Thursday, October 18, 2007

September 11, 2007

September NAB Meeting

Members Present:
Megan Baker- North East Region President
Christy Clary- Advocacy Liaison
Kristie Storms- North Central Region President
Sarah Edens- Southern Region President
Amy Schwertner- Secretary
Austin Bishop- Ag Consortium Liaison
April Mendenhall- Conference Coordinator
Tommy Inglis- Western Region President and NAB Chair
Amber Mathisen- Western Region Second Year NAB

Members Absent:
Beth Bray- North Central Region Second Year NAB
Vanessa Cerny- North Eastern Region Second Year NAB
Antoine Jefferson- Southern Region Second Year NAB
Jasmine Honore- Business Manger
Jessica Falkenthall- Web Team Liaison

The fourth meeting of the 2007-2008 National Action Board was called to order on September 11 at 9:04 PM over a teleconference call.

Discussion focused on information that will be presented to Cathann Kress, National 4-H Council Representative. Mendenhall first went over all of the things mentioned in the August meeting discussion and ideas brought up on the NAB Facebook group as well as the message boards. She said that NAB must put together a report to present to Kress before our teleconference call with her. Questions discussed included how NAB and the collegiate 4-H organization can be beneficial to 4-H in general and what NAB’s purpose of existence is.

Following is a brief outline of what ideas discussed by members present about what will be put in the document that will be sent to Kress.

What will NAB put in the document?
Idea sharing
§ Creation of calendar of national events during National 4-H week
o Collegiate 4-H Website
o Facebook
Used as a networking tool
· Develop a sense of belonging at the national level
o Facebook
o Myspace
o National Conference
§ Gives ideas to new and existing clubs
§ Offers delegates leadership and community service opportunities
§ Is a way for everyone to learn about problems around other parts of the country
· Creation of national initiatives for clubs to achieve
o Possible training for this at national conferences
· Creation of an alternate spring break program and a scholarship for this opportunity
o Program during summer months so it won’t conflict with school
o Possibility of a large company, i.e. John Deere, to provide scholarships
Encourage universities in the same area to work together on national and regional projects
Develop a “state calendar” or a “national calendar” so that all university clubs know what’s happening with other clubs across the country
Create a national commercial for promotion
Can link commercial to 4-H Myspace and Facebook sites. If it’s viewed a lot it could be shown on television with little to cost to our organization.
Could make a video at national conference
Commercial/Video could be about a national initiative
Clubs could compete to see who can develop the best video and delegates could vote on videos at national conference

After discussion on these items and the document, Inglis stated that he would develop an outline and write a summary of these things so that they can be presented to Kress. NAB will meet on on September 25 at 9 PM CST to discuss the meeting with Kress.

Mendenhall volunteered to contact Kress to set a date for her to meet with NAB.

Mendenhall then mentioned that she is working on handbooks for the organizational affairs section of the strategic plan. She requested information from each NAB member about their individual duties on the National Action Board as well as their rolls within their respective regions. She asked that the information be sent to her via e-mail before the next meeting.

Baker then moved to adjourn the meeting. Edens seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:49 PM CST.

Amy Schwertner
National Action Board Secretary

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