconsin River FallsStephanie KrosemanAshley Gerdts

Schwertner then gave the secretary’s report from the 2006 National Business meeting held in Columbus, Ohio. Falkenthal moved to accept the report. A.J. Lambert (Colorado State University) seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Sarah Leidheiser (Business Manager, The Ohio State University) gave the business managers report. She reviewed the 2006-2007 budget with the delegation. She then discussed the proposed 2007-2008 budget. She explained the consortium travel costs and the leadership grant included in the new budget. Leidheiser then compared the 2006-2007 year’s budget with the 2007-2008 budget for the members attending the meeting. Vanessa Renwick (University of California at Davis) moved to accept the proposed budget. Christy Clary (The Ohio State University) seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Jessica Falkenthal (Web Team Liaison, Indiana University) and April Mendenhall (Advocacy Team Liaison, Colorado State University) then gave the Web and Advocacy Team Reports. Mendenhall reported achievements made by the advocacy team throughout the past year. She discussed the promotional materials created by the Advocacy Team during the 2006 term. Materials created are as follows: brochures for collegiate club and extension use, booth materials, service project information, Operation Military Kids information, the tri-annual e-newsletters and the hard copy newsletter given at national conference, book marks, business cards, work order forms for collegiate club use, media kits for promotional use during national 4-H week, surveys for national 4-H week, and the Ideas in Motion project. All of this information can be found on the national collegiate 4-H website: http://www.collegiate4h.org/. The information is available for clubs to use. Mendenhall then announced that if anyone was interested in becoming a member for the Advocacy or Web Team there would be an orientation and question session immediately following the national business meeting in the Bayou Levee room of the Holiday Inn Select.

Falkenthal gave the web team report next. She began by introducing the committee members and explained and showed the website to the delegation. Throughout the past year the Web Team has compiled pieces of information about the national organization and placed it all on the national collegiate 4-H website. On the website you can also find a list of all existing Collegiate 4-H clubs, information about how to begin a new club, National Action Board and other committee member’s contact information, service project ideas, Ideas in Motion database, National and Regional leadership and contact information, news and updates from clubs across the nation, national documents, club resources, and message boards. She also announced the popularity of the national website, and told delegates that she was collecting pictures during the conference to post on the website.

The next item of business was an update on the National Service Projects of Emphasis. Falkenthal gave a quick report on the Resource Library. She said that the project’s goal is to share club resources, icebreakers, teambuilding activities, and workshop materials for others to use. It is an online resource library provided by all clubs to share with other clubs. Each club is asked to submit two proposals for the Resource Library within the next year. The first proposal should be submitted by April 1, 2007.

Michael Cooley (Iowa State University) discussed the Operation Military Kids service project with the delegates next. He first gave explained how the project began. Then he said that clubs could find more information and a state contact at operationmilitarykids.org. The goal of the project is to have each club coordinate two events annually for Operation Military Kids. Ideas can be found by contacting theirs state coordinators (contact information is on the OMK website) or visit the national collegiate 4-H website. Another idea that clubs may want to consider when planning an OMK project is to partner with other clubs within the community such as Boys and Girls clubs or the American Legion. He also announced that there is a survey on the national collegiate 4-H website for clubs to fill out after participating in an OMK project. The information will be put into a database so that other clubs can get ideas for future OMK projects. Cooley said that the club that performs the best Operation Military Kids project during the 2007 year will be awarded with free pizza for club meetings for an entire year.

Patrick Voorhies (second year NAB and Co-Conference Coordinator, Louisiana State University) gave a brief report on Agricultural Consortium. He describe that the Consortium was developed by many different clubs such as Collegiate 4-H, Collegiate FFA, etc. to prepare a Collegiate Life Knowledge curriculum. There are two different Collegiate Life Knowledge curriculum trainings provided during the conference for clubs to attend. CD’s are also available for use by clubs; if any club is interested in more information or a copy of the CD contact Voorhies.

Under old business, Shane Sheridan gave a brief update on the Strategic Plan. He explained that eight members of the National Action Board met in Chevy Chase, Maryland at the National 4-H Center last summer to discuss findings of the Task Force. During the weekend, the NAB wrote a 17 page document called the Strategic Plan with five different goal areas. The Strategic Planning Committee reviewed the plan, talked with clubs about it, and reported their findings back to the NAB. Members of the National Action Board and the Strategic Planning Committee then split up and began working on achieving the five goals of the Strategic Plan.

Byron Garrett (USDA Liaison) then updated the delegates of the status of Collegiate 4-H. He explained that the 4-H program had three mission mandates: citizenship, healthy living, and science, engineering, and technology. Garrett then told delegates of several opportunities that are available at the national level for Collegiate 4-H members to participate in. One is to be a Collegiate 4-H Facilitator for the National 4-H Conference. Application deadlines have already passed for this opportunity. Another opportunity available for Collegiate 4-H members to participate in is the National 4-H Curriculum Summit. They will be choosing 12-15 Collegiate 4-H facilitators to travel to the National 4-H Center for a few days during June. Travel will be paid for. If any delegates are interested they should see or contact Garrett for more information. The deadline for this opportunity is May 1.

There was only one item to be discussed under new business. Creation of bylaws and a proposed constitutional amendments document was submitted for a vote by the National Collegiate 4-H Organization. Jasmine Honore (Co-Conference Coordinator, Louisiana State University) moved to accept the bill. AJ Lambert (Colorado State University) seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Sheridan gave a brief description of the amendment: a non-discrimination and strategic planning section were added. Definitions of how the NAB is functioning were transferred into bylaws. Nothing was deleted from the constitution. Sarah Wickert (Purdue University) questioned why disabilities and religions were not included in the non-discrimination section. Falkenthal made a friendly amendment to change the spelling of non-discrimination so that it would be spelt correctly and also to change the non-discrimination statement so that it would follow the USDA description of diversity. Honore then yielded her time Evelynn Rachelle (Southern Region Advisor). Rachelle questioned about the content of the national advisor. Falkenthal made a friendly amendment that to this comment and an amendment to change the way that the Northeast Region is written in the document so that it will follow USDA standards; the amendment was accepted. There were no further questions. The meeting then moved into discussion. One minute per person was allowed for discussion. Vanessa Renwick (University of California- Davis) expressed her concerns about the documents description of waiting two weeks before a vote could be made on any item. Sheridan responded. Falkenthal then made a friendly amendment to remove Article 4, Sections F and G of the bylaws being discussed. Sheridan responded and said that these two sections were added to prevent items from being randomly added to NAB meeting agendas and hasty decisions by NAB voting members being made. Kyle Mowrer (Iowa State University) then yielded his time to Michael Cooley (Iowa State University) for a comment. Jefferson then made a point of information: he explained to the voting delegates that NAB met only once monthly via teleconference and explained that some items came up during the meetings that needed to be voted at that time and could not wait for the two week time period suggested in the current document. Falkenthal then made a friendly amendment to change the 2 week deadline to 72 hours. Sheridan accepted this friendly amendment. Honore called to question. Falkenthal seconded. All voting delegates were in favor of a vote. The results of the vote were;
39 yes

10 no

1 abstention

The bill passed and the new constitution with by-laws will now be the document for governing the National Collegiate 4-H Organization.

Jefferson then made a few closing remarks. He announced that interview for national business manager and secretary would begin 10 minutes following the adjournment of the national business meeting, and new NAB members were encouraged to attend the interviews. He also reminded delegates that if they were interested in the Web or Advocacy Teams, there would be an orientation immediately following the national business meeting.

Patrick Voorhies (Co-Conference Coordinator, Louisiana State University) gave delegates the schedule for the rest of the evening, and reminded delegates that if they wanted to attend the Collegiate-Like Knowledge training there would be a debriefing in the morning at breakfast.

Garret then made a brief comment about the accomplishments and success NAB has made this year.

A.J. Lambert (Colorado State University) then moved to adjourn the meeting. Dusty Winkler (Texas Tech University) seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. The 2007 National Business Meeting the National Collegiate 4-H Organization was adjourned at 5:14 PM (CNT).

Respectfully Submitted,

Amy Schwertner

NAB Business Manager

Texas Tech University

Monday, February 19, 2007

February 14, 2007

NAB Meeting
February 14, 2007

The twelfth meeting of the National Action Board was called to order at 9:36 PM (CNT) on Wednesday, February 14, 2007 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Members present were Jasmine Honore (Co-Conference Coordinator), Antoine Jefferson (Southern Region President and NAB Chair), Amy Schwertner (Secretary), Sarah Leidheiser (Business Manager), Kristin Barnhart (North Central Region President), Jessica Falkenthal (Web Team Liaison), April Mendenhall (Advocacy Team Liaison), Amber Mathisen (Western Region President), Shane Sheridan (Western Region Second Year NAB), and in-and-out was Patrick Voorhies (Co-Conference Coordinator and Southern Region Second Year NAB). Schwertner served as proxy for Voorhies when he was not present.

First, Barnhart moved to suspend all parliamentary rules. Voorhies seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

The main item of discussion was the Strategic Planning Committee. The Committee informed the NAB of how they felt this year about their accomplishments with the Strategic Plan as well as their frustrations. Miscommunication concerns were also discussed between the NAB and the SPC.
Discussion then moved toward NAB. Members discussed how the governing body could be evaluated. A checks and balances system was discussed, and if this would be the case, how would it happen. Discussion continued until 11:04 pm (CNT) when Jefferson called for recess.

Jefferson recalled the meeting at 12:30 pm (CNT) on February 15, 2007. Members present at this time include Barnhart, Leidheiser (proxy for Val Krumm, North Central Region second year NAB), Schwertner (proxy for Voorhies, Southern Region second year NAB), Jefferson, Honore, Mathisen, Sheridan, Falkenthal, and Dale Leidheiser (Colorado State University Collegiate 4-H Club Advisor.)

Items of business included the national business meeting and the Strategic Planning Committee.

Leidheiser moved to table Strategic Planning Committee discussion until a decision is made about the national business meeting. Barnhart seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

The national business meeting was then discussed. The results of the discussion follow:
Abstentions do not count; they lower the entire voting number. During discussion, each voting delegate is allotted 1 minute to make a statement or give their opinion on the matter at hand; however, they can yield time to another member of their delegation by saying who they are yielding their time to. For discussion to begin, the delegate must be recognized by the NAB chair. To go into debate, a motion must be made; during debate, each side is allowed to have 3 people represent their opinion. Each person is allowed one minute, which gives each side a total of 3 minutes to debate. Time can only be extended during debate, not discussion. Leidheiser was give the Sargent at Arms position; she will have time cards to indicate when delegates have 15 seconds left, and then will say stop when their one minute is over. Jefferson can then move the motion straight to a vote. However, if time permits, then previous question can be called for. Anyone can call for a point of question at any time. The Web and Advocacy will be allotted 10 minutes total to give their committee reports during the national business meeting.
Leidheiser then moved to accept the discussion and decision made about the national business meeting. Sheridan seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

The Strategic Planning Committee was discussed next. Leidheiser moved to disband the committee. Barnhart seconded. The floor was then open for discussion. The NAB discussed that the Strategic Planning had done their job, were appreciated for their hard work, but were no longer needed. Leidheiser called for a point of question, and Barnhart seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. The NAB then voted to disband the Strategic Planning Committee on April 1, 2007. All members voted in favor.

The NAB then decided to use the Strategic Plan, written last summer by member of the National Action Board, as a guideline for future NAB members to strive to achieve. Sheridan said that he would give a report for the Strategic Planning Committee at the national business meeting.

The discussion then moved to the checks and balances system discussed the previous day. The National Action Board unanimously agreed that we are a board of thirteen members and should act as a checks and balances system naturally without creating another committee or document. They also discussed how they could help the new National Action Board members be successful and the second year NAB. An agreement was finally: The second year NAB is beneficial to the success of the new NAB, and no change was made to the structure of the National Action Board.

Leidheiser then moved to adjourn the meeting. Barnhart seconded the motion. All were in favor. The twelfth meeting of the 2006-2007 National Action Board was adjourned at 3:21 pm (CNT).

Amy Schwertner
NAB Secretary

Thursday, February 08, 2007

January 9, 2007

NAB Meeting Minutes

NAB Members Present: Antoine Jefferson, Southern Region President and NAB Chair Patrick Voorhies, Southern Region Second Year Member Jasmine Honore, Conference Planning Committee Member
Kristin Barnhart, North Central Region President Shane Sheridan, Western Region Second Year Member Amber Mathizen, Western Region NAB Representative Vanessa Cerny, Northeast Region President Amy Schwertner, National Collegiate 4-H Secretary
Jessica Falkenthal, Web Team Liaison April Mendenhall, Advocacy Team Liaison Tommy Inglis, Agricultural Consortium Liaison-Elect Byron Garrett, Liaison from USDA and National 4-H Headquarters Evelyn Rachell, Southern Region and National Collegiate 4-H Advisor
Samantha Ephgrave, Conference Planning Committee member NAB Members Not in Attendance: Val Krumm, North Central Region Second Year MemberSarah Leidheiser, National Collegiate 4-H Business Manager The elleventh meeting of the 2006-2007 National Action Board of the National Collegiate 4-H Organization was called to order at 9:05PM CST by Jefferson, NAB Chair. Barnhart moved to accept the agenda, and Sheridan seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

The item on the agenda was comments from Garrett. He announced that the National 4-H Headquarters has identified Entities and Organzations that operate not by charter but rather are national organizations, such as
NAE4-HA and National 4-H Council. Garret said that he would work with the organizational affairs committee to get a MOU for the National 4-H Organziation by the middle of the year. He explained that the committee felt that this was the best home for the National 4-H Organization, and that most likely, this change will change the way individual clubs are chartered; however, this is the next phase of the project, and more will be announced in February.

The next item of business was the secretary’s report. Barnhart moved to accept the minutes from the December NAB meeting as posted to the Blog. Sheridan made a second. Motion passed unanimously.

In absence of the business manager, Jefferson reported that there had a been an error in the book keeping and the NAB account had an increase of $150. This makes the new account balance $2541.18.

Voorhies then announced that Inglis will be attending the Consortium Meeting in February. Inglis said that he has contacted the Consortium committee, but has not heard anything back yet about the agenda for the meeting.

The next item of business was the discussion on the resolutions send by the Western Region. (Find copies of both resolutions at the end of this blog.) The first resolution discussed was the Progress Report. Inglis explained that if passed the resolutions will give future NAB members and 4-H members an idea of what has been accomplished with the Stragetic Plan. Voorhies called for a point of order: the resolutions are not in proper form and therefore can not be considered. He explained that the formating was incorrect, and the current resolutions call for specific actions and statements of support. He then made a motion for the two submitted resolutions to be delegated to the Strategic Planning Committee to be rewritten in proper form. Sheridan moved that the NAB apporve the actions written in the resolutions without calling them “resolutions” so that further action could be taken. Mathizen seconded the motion. Two minutes were then given for discussion. A vote was then taken for everything written in the resolutions to be put into action. The votes are as follow:

Barnhart- no
Cerney (2 votes)- abstain
Mathizen- yes
Voorhies- no
Sheridan- yes
Honore- abstain
Jefferson (with the deciding vote)- yes

The motion passed and the “resolutions” from the Progress Report be put into action.

The second resolution, Strategic Plan Implementation Strategy Development, was discussed next. Mathizen motioned to move this resolution into action as well. Sheridan seconded. Discussion followed. During the discussion time period, Voorhies said that a timeline for the Strategic Plan already includes what the resolution calls for. Sheridan explained that this resolution called for specific steps such as a map rather than dates like the time line. Inglis then suggested that implemetnation be presented at the national conference. A vote was then taken to accept the second set of resolutions. The votes are as follow:

Barnhart- no
Cerny (2 votes)- no
Mathizen- yes
Voorhies- no
Sheridan- yes
Honore- yes
The motion failed and the second resolution submitted was not accepted.

The next item of business was discussion about National Committees. Falkenthal suggested that NAB add additional national committees for different parts of the Strategic Plan so that more members can be invovled; involvement would give members a stronger sense of ownership. She said that two committees were discussed at last years conferences: 1) to putt the constitution into bilaws, and 2) to develop a recognition committee. No further discussion was taken on this matter.

Progress on the Strategic Plan was next on the agenda. Jefferson spoke for the diversity goal. He siad that nothing new has happened yet, but there may be an amendment presented at the National Conference to have a national diversity club of the year added to the awards presented at conference. Shereidan discussed progress on organziational affairs. He explained that the division statement is just for the national organization and not for individual clubs. He also said that it the dates presented in the timeline of the Strategic Plan will have to be updated, because it does not give enough time for paperwork. The national charter will finished when the name and emblem for the National Organization is discussed with Garrett, liability insurance is for the national conference can be discussed after it has been discussed with the National Conference Planning Committee, and club establishments and guidelines will be discussed when the name and emblem is discussed with the USDA. Definigh the responsibility of the NAB, liaisons, and advisors, will be worked on after the national conference. Voorhies updates NAB on the progess of Communication and Member Education; he said that the club database is currently being worked on. Since the last meeting, there has not been any further progress made on the Partnerships or Community Service sections of the Strategic Plan.

Voorhies then commented on the 2007 National Conference. He said that to date there were 118 conference attendees; there would be NO free copying at the hotel, and anything information wanted in the packets needs to be sent to the conference planning committee ahead of time. He also discussed insurance. The conference planning committee has taken out a personal injuries liability policy through the extension service. It will pay up to $1000, and it is good throughout the entire conference. NAB meeting times were also discussed; Voorhies sent all members of NAB a schedule via e-mail.

Barnhart then made a motion to extend the meeting time by 5 minutes. Sheridan seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Mendenhall updated the NAB on the Advocacy Team. She said that the newsletter is currently being worked on, and articles are needed for the hardcopy newsletter at conference. They are also working on extension brochures, compiling surveys from National 4-H Weeks, revamping the Advocacy Team application, and working with the Web Team to develop a general format for the application.

Falkenthal gave the Web Team update. She mentioned that they are currently updateing the organizations website, and she announced that there had been a lot of traffic on the website and message boards.

Rachell then announced that she would resigning as the Collegiate 4-H Advisor, due to personal and work conflicts, at the end of the 2007 National Conference.

Other concerns that were brought up was how will the Strategic Planning Committee exist next year: will the committee be chosen through application, selection, ect. NAB called for suggestions from the current Strategic Planning Committee as to what they would like to see happen. Voorhies then moved to refer the issue to the Strategic Planning Committee. Honore seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Jefferson said that he would contact the Strategic Planning Committee and let them know the NAB’s decision.

Mathizen then motioned to adjourn the meeting. Honore seconded the motion. The elleventh meeting of the National Action Board was adjourned at 10:26 PM (CST).


Amy Schwertner
National Action Board Secretary

Resolution 1:
Presented at the National Collegiate 4-H Organization National Action Board Meeting 12/??/06.

Authored by: Tommy Inglis
Endorsed by: Western Region Collegiate 4-H
Introduced by: Shane Sheridan, Amber Mathizen

Strategic Plan Current Progress Reports

Progress reports should be drafted and submitted to the national body by each of the current National Action Board Representatives on the current progress of the strategic plan. Individually each member can document their work on the implementation of the strategic plan, provide any information that has been acquired, and provide any additional guidance on what needs to happen next. Once the initial progress reports have been submitted monthly updates should continue even if no current progress has been made.

Whereas, little or no information has been provided outside of NAB meetings on the current progress of the plan;

Whereas, with only three returning NAB members in 2007 a lack of information regarding the strategic plan will be available;

Whereas, regions can’t monitor the progress of their regional representatives and offer resources;

Whereas, it will provide a foundation for future collegiate 4-H members to review and build upon so the strategic plan can be completed effectively;

National Action Board, The Western Region Collegiate 4-H body would like to see progress reports submitted by each of the current NAB. This will enable an accurate description of the current progress of the strategic plan to be obtained and presented to the national body. Further with only three returning NAB members in 2007 an information deficit will occur. Finally for the success of the strategic plan a foundation of current progress must be established. Then following the initial report monthly reports shall be submitted until the completion of the strategic plan.

Therefore it be resolved that the National Action Board will produce individual progress reports on their activity regarding the strategic plan. The monthly reports should contain any information that is not available on www.collegiate4h.org, a timeline of what has been completed, and recommendations for the future success of the Strategic Plan. Followed by monthly progress reports with the same information that comprised the initial reports included;
Therefore it finally be resolved that copies of this resolution along with NAB Progress Reports will be sent to each regional and national list serve and made available on www.collegiate4h.org

Resolution 2:
Presented at the National Collegiate 4-H Organization National Action Board Meeting 12/??/06.

Authored by: Tommy Inglis
Endorsed by: Western Region Collegiate 4-H
Introduced by: Shane Sheridan, Amber Mathizen

Strategic Plan Implementation Strategy Development

A strategy should be developed and implemented by The NAB for the current and future implementation of the collegiate 4-H national strategic plan.

Whereas, currently there is no way to track the progress of the implementation of the strategic plan;

Whereas, an outline of implementation and suggested strategies could accompany the strategic plan to promote future success;

Whereas, areas can be identified that may require additional resources that are currently behind the schedule contained in the strategic plan;

Whereas, opportunities for participation from the national body can be requested;

Whereas, the strategic plan is currently incomplete when addressing the implementation of the plan itself;

National Action Board, The Western Region Collegiate 4-H body would like to see a strategy developed for the implementation of the Strategic Plan. It will provide information to future NAB about the progress of the Strategic Plan, and will allow the strategic plan to come to its completion. An implementation strategy would provide tracking and the ability to monitor areas that have fallen behind and resources will not be wasted on areas that have been completed. Areas that have been identified as needing extra resources can be extended to committees, other NAB members, or national body members.

Therefore it is resolved that NAB will develop a strategy for the implementation of the strategic plan. Addressing when all aspects of the plan should be completed, a list of priorities, and who will be responsible for each of the various sections. This will be made available to the national body via www.collegiate4h.org . An implementation strategy should be completed 1 month prior to the 2007 National Conference so duties can be assigned while a majority of the national body is present.

Therefore it will be finally resolved that copies of this resolution will be sent to all NAB members, Committee’s, and made available for anyone involved in the Collegiate 4-H Organization to view.