Tuesday, December 19, 2006

December 12, 2006 NAB MEETING MINUTES

NAB Meeting
December Minutes

NAB Members Present:
Antoine Jefferson, Southern Region President and NAB Chair
Patrick Voorhies, Southern Region Second Year Member
Samantha Ephgrave, proxy for Jasmine Honore- Conference Planning Committee member
Kristin Barnhart, North Central Region President
Val Krumm, North Central Region Second Year Member
Shane Sheridan, Western Region Second Year Member
Amber Mathisen, Western Region NAB Representative
Vanessa Cerny, Northeast Region President
Sarah Leidheiser, National Collegiate 4-H Business Manager
Jessica Falkenthal, Web Team Liaison and meeting secretary
April Mendenhall, Advocacy Team Liaison
Tommy Inglis, Agricultural Consortium Liaison-Elect
Byron Garrett, Liaison from USDA and National 4-H Headquarters
Evelyn Rachell, Southern Region and National Collegiate 4-H Advisor
Vanessa Renwick, UC Davis

NAB Members Not in Attendance:
Jasmine Honore, Conference Planning Committee Member
Amy Schwertner, National Collegiate 4-H Secretary

The tenth meeting of the 2006-2007 National Action Board of the National Collegiate 4-H Organization was called to order at 9:06PM CST by Jefferson, NAB Chair. It was moved and seconded to accept the minutes as posted on the NAB blog.
The motion passed unanimously. Due to Schwertner's absence, Falkenthal was appointed to serve as the secretary for the meeting.

Leidheiser reported that Mendenhall had been reimbursed for the National Collegiate 4-H banner and postage which came to $118.20. This leaves the organization with a total balance of $2391.18

After discussion about the resignation of Justin Bolte, Ephgrave motioned to accept his resignation. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Val Krumm has been appointed by Bolte to serve as the North Central Region's Second Year Member.

Voorhies moved to accept agenda of the day. Mathisen seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

The Consortium of Collegiate Agricultural Organizations report was given by Voorhies. He reported that the executive board of the Consortium had met recently and decided that they will pay for Collegiate 4-H's liaison to attend their next meeting in February. The meeting is the week before the National Collegiate 4-H Conference. Voorhies reported that he would not be in attendance, so the Liaison-Elect should attend.

Next came the reports on the goals of the Strategic Plan.

Jefferson gave the Diversity Goal report. They had been working on an amendment to change the club of the year award to include a diversity component. Personally he had been speaking with people at Southern University about starting a Collegiate 4-H club. This school is Louisiana's 1890 Land Grant Institution.

Sheridan reported for the Organizational Affairs Goal. He had been working with Dale Leidheiser, Colorado State University Collegiate 4-H Advisor, to apply for an Employee Identification Number (EIN). Upon completion they plan to work on the 501 c3 application.

Voorhies reported for the Communication and Member Education Goal. Mathisen might join him on working on this. They have been working on alot of things individually. Voorhies has personally been working on the creation of the online club directory, which he says should be available by the first of the new year.

Barnhart reported for the Partnership Goal. She said that NAE4-HA had been meeting in Ohio, but she wanted to wait until she sees where the organization is going. She would like NAB to come together with a united front after they have solidified what we want from the opportunity.

Krumm Reported for the Community Service Goal. She has been working with Schwertner on several things. Specifically a list of sites that give grants to clubs, which she e-mailed to the NAB listserv towards the end of November.
She suggests that the organization set aside $500 for grants for clubs to do service projects. They are in the process of developing a budget for this idea. Her idea would allow up to $250 per club project. There would be rolling applications. NAB would decide on the amount they would receive (if full, partial, or not at all). She hopes that it will be appropriated in next year's budget and suggests that the national body vote on its inclusion in the budget. There was discussion as to whether the NAB members responsible for that Goal would be trying to secure outside funding for this.
Garrett mentioned that the National Collegiate 4-H may be positioned to apply for corporate funding or large-scale grants when the organization is more structured. It will help when it is known the tract of the organization's success. National 4-H Council might be willing to work with the organization about considering funding. The organization will need to know what the demonstrated outcomes were going to be of the service project such as the number of people and hours involved. There would also need to be documentation and how the organization plans to deliver the service would need to be addressed.
It was asked if the funding would come out of the organization's budget, as there may not be room in the budget due to the cost of liability insurance.
Due to time Jefferson proposed a separate phone conference be formed to discuss the community service goal that would involve anyone interested.

The National Collegiate 4-H Conference update was given by Ephgrave. Paper registration is available to download from the conference website. Online web registration should be available within next 2 weeks. It may not be available prior to the December 20th Early Registration Deadline. Conference registrations need to be postmarked by December 20th to avoid paying the late fee. Workshops have been arranged and will be chosen by delegates during registration. They have recently been working on the Career and Grad School Fair. The committee will be asking clubs what majors will be represented in their delegations, so that they can plan accordingly. The committee will be asking NAB Representatives to consult with their regions and clubs to help in this effort.
In addition, the community service project is being confirmed and their speakers have confirmed.

Mendenhall reported that the Advocacy Team has been working on the next electronic newsletter that will come out in January. They will be advertising deadlines for the hard copy newsletter that will come out during the National Collegiate 4-H Conference.
The Advocacy Team would like to ask NAB to start working on gathering information for the next edition of the National newsletter. They are looking for any NAB specific updates, committee reports, regional updates, and information on the conference. The focus of this newsletter will be on the 2007 conference, so any information that NAB would like included would be welcome. They are also starting to look for articles for the hardcopy version of the national newsletter. The sooner they begin receiving articles the better.

Falkenthal gave the Web Team report. The web hosting service for Collegiate4h.org expires on January 27th. she asked for a motion. Voorhies moved to allot $119.40 from the Web Team's pre-approved budget to go towards web hosting for the 2007-January 2008 year. The motion passed unanimously. Falkenthal reported that the site had been receiving more than 3600 visits per month, which was more than several of the national 4-H websites receive. She is working with Krumm on the creation of a Frequently Asked Questions about Collegiate 4-H page. While there had been some activity on the message boards recently, she'd still like NAB members to seek an active role in participating on the message boards to encourage collaboration between regions and clubs and sharing of ideas and methods.

Krumm gave the report for the Operation Military National Service Project of Emphasis. The planning committee from Iowa State will be meeting early next semester to discuss the project. The chair will be more available next semester. Krumm would appreciate more suggestions for the project being submitted online on the Collegiate 4-H message boards. Ephgrave mentioned that another state will be doing an OMK workshop during the National Collegiate 4-H Conference and perhaps ISU could work with them.

Falkenthal gave the report for the National Service Project of Emphasis: Resource Library for the 4-H Community. She mentioned that the report is the same as the last meeting, but due to the end of finals, there will be alot more time work on the database development and corresponding webpages for the next few weeks. Her hope is that it will be completed by the first of the new year, so that she can begin promotion to clubs and have it featured in the pre-conference electronic newsletter.

Regional Reports

Mathisen reported for the Western Region. She is now the NAB representative for the region as Renwick is no longer in that position. The region is working on planning for next year's national conference & their regional conference in Nevada.

Jefferson reported that the Southern Region's conference was held this month in Ferndale, Arkansas. Five schools were represented and the strategic plan report went over very well with lots of enthusiasm and some feedback. The delegates participated in a ropes course and regional bonding.

Barnhart reported for the North Central Region. She said that there were no problems in the region. Several clubs are planning a mutual bus trip to Louisiana for nationals. Jefferson mentioned that some schools from the Southern Region would like to join their bus route.

Cerny reported for the Northeast Region. She had contacted schools on their regional listserv about the national conference and will pass on information requesting the majors of the delegates from her region and the upcoming committee application deadlines. She has not been receiving any responses back from members of her region in regards to her communications.

Krum reported that she had received a new job position and will not be attending the national conference.

Garrett reported that National 4-H Headquarters will soon be seeking applications for Collegiate 4-H members to facilitate roundtable discussions during the National 4-H Conference held March 24-29th. For the past 3 years Collegiate 4-H members from West Virginia and Ohio State have served as facilitators at this event, but they are changing the process of recruitment for these positions to expand the opportunity. Garrett Will give NAB members more information to share with their constituents in the next few weeks. At the latest this will be early January. The conference will need 15-20 Collegiate 4-H members who have an interest, the passion, and experience in facilitation. Travel expenses will be covered.
Collegiate 4-H members will need a letter from their state 4-H leader or adviser on campus noting that they will be an acceptable facilitator for 4-H topics. (not just about Collegiate 4-H)

Garrett would also like to remind NAB members that they are in a national position and they are being held to higher standards than other Collegiate 4-H members. They should be conscious of decisions and actions they take using the 4-H name and emblem and others which might reflect on the organization.

It was then moved by Voorhies and seconded by Ephgrave to go into executive session to discuss personnel issues.

In Favor:
Cerny- 2 votes


By a vote of 4-3, the NAB meeting moved into executive session. After much discussion about who was to be included in the session Patrick moved adjourn the regular session of the meeting.

Those present during the executive session were:
Antoine Jefferson
Patrick Voorhies
Samantha Ephgrave
Amber Mathisen
Shane Sheridan
Kristin Barnhart
Val Krumm
Vanessa Cerny
Jessica Falkenthal
Byron Garrett
Evelyn Rachell

The executive session of NAB was adjourned at 10:37PM CST.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jessica Falkenthal

Monday, November 20, 2006


Kristen Barnhart (North Central Region President) called the ninth meeting of the 2006-2007 National Action Board to order at 9:07 PM (CST).
Members in attendance:
Vanessa Renwick (Western Region President)
Antoine Jefferson (Southern Region President and NAB chair)-joined after the meeting began
Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region Second Year NAB, and 2007 National Conference Co-Coordinator)
Shane Sheridan (Western Region Second Year NAB)
Sarah Leidheiser (Business Manager)
Amy Schwertner (Secretary)
April Mendenhall (Advocacy Team Liaison)
Jessica Falkenthal (Web Team Liaison)
Val Krumm (Strategic Planning Committee Liaison)-voted for North Central Region until Jefferson joined
Tommy Inglis (Agricultural Consortium Liaison)
Evelyn Rachell (Southern Region Advisor)
Members not in attendance:
Vanessa Cerny (North East Region President)
Justin Bolte (North Central Second Year NAB)
Jasmine Honore (2007 National Conference Co-Coordinator)
Byron Garrett (USDA and National 4-H Headquarter)

The first item of business was the secretary’s report. There were no minutes from the last meeting because Schwertner was absent. Mendenhall said that she had sent a shorthand version of the minutes to the list serve. Schwertner will type them in longhand and the minutes will be approved next meeting.The business manager’s report followed. Leidheiser announced that there was no change in the balance.
The Consortium report was next. Voorhies announced that the Conference Planning Committee is planning a Collegiate Life Knowledge training at nationals. It will be offered as an alternative to the business meeting at the National Conference. When clubs sign up voting delegates they will also sign up a Collegiate Life Knowledge delegate; however, members are welcome to attend either one. The time limit for this agenda item had ended and Sheridan motioned to extend time for discussion. There was no second; therefore, motion failed. Jefferson then moved that NAB wait until the end of the meeting, and if time permits discussion would continue. Sheridan seconded this motion. The motion passed 4 to 1 with the following votes:
Those in favor:
Those against:

*Jefferson took over as NAB chiar.

An update of the 5 areas of the Strategic Plan was next. Jefferson said that there will be information at national over Diversity. Sheridan gave an update on Organizational Affairs. He said members working on this area have contacted Chuck Graves with the USDA and applied for an employee ID number; they can move forward with the 501C3 once an employee ID number has been granted. Voorhies said that each member is working on things individually with the Communication and Member Education area. The areas of Partnerships and Community Service were not discussed because time did not permit. However, there will be an update on the National Collegiate 4-H Website (www.collegiate4h.org) if members would like to know more about these five areas of the strategic plan. Please check there for future updates.
Voorhies then gave a National Conference Update. He said that registration is out and if any member has a question regarding the conference he/she can e-mail the registration chair.
Members in attendance at the meeting then discussed when they would arrive on Wednesday, February 14, 2007. It was decided that NAB members will check in at approximately 3 o’clock, and a formal meeting is scheduled for 5 PM on Wednesday evening. There will be also be a meeting before delegates on Sunday, February 18; a meeting time will be determined at a later date.
Mendenhall then gave an Advocacy Team Update. She said that the Advocacy Team has finished most of its projects and announced that the National 4-H Week and National Service Day surveys and information is all on the National 4-H Website.

A Web Team Update by Falkenthal followed. She said that the Web Team is working on a photo gallery and would like pictures from all regional conferences and past national conferences. If anyone has any pictures they would like to share, feel free to e-mail them to Falkenthal or any other NAB or Web Team members so that they can be put on the website. She also announced that the newest project the Web Team is working on is a Code of Conduct for the message boards.

Krumm then gave an update on the National Service Project of Emphasis. She announced that the committee is in need of any ideas anyone has for Operation Military Kids. If you have an idea please e-mail Krumm. She also said that there will be two workshops given at the National Conference over Operation Military Kids, and if anyone has any information about past projects they have done with OMK please send them to Krumm or any other person on the committee. Falkenthal then gave an update on the progress of the Resource Library. She said that database programming has been giving the committee problems, but documents and other information are still coming together.
Regional Conference updates were next on the agenda. Renwick said that the Western Region Conference had just finished. They had four total states in attendance, new officers and NAB representatives were elected, and delegates worked with Operation Military Kids project. Jefferson mentioned that the Southern Region Conference is the upcoming weekend. Two workshops and a business meeting are planned, and the strategic plan will be discussed. Barnhart said that the North Central Region Conference introduced the strategic plan to delegates and elected new officers; they had approximately 77 4-Her’s in attendance. There was no update on the North East Region’s Conference.
Under other concerns and future agenda items, Rachelle requested to be copied on all e-mails pertaining to the USDA so that she will know what is going on.
There were nine minutes left for the meeting time so discussion on the Collegiate Life Knowledge continued. Inglis suggested that question fro regional conferences, agendas from Consortium Conferences, by laws, etcetera on the message boards. Voorhies said that there were minutes from the consortium meeting that was held in August. He also has notes from brainstorming sessions held during the Consortium Conference in August. He will share this with NAB. He continued by explaining the different committees formed by the consortium. If anyone would like more information or has any question regarding the Consortium or Collegiate Life Knowledge feel free to e-mail Voorhies.

There was no further business. Barnhart moved to adjourn the meeting. Sheridan seconded the motion. Motion passed. The ninth meeting of the 2006-2007 National Action Board was adjourned at 10:00 PM (CST).

Amy Schwertner
NAB Secretary


Kristen Barnhart (North Central Region President) called the eight meeting of the 2006-2007 National Action Board to order at 9:11 PM (CST).
Members in attendance:
Vanessa Renwick (Western Region President)
Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region Second Year NAB, and 2007 National Conference Co-Coordinator)
Shane Sheridan (Western Region Second Year NAB)
Sarah Leidheiser (Business Manager)
April Mendenhall (Advocacy Team Liaison)
Jessica Falkenthal (Web Team Liaison)
Val Krumm (Strategic Planning Committee Liaison)
Members not in attendance:
Antoine Jefferson (Southern Region President and NAB chair)
Amy Schwertner (Secretary)
Vanessa Cerny (North East Region President)
Justin Bolte (North Central Second Year NAB)
Jasmine Honore (2007 National Conference Co-Coordinator)
Tommy Inglis (Agricultural Consortium Liaison)
Evelyn Rachell (Southern Region Advisor)
Byron Garrett (USDA and National 4-H Headquarter)

Before business began, NAB approved Krumm and Mendenhall to act as proxies for their respective regions in the absence of representatives, or until they arrived.

The first item of business was the secretary’s report. Renwick motioned to approve the minutes as written online in the NAB blog. Krumm seconded this motion. Motion passed unanimously.
The business manager’s report followed. Leidheiser announced that there was no change in the balance.
The Consortium report was next. Voorhies announced that the Conference Planning Committee is asking their Student Government to assist in paying for the Collegiate LifeSkills Knowledge trainer to present a workshop at the National Conference in February.

Discussion on the Strategic Plan was next on the agenda. Barnhart expressed concerns that liaisons were not being allowed to be involved in the different aspects of the Strategic Plan. It was decided to discuss this matter at the end of the meeting. Updates from each of the five areas of focus were next:
Diversity- no update
Organizational Affairs- committee is working on recontacting people about tax exemption information
Communication and Member Education- Voorhies is working on a database and the Web Team can help if they wish. The Web Team is also working on a more accurate website. They are working with NAB and that National Conference Planning Committee to see about implementing the following things at National Conference:
*New Member Orientation
*Appropriate Schools to hold National Conference
*Request that each NAB member submit a workshop proposal for nationals
*Searching for ideas to increase involvement between the planning committee and NAB
*Proposed that NAB take care of registration at the National Conference so that members have a chance to meet their regional and national representatives
Partnerships- no update
Community Service- Committee would like to promote the Strategic Plan at the regional conferences and possibly during opening ceremonies during nationals. Krumm volunteered to give the presentation.

Voorhies then gave a National Conference Update. He said that he put in a request for funding from NAB for three hotel rooms to house the NAB members and liaisons on the night of February 14. Total cost comes to $277.98. Sheridan motioned that NAB fund this amount of money for rooms for NAB members. Honore seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Mendenhall then gave an Advocacy Team Update. She said that the National 4-H Week media kits and the national newsletter went out the previous week. The team is also working on putting together a follow up survey for National 4-H Week, and NAE4-HA training materials should be completed by the end of October. Advocacy also asked NAB who was going to be in charge of updating and revamping the handbooks for the National Conference in February. NAB decided that the Communication and Member Education committee of the Strategic Plan would be best suited to work on this project.

A Web Team Update by Falkenthal followed. She first thanked the members who have participated in the message boards and encouraged more people to make posts. She then announced that the Web Team has put up the North Central website. A resolution was then passed to have each NAB member post at least 3 posts per month on the message boards.

Krumm then gave an update on the National Service Project of Emphasis. She announced that the committee is planning on having a workshop at nationals over Operation Military Kids. Clubs are also asked to participate in at least one OMK project each semester (1/2 year). There was a suggestion to make up an information power point about Operation Military Kids. Krumm requested that each state at least make initial contact with their military liaisons, and if anyone has any further ideas or suggestions please send them to Krumm by e-mail.
Regional Conference updates were next on the agenda.
Western Region: Conference is scheduled for November 2-5. Registration is due October 20.
Southern Region: Conference is scheduled for November 17-19.
North Central Region: Conference is will be held in one week in South Dakota. They will be electing new officers.
North Eastern Region: no update

There were no further agenda items so discussion continued on the Strategic Plan. It was decided that if the NAB liaisons would like to help with the Strategic Plan they should contact the NAB members working on each section.

Meeting time had then ended and Voorhies motioned to extend meeting time by 15 minutes. Krumm seconded this motion. Motion passed.

Voorhies mentioned that he sent out some corrections to the past minutes posted on the blog and asked for motioned that NAB approve them. Renwick seconded this motion. Motion passed.

It was also decided to post the Strategic Plan online and have all questions directed to their respective regional presidents.

The next meeting will be held on November 14 at 9:00 PM (CST).

Krumm motioned to adjourn the meeting. Voorhies seconded. The eight meeting of the 2006-2007 National Action Board was then adjourned.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

September 12, 2006 NAB Meeting

September 12, 20006
Antoine Jefferson (Southern Region President and NAB Chair) called the seventh meeting of the 2006-2007 National Action Board to order at 9:09 PM (CST).
Members in attendance: Kristen Barnhart (North Central Region
Vanessa Cerny (North East Region
Vanessa Renwick (Western Region
Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region
Second Year NAB, and 2007
National Conference Co
Shane Sheridan (Western Region Second
Year NAB)
Sarah Leidheiser (Business Manager)
Amy Schwertner (Secretary)
Jasmine Honore (2007 National
Conference Co-Coordinator)
April Mendenhall (Advocacy Team
Jessica Falkenthal (Web Team Liaison)
Val Krumm (Strategic Planning
Committee Liaison)
Tommy Inglis (Agricultural Consortium
Byron Garrett (USDA and National 4-H
Evelyn Rachell (Southern Region Advisor)
Samantha Ephgrave
Members not in attendance:
Justin Bolte (North Central Second Year

The first item of business was a vote of approval for the agenda as the order for the day. Voorhies motioned to accept the agenda that was sent to members prior to the start of the meeting. Honore seconded this motion. Motion passed unanimously.

The next item of business was the reading and approval of the minutes from the August meeting. Voorhies motioned that NAB accept the minutes as posted to the NAB blog. Renwick seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

The business manager’s report, given by Leidheiser, followed. She reported that last month we had a balance of $2540.40. Transaction that had taken place since that time are as follows:
Beginning balance: $2540.49
Expenses: Patrick for web hosting: $9.24
Jess for Technology Conference and Advocacy
materials: $21.87
Ending balance: $2509.38
There were no additions or corrections to the business manager’s report.

Old business was that next item of business on the agenda. Barnhart announced to the members of NAB that attended the officer retreat in Washington, DC this summer that if they had not yet received their reimbursements they should e-mail Carolyn Fernandez at the National 4-H Center to get everything straightened out. The mailing addresses that NAB would be using for our physical address was also discussed. Jefferson agreed to use his address. NAB agreed that this would be fine, and each year the address will change with each conference chair until another address was found more suitable. The address can be found on the national website.

A vote on the Leadership Grant was next. Renwick had sent NAB a proposal via e-mail for a $400 NAB Leadership Grant to be used for a person on the 2007 National Conference Planning Committee to travel to and attend the 2006 Western Region Conference, November 2-5. Renwick explained that the purpose for this person attending the 2006 Western Region Conference was so that he/she could present a workshop on how to plan a National Conference, because the Western Region will be hosting the National Conference in 2008. She clarified that this workshop would help ensure a productive and successful 2008 National Conference. However, there were concerns from other members of NAB. Sheridan believed that the money could be used for something else, because there were members on the 2008 National Conference Planning Committee that were skilled enough to plan a productive conference without having a workshop. Falkenthal agreed by adding that there was someone on the 2008 National Conference Planning Committee that had previously planned a National Conference with another organization. She suggested that the Western Region have him give the workshop to the rest of the members of their 2008 Planning Committee to help save money. Ephgrave then provided a historical context on this information. She said that it has been a tradition to have the upcoming host provide their information, leadership, and opinions on conference planning to the following year’s conference planning committee. The time limit for this discussion then ended, and Jefferson suggested moving the item to the end of the meeting for more discussion if time permitted.

Discussion then proceeded to the Strategic Planning Committee and the Strategic Plan that members of NAB created at the officer retreat this past summer. Previously, the Strategic Plan had been sent to all members of NAB as well as comments from the Strategic Planning Committee to be reviewed before the meeting. Renwick commented on the e-mail that she had sent regarding the Strategic Planning Committee’s comments. This e-mail strictly dealt with editing changes to the Strategic Plan. Krumm clarified that there were still some things in the plan that SPC did not understand. She felt that a notes section might be feasible for explaining some of the confusion. She also asked NAB what they would like SPC to do now that the plan had been reviewed. Renwick explained to all members present that NAB separated into pairs at the retreat to discuss the five points that had been decided most important in improving the national organization. Voorhies added that the NAB officers realized that there are a lot of things that need to be improved and accomplished within the national organization; however, the officers agreed that these five points were the most important to begin with. NAB also decided that they would like one member of the Strategic Planning Committee to pair up with a group of their choice to assist in implementing the plan. Voorhies then suggested that we approve the plan with the editing changes that SPC and Renwick suggested in their e-mails just as a starting point and to be able to put the plan in progress. Mendenhall then questioned weather or not the plan had to be passed by the national body or not. Unanimously, NAB members said that it did not have to be passed or ratified like a constitutional amendment would be. However, Sheridan said that it would be a good idea to present it to the national body; all members agreed that that was a great idea, and we should start presenting it to them at the Regional Conferences. Voorhies then moved that NAB accept the changes that Renwick and the Strategic Planning Committee made. Barnhart seconded this motion. Renwick announced that if the plan was approved she would make the editing changes and resend the document to all members; however, there was still question about what to do with the last paragraph that SPC had commented on. There was then discussion about this, yet no decision was made on how to change it. The final assessment was to leave it as is until further suggestions were made. The next comment about the plan was weather or not “National Collegiate 4-H week” could be used or not. Ephgrave announced that she had formerly contacted Garrett about this and he said that the national organization could not use it. However, officers of NAB believed that it could be used, but National 4-H Council would not recognize it. Garrett was no longer on the call at this point, so there was no outcome.
Voorhies said that the wording of this statement could always be changed later, and then called for previous question: The motion was to accept the Strategic Plan after the editing changes had been made, but without correcting/changing the last paragraph. The votes are as follows:
Those in favor:
Kristen Barnhart
Vanessa Cerny (2 votes, because there is currently not a second year NAB from her Region)
Vanessa Renwick
Patrick Voorhies
Jasmine Honore
Those against:
Shane Sheridan
The motion passed with six in favor and one against accepted the Strategic Plan after the editing changes had been made, but without correcting/changing the last paragraph.

NAB then had member of the Strategic Planning Committee that were present at the meeting give their suggestions as to how they felt the plan could be improved. Krumm commented on the last paragraph again, and Inglis explained that they had several different questions about the document and didn’t have anyone to answer them. Krumm added to this comment by saying that it would be a good idea to have footnotes in the plan so that SPC, as well as the national organization, could better understand the plan. Voorhies agreed, and Renwick said that when she made the corrections she would also add a notes page and send it via e-mail to all members.

NAB then discussed what they expected SPC to do next. Voorhies suggested to have SPC be involved in helping NAB carry out and promote the plan. Krumm said that when SPC first met their goal was to be apart of promoting the plan at the regional conferences. She also said that the non-NAB Strategic Planning members would split up to help with one of the five topics in the Strategic Plan.

The next item of business on the agenda was the Agricultural Consortium Report. Inglis had no report, because he’s the Agricultural Consortium Elect, and did not attend the National Meeting. However, Voorhies did attend the National Agricultural Consortium meeting in August in Moline, Illinois and gave a report on it. He said that they approved bi-laws and Collegiate 4-H is now a recognized by them as an organization. It is $125 to become a member. Benefits include access to the Collegiate LifeKnowledge curriculum, members flight paid for to go to the national meeting, and much more. He added that these benefits are approximately $900 worth of value. He concluded by saying that it was an overall good meeting and to find more out about the Consortium of Collegiate Agricultural Organizations you can visit their website at: http://www.agconsortium.org/

Leidheiser then announced that there was only three minutes remaining for the meeting. Voorhies moved to extend the meeting time by ten minutes. Jefferson seconded this motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Honore then gave a National Conference Update. She said that they are currently working on applications for sponsors and a write-up for the national newsletter that will be released at the end of September. Voorhies added that they are still asking clubs and individuals about workshop ideas. All ideas are due to the National Conference Planning Committee by October 4.

Mendenhall then gave a brief Advocacy Team Update. She said that the National 4-H Week material should be done by next week, the work order is finished, and the deadline for the National Newsletter that will be sent via e-mail is September 15.

Falkenthal followed with a Web Team Update. She said that the Web Team has been working very hard with the Advocacy Team to get all of the materials they have been working on up on the national website. She announced that the work order, 4-H Week material, and information on the National Day of Service will be out soon. She then added that the bulletin board has been very active, that she still needs some of the regional constitutions, and that she would still like NAB members to post to the blog.
Regional Conference updates were next. The location, dates, and hosting schools for each region are as follows:North Central Region: Rapid City, South Dakota---October 20-22---South Dakota State
They will be visitng Mt. RushmoreSouthern Region: Ferndale, Arkansas--- November 16-19--- University of Arkansas North Eastern Region: Branchville, New Jersey---September 14-17--
Rutgers University
Rachelle said that she will be meeting up with
members of this conference while they are
touring New York City.
Western Region: Davis, California---November 2-5---UC Davis
They will be participating in an Operation
Military Kid’s Service Project.

The meeting then returned to discussion on the Leadership Grant. Sheridan said that he didn’t really understand the need for the grant if there was already conference planning experience on the 2008 National Conference Planning Committee. Leidheiser then announced that the ten minute extension was up. Voorhies then moved to vote on the $400 Leadership Grant for the Western Region. Barnhart seconded this motion. The votes are as follows:
Those in favor:
Patrick Voorhies
Jasmine Honore
Those against:
Kristen Barnhart
Shane Sheridan
Vanessa Renwick
(Vanessa Cerny was no longer on the call, therefore she did not vote)
The result of the vote was two in favor, two against, and one abstention. Because there was a tie on the vote the conference chair must vote; however, Jefferson was no longer on the call. Voorhies then took over the meeting and asked for suggestions from the members as to the actions that should be taken. Renwick moved that NAB vote by e-mail. Barnhart seconded this vote. All members were in favor. Voorhies announced that the votes should be e-mailed to Jefferson by 11:49 PM (CST) on September 14. The votes would then be counted and the results sent out via e-mail.

There was no further business. Sheridan moved to adjourn the meeting. Honore seconded the motion. Motion passed. The seventh meeting of the 2006-2007 National Action Board was adjourned at 10:12 PM (CST).

Amy Schwertner
NAB Secretary

Monday, August 21, 2006

August 8, 2006 NAB Meeting

August 8, 2006

Kristin Barnhart (North Central Region President) called the sixth meeting of that 2006-2007 National Action Board to order at 9:05 PM (CNT). Members in attendance were: Vanessa Cerny (Northeastern Region President), Vanessa Renwick (Western Region President), Shane Sheridan (Western Region Representative), Sarah Leidheiser (Business Manager), Amy Schwertner (Secretary), Jasmine Honore (Co-Conference Coordinator), April Mendenhall (Advocacy Team Liaison), and Samantha Ephgrave (proxy for Patrick Voorhies-Southern Region Representative and Co-Conference Coordinator).

The first item of business was the Secretary’s report. Sheridan pointed out that there were mistakes in the minutes from the last NAB meeting. He then accepted the corrected minutes as posted to the blog. Mendenhall seconded the motion. Motion passed.

The business manager’s report followed. Leidheiser reported that there has been no change in the NAB account since the last meeting.

Under old business, Barnhart reported that NAB members who attended the retreat would be receiving their reimbursement money within the next two weeks.

There was no Consortium Report because Voorhies and Tommy Inglis (Consortium Liaison) were both absent from the meeting.

A Strategic Planning Committee update was next. Ephgrave said that the strategic planning committee will continue to review the strategic plan. She said that the goal is to introduce and promote the strategic plan at the regional conferences. Leidheiser then expressed her concerns of the strategic planning committee. She said that they have met each week for the past three weeks, and she doesn’t feel that they have accomplished much. She mentioned that suggestions from NAB to make this committee more productive would be helpful. Ephgrave then said that Voorhies had sent out a list of questions from NAB for the committee to answer; she said that the purpose of these questions was to give SPC a starting point and a path to follow. Sheridan said he believes that there may be a communication problem between SPC and NAB. He mentioned that the last SPC meeting he attended was disorganized, and there has not been a clear directive from NAB as a whole as to where SPC should go. Barnhart then stopped discussion on this matter because the seven minute allotted time period for this report was up. The matter will be revisited if there is time left at the end of the meeting. If any members have any concerns or solutions to this matter they should e-mail Sheridan and Leidheiser.

A report on Jessica Falkenthal’s (Web Team Liaison) Technology Conference was next on the agenda. Falkenthal was absent from the meeting, so Mendenhall reported that Falkenthal had sent a picture to the Advocacy Team of the banner that she used at the conference.

Next on the agenda was the National Conference update. Honore reported that she and Voorhies would be confirming all tours the following week, and everything was coming together nicely.

Regional Conference updates were next. The location, dates, and hosting schools for each reason are as follows:
North Central Region: Rapid City, South Dakota---October 20-22---South Dakota State with Dickinson State
Southern Region: Ferndale, Arkansas--- November 16-19--- Arkansas State
North Eastern Region: Branchville, New Jersey---September 14-17---Rutgers University
Western Region: Davis, California---November 2-5---UC Davis

Mendenhall then gave an Advocacy Team update. She said that the Advocacy Team had put together a timeline and minutes from their last meeting, and both documents were sent to all members of NAB. She then asked for a reimbursement from NAB for the banner ($93.84) and shipping to Falkenthal ($24.36). Sheridan moved to reimburse Mendenhall for printing and postage. Honore seconded the motion. The motion passed with no discussion. Mendenhall will e-mail Leidheiser with the total reimbursement price. The reimbursement money will come out of the NAB budget, not the Advocacy budget, because of NAB decisions during the June meeting.

A Web Team update was next on the agenda. Since Falkenthal was absent from the meeting, Mendenhall reported that the Advocacy Team is asking Falkenthal and the Web Team to post some documents to the website.

Schwertner then presented NAB with the idea of a National Service Project Day. This day would be a day that all collegiate 4-H clubs across the nation could participate in the National Service Project of Emphasis. The National Service Project Day would be set for, but not limited to, the Saturday of National 4-H Week and National Collegiate 4-H Week. Mendenhall suggested that information about the National Service Project Day be added to the kits that the Advocacy Team are preparing. There was then a vote of support from NAB members for the National Service Project Day. All members were in support.

There were no other items left on the agenda, and the allotted meeting time was not over yet. Therefore, discussion about the Strategic Planning Committee continued. Sheridan and Leidheiser expressed to NAB that they would just like more information and communication from all of the NAB members. Sheridan said that he would e-mail NAB the questions that Voorhies sent SPC, and if all members agreed this guiding principle, then SPC can go with it.
Other concerns that were mentioned at the end of the meeting were in regards to the standing rule that was passed at the July NAB meeting. Sheridan expressed his concerns that the standing rule was not being followed because committee members were still speaking on matters that did not pertain to their committees, yet the meeting was complete in less than one hour. Barnhart pointed out that only half of the members were present at this meeting, and we may want to wait to address this matter at a meeting when all NAB members are present. This was the final decision made.

The next meeting is scheduled for September 12 at 9:00 PM (CNT).

Sheridan then moved to adjourn the sixth meeting of the 2006-2007 NAB board. Honore seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:41PM (CNT)

Amy Schwertner, NAB Secretary

Sunday, July 16, 2006

JULY 15, 2006 NAB Meeting

JULY 15, 2006

Justin Bolte (North Central Region Representative) called the fifth meeting of the 2006-2007 National Action Board to order at 12:06PM (CNT) at the National 4-H Headquarters in Chevy Chase, MD. NAB chair and Southern Region President, Antoine Jefferson, was not able to attend the meeting. The meeting was a face-to-face meeting with one member, Jessica Falkenthal (Web Team Liaison), present through teleconference. Members present were Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region Representative and Co-Conference Coordinator), Jasmine Honore (Conference Planning Committee NAB Representative), Kristin Barnhart (North Central Region President), Sarah Leidheiser (Business Manager), Amy Schwertner (Secretary), Evelyn Rachelle (Southern Region Advisor), Vanessa Renwick (Western Region President), Vanessa Cerny (North Eastern Region President), Shane Sheridan (Western Region Representative), and Samantha Ephgrave (filled in for Jefferson)

The first item of business was the secretary’s report. Barnhart moved to accept the minutes as posted to the NAB blog. Voorhies seconded the motion. Motion passed.

The business manager’s report stood as is because there were no changes.

The meeting then proceeded to the adoption of the standing rule which was proposed by Voorhies. In summary, the standing rule states that if any non-NAB member or non-voting member wishes to express their opinion on matters not obtaining to their committee or function during a NAB business meeting, they must request permission. Voorhies moved to go to discussion for five minutes about the standing rule. NAB members agreed to let Leidheiser keep time. During discussion Voorhies announced that Leidheiser could be sergeant at arms; her duties would include keeping the time. He then called for previous question. Ephgrave seconded the motion. Motion passed that the standing rule will hold until February 2007 with seven in support and one opposing. The opposing vote came from Sheridan.

The Advocacy Team update was next. April Mendenhall (Advocacy Team Liaison) was not present at the meeting; however, she sent NAB members an update via e-mail. Renwick read the update:
-banners are being printed
-some regional power point slides have not been turned in yet
-the shorter version of the power point is still being designed
-the team is waiting on Falkenthal for materials regarding the handbook
-the brochures have been put on hold because more time is needed
-information and news is needed from the regions for the newsletters
-information for the national service project is also needed so that it can be advertised; a defined duty list of what NAB would like to see from the advocacy team regarding the national service project was also asked for.
Ephgrave added to the update that the brochures are still in the progress of being created and there are still some editing updates that need to be made. Barnhart said that she will talk to the Advocacy Team about what NAB would like to see from them. Ephgrave then mentioned that there is an advocacy to-do list that was created by the NAB during retreat discussions and read over them. Voorhies suggested that Advocacy put a time line together for goal achievements so that Barnhart can bring it back to NAB when she speaks with them. The NAB agreed that Barnhart would represent NAB at the next Advocacy meeting.

A Web Team report was given next by Falkenthal. She said that she still needs constitutions from all regions except for the Western Region, as well as dates for regional conferences from the Southern and Northern Regions. She also announced that she has just started collecting photos for the photo gallery so if anyone has any photos from National Conference send them to her so she can put them in the gallery. NAB then requested that the USC 18707 code be added to the collegiate 4-H emblems on the website. Since the NAB team was working with Byron Garrett (National 4-H Headquarters Liaison) over the weekend, they said that they would ask him about the code and let Falkenthal know how to get it.

A Strategic Planning Committee Update was given by Leidheiser, next. She announced that their next meeting will be July 23, 2006. They will be going over the Strategic Plan that NAB creates over the retreat weekend and have a final version back to the board by the first of fall.

Voorhies then gave a Consortium Report. He first said that if NAB wishes to have a representative from the Consortium do a workshop at the 2007 National Conference, they will have to pay for this person’s travels. However, he said that he would be asking for support from LSU before he approaches NAB about funding. He also said that he would be attending the consortium meeting in Moline, Illinois in August. It was then brought up that NAB does not have the money to send both Voorhies and Tommy Inglis (Agricultural Consortium Liaison) to the meeting; however, Inglis could be given the leadership grant so that he could attend the meeting. Voorhies then reminded NAB that there was also a Consortium meeting scheduled for January, and the current plan was to have Voorhies represent collegiate 4-H at the August meeting and Inglis be the representative at the January meeting. Discussion then followed about who would be attending which meeting and how the trips would be paid for. The final decision was to offer Inglis to go to represent the organization, NAB paying for his travels. Voorhies will be attending to represent the organization, travel being paid for by the Consortium. If there is a meeting in January as well, then Inglis would attend, and NAB will fund the trip with the leadership grant. Voorhies then said that he will put together a NAB leadership grant so that Consortium training can be done in Baton Rouge at the 2007 National Conference.

The National Service Projects were discussed next. Operation Military Kids (OMK) was the first of the two service projects to be discussed. Barnhart said that she would contact Michael Cooley (point of contact at Iowa State) for information regarding OMK. NAB agreed that information regarding the project needs to be distributed so that OMK can be discussed at regional conferences and a list of state contacts can be given to clubs.
Falkenthal then reported that the resource library project was almost complete and all documents would be posted on the national website soon.

Barnhart then gave a NAB retreat report. She reported that Friday was spent going through the Task Force Report and recommendations given to NAB for the retreat. The NAB decided what recommendations will be implemented and which one’s don’t follow the goals they’re wishing to achieve within the next five years. NAB also discussed what they can do and where they are as a board. Garrett also sat in on some of the conversation Friday afternoon. Barnhart continued by adding that Saturday morning NAB began work on the Strategic Planning process by forming a mission and vision statement, and Saturday afternoon the NAB will continue with goals and a timeline of achievements.

The meeting then moved on to new business. Sheridan moved to strike the last paragraph of the standing rule. Renwick seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Voorhies moved to limit discussion to five minutes. Barnhart seconded this motion. Motion passed. Discussion of the last paragraph of the standing rule followed. Sheridan asked for clarification of the author’s intent of passage. Voorhies explained that the liaisons should comment when any information regarding their committees is mentioned, but when information about their committees is not being discussed and they wish to express their opinions they must ask for permission first; if permission is granted then they have one minute to express their comments. After the five minute discussion period was over, Voorhies moved for previous question. Ephgrave seconded the motion. Motion passed. The NAB voting members then voted to strike the last paragraph of the standing rule. A point of order was then called that Renwick could not vote against the rule because she seconded the motion made by Sheridan previously. Therefore, she chose to abstain from the vote. The votes were as follows:
Those against (5):
Barnhart, Cerny, Ephgrave, Honore, Voorhies
Those in favor (1):
Abstentions (1):
Motion did not pass. Therefore, the standing rule remains as originally written.

Bolte then announced that the NAB business meetings each month will be held on the seconded Tuesday at 9:00PM (CNT). This meeting schedule will run through the December 12, 2006 meeting. NAB also agreed that the meetings will be limited to one hour; if the limit is over and NAB feels that more discussion is needed then there will be a vote by members to continue or meet again the following week.

Barnhart then moved to adjourn the meeting. Voorhies seconded. Motion passed.

The fifth meeting of the 2006-2007 NAB was adjourned at 12:52PM (CNT).

Respectfully Submitted,
Amy Schwertner
NAB Secretary

Thursday, July 13, 2006

June 25, 2006 NAB Meeting

June 25, 2006

Antoine Jefferson (Southern Region President and NAB Chair) called the fourth meeting of the 2006-2007 NAB board to order at 11:41AM (CNT). Members present for the meeting were Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region Representative and Co-Conference Coordinator), Kristin Barnhart (North Central President), Shane Sheridan (Western Region Representative), Amy Schwertner (Secretary), Tommy Inglis (Ag Consortium Liaison-Elect), Jessica Falkenthal (Web Team Liaison), Val Krumm (Strategic Planning Committee Liaison), and April Mendenhall (Advocacy Team Liaison) filled in for Vanessa Renwick (Western Region President). Byron Garrett (National 4-H Headquarters Liaison) was also present for the meeting.

The first order of business was the meeting guidelines. NAB went over the meeting guidelines that were sent to members by Jefferson preceding the meeting. The guidelines discussed matters such as speaking terms of liaisons and time spent on agenda items. The main reason for establishing the guidelines is to keep the NAB meetings short. The guidelines were discussed by all members of NAB, and it was unanimously decided that this meeting would be used as a “practice” meeting for the guidelines.

The meeting then proceeded to the reading of the minutes. Voorhies moved that the minutes be accepted as posted online to the NAB blog. Mendenhall seconded the motion. Motion passed.

There was no business manager’s report since Leidheiser was not able to attend the meeting.

The next item of business was the strategic planning committee update. Members made suggestions and gave thoughts for discussion items at the NAB retreat. Krumm said that Leidheiser would be e-mailing Jefferson a copy of the minutes from the Strategic Planning Committee’s last meeting; he will then forward it on to the rest of the NAB members. Voorhies then gave Garrett a brief overview of what was discussed about the Strategic Planning Committee in the last NAB meeting, and Sheridan gave a summary of what was discussed in the last Strategic Planning Committee Meeting.

Barnhart then discussed the summer NAB retreat. Garrett told NAB what he believed they should focus on during the retreat. He suggested that NAB focus on the main purpose and function of the national collegiate 4-H body and how collegiate 4-H can benefit everyone. It was also suggested that Saturday evening members leave the 4-H center for a “break” and possibly go to a baseball game or out to eat. The agenda has not yet been completed, but Barnhart told NAB that she would be sending it out as soon as it was ready.

Voorhies then gave the Consortium report. He said that NAB has until August 2007 to pay dues; therefore, the 2007 National Conference will hold a Collegiate Life Knowledge training to see how well it works. Voorhies said that he will send out a proposal in August for funding for someone from Consortium to do this training.

A national conference update was given next. Voorhies announced that the new Co-Coordinator is Jennifer Mader, and the NAB Representative from the 2007 National Conference Planning Committee is Jasmine Honore. He also said that the Planning Committee had a conference meeting the previous weekend and everything was going well. Voorhies will provide Falkenthal with a Conference update for the national website: http://www.collegiate4h.org/.

Mendenhall then gave the Advocacy Team update. She sent all NAB members a new copy of the budget for the Collegiate 4-H banner and brochures. The price of the brochures was discussed. Barnhart said that The Ohio State University has campus printing services so that the Advocacy Team could get copies of the pamphlets for less money; she will look into it. Mendenhall explained to NAB that the goal is to send most of the collegiate 4-H information and pamphlets out through e-mail to save on shipping cost. However, the Advocacy Team feels that some brochures still need to be printed so that they can accompany the banner and be handed out at different events. There was discussion about this portion of the budget, and the information in the pamphlets. Voorhies then moved that NAB table the conversation and portion of the budget that refers to the pamphlets to the August NAB meeting. Sheridan seconded this motion. There was no further discussion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Finally, Mendenhall talked about the power point slide show that the Advocacy Team will be creating to accompany the banner. She asked NAB to provide any pictures and/or information regarding collegiate 4-H to the Advocacy Team as soon as possible.

Falkenthal then gave the Web Team update. She told NAB that the collegiate4h.org name needs to be renewed for $9.24 and asked for a motion from one of the voting members. Sheridan moved that NAB provide $9 for this. Voorhies seconded. Barnhart then moved to amend the motion of $9 and provide the Web Team with $9.24 for the renewing of the national website name. Voorhies seconded this motion. Motion passed. The check will be made to Voorhies for reimbursement purposes.
Falkenthal then reported that Voorhies is working on the club directory for the website. She also requested NAB members to post on the message board, and finally, said that she has restored the collegiate 4-H handbook and advisor handbook and will be adding them to the historical documents page of the national website.

The meeting then moved on to Regional updates:
-Western Region: Sheridan announced that they are working on their regional conference, and Mendenhall is currently working on a proposal for the 2008 National Conference.
-Southern Region: Jefferson said that the University of Arkansas is currently working on the regional conference.
-North Central Region: Barnhart said that the North Central Region is focusing on incorporating the national goals into their regional goals. She also said that they are currently working on their regional conference.
-North Eastern Region: There were no representatives from the North Eastern Region to give an update.

The final order of business was an update of the national community service projects. Falkenthal reported on the resource library project. She has been working on forms and other documents that will be added to the national website. Her goal is to have the project completed by July 5. She also said that she would like the regions to explain and promote the national service project at the regional conference.

The next NAB meeting will be held at the retreat. Voorhies moved to adjourn the meeting. Sheridan seconded the motion. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 12:57PM (CNT).

Amy Schwertner
NAB Secretary

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

April 23, 2006 NAB Meeting

April 23, 2006

Antoine Jefferson (Southern Region President and NAB Chair) called the first meeting of the 2006-2007 NAB board to order at 2:05PM (CNT) over a teleconference. Members that weren’t present were Justin Bolte, Shane Sheridan, Vanessa Renwick, and Jacquline Slaughter (Co-Conference Coordinator). April Mendenhall filled in for Renwick as she was out of the country. Jessica Falkenthal, member of the Web Team and National Service Project also attended the meeting.

Jefferson began the meeting by introducing himself. The rest of the members followed.

The first report was given by Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region Representative and Co-Conference Coordinator) on the Strategic Planning Committee. He began by explaining how the committee worked and the election process of its members. The committee’s role is to the make goals for Collegiate 4-H to reach in the next few years. Voorhies also mentioned that Bolte would be sending out more information on the Strategic Planning Committee and their goals in the near future.
The officers that have already been selected to the Planning Committee were announced, and they are as follows:
- Northern Central Region:
-Val Krumm (New NAB)
-Justin Bolte (Old NAB)
-Western Region:
-Tommy Inglis (Old NAB)
The other positions are still in the selection process. Falkenthal suggested that NAB members not elect themselves to the committee, and Voorhies explained that the role of NAB is to be an advisor to the committee. Guidelines had been set previously stating that old NAB would be on the Strategic Planning Committee as well as four newly elected representatives.
Discussion then began on whether the Strategic Planning Committee should be involved in the retreat weekend or not. Jefferson believed that having the committee be a part of the retreat is a good idea so that everyone will be on the same level. However, the problem is that members of both groups would not be able to attend both meetings if they are scheduled at the same time. Cost was also a big concern. A decision was finally made to have Kristin Barnhart (North Central Region President) speak with Byron Garrett about funding for members of the Strategic Planning Committee. A final decision will be made at the next NAB meeting.

The next part of the meeting focused on the Ag Consortium. The Ag Consortium for the next 2 NAB years is Tommy Inglis; he was also present at the meeting. His position on NAB was explained: he is a liason to NAB and is considered a non-voting committee member. NAB unanimously decided that Inglis needs be a part of the board and should be at the meetings. Amy Schwertner (NAB secretary) will add Inglis to the officer list.

The next order of business focused on old NAB’s goals for the previous year. Voorhies explained that the main goal at the beginning of the 2005-2006 NAB year was to focus on the role of the Task Force with Collegiate 4-H. National club guidelines were established and immediate problems were the main focus. Voorhies also said that the Strategic Planning Committee’s structure was not really accomplished, and this could be a goal for the 2006-2007 NAB board to focus on.
Next, the NAB summer retreat was discussed. The dates for the retreat are July 14-16, 2006; members will arrive on Thursday so that we will have two full days of planning. Since Barnhart has been working on the retreat details, she explained what has been accomplished so far. Members will stay at the National 4-H Conference Center. The cost is $500 per night, which brings the total for rooms of all NAB members to approximately $1500. Barnhart has not received everyone’s travel plans so travel costs are still unknown. Meals will cost approximately $30 per day for each person. Barnhart will put together a proposal to send to the USDA within the next two weeks, so that we will have the estimated cost and funding for the next meeting.
Inglis suggested asking donors, such as the Las Vegas Casinos, to help fund the retreat. However, Voorhies thought that there may be a rule against having casinos fund 4-H events. Barnhart will check into it and there will be more information at the next NAB meeting.
Discussion then followed about having a facilitator present at the retreat and meetings. A facilitator would help keep the meeting going, especially if the board were to get stuck discussing something. NAB unanimously agreed that a facilitator would be beneficial. Falkenthal will send Barnhart information on a facilitator.
Goals during the retreat were also discussed. One of the things that NAB wants to accomplish during the weekend is to establish bylaws.

Next, Falkenthal gave an update of the National Service Project. One part of the Service Project is the resource library. Falkenthal is creating a database and will be making it work the following weekend. She will then send out information, hopefully by the beginning of May. She is also currently working on getting information to clubs across the nation.

Voorhies then gave an update of the 2007 National Conference. It will be in Baton Rouge, LA on February 15-18, 2006. Currently the conference team is working on funding and fundraising. The hotel schedule has already been put together. Changes from the 2006 conference include having alternate activities during the National Business Meeting time for people not wishing to participate. The National Business Meeting time was also moved. The schedule allows it to last only two hours: from 3:30-5:30PM, and the banquet will start at 7:30. Voorhies also mentioned that the National Business Meeting would be classroom style seating for better attention by those present, and NAB agreed.
The estimated cost per person to attend the National Conference is $250. However, this cost will most likely fluctuate depending on the amount of fundraising and people in attendance. The conference team is also looking into liability insurance, and they are trying to get state sales tax exempt; which would also lower the cost per person. Voorhies also mentioned that they have blocked the rooms in the hotel for an extra two days in case any clubs wish to extend their stay. However, if clubs do want to stay longer, they need to contact Voorhies no later than August 2006.

Sarah Leidheiser (NAB business manager) then gave the budget report. Jefferson then moved to add a budget report and secretary’s report to the agenda for the next meeting, and Voorhies seconded; motion passed.
The next meeting will be Sunday, May 21, 2006 at 5:00PM (CNT).
Barnhart then moved to adjourn the meeting. Voorhies seconded and motion passed. The first meeting of the 2006-2007 NAB board was adjourned at 3:29PM (CNT).

Respectfully Submitted,
Amy Schwertner
NAB Secretary

Sunday, February 26, 2006

February 26, 2006 NAB Meetings

NAB Meeting

February 26, 2006

Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the sixteenth meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at 7:40AM (EST) in Columbus, Ohio. NAB Board members that weren’t present for the meeting were Sommer McConihay (Northeastern Region President), Kyle Fogt (Conference Coordinator), and Sarah Leidheiser (Conference Coordinator); McConihay was replaced by Vanessa Cerny of Rutgers University. All new NAB regional representatives were present for the meeting as well. Val Krumm (NAB Secretary) was selected to hold votes for the conference coordinators.

Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region President) moved for the meeting to go into executive session. Shane Sheridan (Northwest Region President) seconded and the motion passed.

To start the meeting NAB discussed which questions they would be asking for office interviews. The questions asked to the interviewees go as follows:
- What is your name? Give us a quick background on yourself? Why you are running for NAB office?
- What do you see as some duties of the NAB office?
- What skills do you have that would help you in the office and as a member of NAB?
- How does this job fit into your schedule and priorities?
- Would there be any support from local and state organizations provided to you as you perform this job?

At 7:45AM NAB started with interviews by interviewing the NAB Business Manager interviewees. At 8AM the team interviewed the NAB Secretary interviewees. At 8:50AM the team interviewed the agriculture consortium candidates. For the agriculture consortium interviews NAB elected to temporary replace Vanessa Renwick (2006 Northwest Region President) with April Mendenhall (Colorado State University) and for Voorhies to be replaced by Antoine Jefferson (Louisiana State University).

Next, Sheridan moved to dissolve the task force and Voorhies seconded the motion; motion passed.

Voorhies then moved to recess till the National Business Meeting, which would be taking place later in the day. Sheridan seconded and the motion passed.

Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the eighteenth meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at 5:45PM (EST) in Columbus, Ohio. NAB Board members that weren’t present for the meeting were Sommer McConihay (Northeastern Region President), Kyle Fogt (Conference Coordinator), and Sarah Leidheiser (Conference Coordinator); McConihay was replaced by Vanessa Cerny of Rutgers University. All new NAB regional representatives were present for the meeting as well.

At this time NAB interviewed the final agricultural consortium candidate. Then all of the new NAB officers were selected.

Lastly, NAB went over the banquet agenda and responsibilities. To start, Bolte will introduce the new regional presidents to the NAB board. Next, Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager) will announce the new NAB Business Manager. Third, Krumm will announce the new NAB Secretary. Fourth, Voorhies will announce the new agricultural consortium liaison. Then Sheridan will introduce the regional scrapbook of the year winners and then announce the national scrapbook of the year. He will follow by doing the same for club of the year.

At 6:50PM Sheridan moved to adjourn the final and last 2005-2006 NAB meeting; Voorhies seconded and the motion passed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Krumm
NAB Secretary

February 26, 2006 NAB Meetings

NAB Meeting

February 26, 2006

Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the sixteenth meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at 7:40AM (EST) in Columbus, Ohio. NAB Board members that weren’t present for the meeting were Sommer McConihay (Northeastern Region President), Kyle Fogt (Conference Coordinator), and Sarah Leidheiser (Conference Coordinator); McConihay was replaced by Vanessa Cerny of Rutgers University. All new NAB regional representatives were present for the meeting as well. Val Krumm (NAB Secretary) was selected to hold votes for the conference coordinators.

Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region President) moved for the meeting to go into executive session. Shane Sheridan (Northwest Region President) seconded and the motion passed.

To start the meeting NAB discussed which questions they would be asking for office interviews. The questions asked to the interviewees go as follows:
- What is your name? Give us a quick background on yourself? Why you are running for NAB office?
- What do you see as some duties of the NAB office?
- What skills do you have that would help you in the office and as a member of NAB?
- How does this job fit into your schedule and priorities?
- Would there be any support from local and state organizations provided to you as you perform this job?

At 7:45AM NAB started with interviews by interviewing the NAB Business Manager interviewees. At 8AM the team interviewed the NAB Secretary interviewees. At 8:50AM the team interviewed the agriculture consortium candidates. For the agriculture consortium interviews NAB elected to temporary replace Vanessa Renwick (2006 Northwest Region President) with April Mendenhall (Colorado State University) and for Voorhies to be replaced by Antoine Jefferson (Louisiana State University).

Next, Sheridan moved to dissolve the task force and Voorhies seconded the motion; motion passed.

Voorhies then moved to recess till the National Business Meeting, which would be taking place later in the day. Sheridan seconded and the motion passed.

Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the eighteenth meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at 5:45PM (EST) in Columbus, Ohio. NAB Board members that weren’t present for the meeting were Sommer McConihay (Northeastern Region President), Kyle Fogt (Conference Coordinator), and Sarah Leidheiser (Conference Coordinator); McConihay was replaced by Vanessa Cerny of Rutgers University. All new NAB regional representatives were present for the meeting as well.

At this time NAB interviewed the final agricultural consortium candidate. Then all of the new NAB officers were selected.

Lastly, NAB went over the banquet agenda and responsibilities. To start, Bolte will introduce the new regional presidents to the NAB board. Next, Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager) will announce the new NAB Business Manager. Third, Krumm will announce the new NAB Secretary. Fourth, Voorhies will announce the new agricultural consortium liaison. Then Sheridan will introduce the regional scrapbook of the year winners and then announce the national scrapbook of the year. He will follow by doing the same for club of the year.

At 6:50PM Sheridan moved to adjourn the final and last 2005-2006 NAB meeting; Voorhies seconded and the motion passed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Krumm
NAB Secretary

Saturday, February 25, 2006

2006 National Business Meeting~ Columbus, Ohio

National Collegiate 4-H Business Meeting
February 25, 2006

Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the 2006 National Collegiate 4-H Business Meeting to order at 11:55AM (EST) in Columbus, Ohio. At this time, national club dues collection was closed. Also, Bolte briefly discussed the voting procedures for the meeting.

The first item of business was the NAB Secretary’s Summary. Val Krumm (NAB Secretary) gave a brief overview of the last national business meeting which took place in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. There were three constitutional amendments and two resolutions passed. Due to the length of the previous year’s meeting, Krumm offered only highlights of the meeting to the delegates. If anyone wanted to know more information, Krumm said to talk to her. Emily Morehouse (University of Illinois) moved to accept the secretary’s summary. Mary Baughman (The Ohio State University) seconded and the motion passed.

Next, Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager) gave the NAB Business Manager report. First he discussed the statement of activities of the past year. There was a friendly correction of to state that Haley Cook was from Iowa State University. Then, Baughman moved to accept the NAB Business Manager’s Statement of Activites. Morehouse seconded and the motion passed. Next, Goebel discussed the proposed budget for the 2006-2007 year. Jeff Johnson (Iowa State University) moved to accept the 2006-2007 Budget. Miranda Reiman (South Dakota State University) seconded and the motion passed.

Bolte next gave the NAB Summary Report. He discussed the previous year. Also, he told delegates about the NAB Blog (http://collegiate4hNAB.blogspot.com) and told them if they wanted more information they should look there, as it has all of the NAB’s minutes for the past year.

Next in the meeting, committee reports were given. First, Voorhies gave the Web Team report. He reviewed the past year’s events and made an emphasis on the new www.collegiate4h.org website. Also, he announced the new Web Team members. The new Web Team members are Jessica Falkenthal (Indiana University), April Mendenthall (Colorado State University), and Voorhies. Then, Krumm gave the Advocacy Team report. She reviewed the team’s past year accomplishments and also announced the new Advocacy Team members. The new members are Mendenthall (Colorado State University) and Heather Powell (Auburn University). Then Shannon Glaspell (West Virginia University) gave the Task Force report. She reviewed the history of the team and discussed the listening sessions & message boards. On behalf of the Task Force she thanked the delegates for their feedback and briefly went over the team’s recommendations. She also announced the Task Force would hand out their website IPod at the banquet later in the night. The final committee report was supposed to be from USDA, but it was pushed back to the banquet instead.

There was no old business presented, so the meeting moved directly into new business where resolutions were first presented.

Resolution 1 was written by Cindy Sperry (UC Davis), Samantha Ephgrave (Member-at-Large), Voorhies, Vanessa Renwick (UC Davis), and Goebel. It was about creating national Collegiate 4-H bylaws. There was no motion for debate. Baughman (The Ohio State University) moved to previous motion on the resolution and Lisa Parker (Texas Tech University) seconded and it was approved. The delegation then voted on the Resolution 1 and it passed.

Resolution 2 was written by Falkenthal (Member-at-Large). It was about creating a national Collegiate 4-H recognition and achievement committee to update existing and creating new contests and recognition methods for outstanding clubs and members. There were a couple minutes of discussion from delegates. There was no motion for debate. Morehouse (University of Illinois) moved to previous motion on the resolution and Baughman (The Ohio State University) seconded and it was approved. The delegation then voted on Resolution 2. Voorhies called for a division count. Resolution 2 passed.
Amendment 1 was written by NAB. It was about restructuring the administration of national Collegiate 4-H, NAB, in Article III of the constitution. Renwick (UC Davis) made a friendly amendment to replace each emeritus with second year. This friendly amendment was passed. Ephgrave (Member-at-Large) moved to amend the amendment by adding Section Q to Article III as: This act shall become effective at the 2007 National Collegiate 4-H Conference upon passage and approval. Powell (Auburn University) seconded. There was then discussion for the full length from the delegates. Voorhies then moved to add a minute and a half to discussion; Shane Sheridan (Western Region President) seconded. After the extra discussion, Tommy Inglis (University of Nevada) moved for debate. Melissa Novak (University of Missouri – Columbia) seconded. Point of order at this time was called by Voorhies. Debate then began. The pro side was represented by Ephgrave (Member-at-Large) and Michelle Craig (Auburn University). The con side was represented by Inglis (University of Nevada, Voorhies, and Sheridan. After the debate, Baughman (The Ohio State University) called to previous section. Morehouse (University of Illinois) seconded and it was approved. The delegation then voted on the amendment to Amendment 1. Voorhies called for a two-thirds division. The amendment to Amendment 1 failed. Voorhies then moved to change the effective date to immediately. Morehouse (University of Illinois) seconded. Novak (University of Missouri) called previous question; Inglis (University of Nevada) seconded and it was approved. The delegation then voted on the amendment to Amendment 1 of have the effective date to immediately. Ephgrave (Member-at-large) called for division. The amendment to Amendment 1 failed. Novak (University of Missouri) moved to change the effective date to February 26, 2006. Hannah Englin (South Dakota State University) seconded. Antoine Jefferson (Louisiana State University) called to question; Jeff Johnson (Iowa State University) seconded. Motion passed. Voorhies moved to close discussion on Amendment 1. Johnson (Iowa State University) seconded and it passed. Jefferson (Louisiana State University) moved to debate and Michael Holcombe (Rutgers University) seconded. Motion passed. The pro side was represented by Voorhies and Sheridan. The con side was represented by Jefferson (Louisiana State University), Goebel. After debate, Ephgrave (Member-at-large) moved to table indefinitely. Craig (Auburn University) seconded. Motion failed. Voorhies moved to previous question; Jefferson (Louisiana State University) seconded. Motion passed. The delegation then voted on Amendment 1 as revised with a date of February 26, 2006. Ephgrave (Member-at-Large) called a point of order. After several recounts throughout the business meeting Amendment 1 passed.

Amendment 2 was written by Ephgrave (Member-at-Large) and Criag (Auburn University). It was about voting rights for the Southern Region in several sections of Article II. Ryan Curtis (The Ohio State University) called a point of order. There was discussion to took place by several delegates. Cindy Sperry (UC Davis) made a friendly amendment of making the voting rights affect not just the Southern region but the National organization. Inglis (University of Nevada) moved to previous question. Holcombe (Rutgers University) seconded and it passed. The delegates then voted on Amendment 2 with its friendly amendment. Amendment 2 passed.

Amendment 3 was written by Sheridan, Jordan Sonnenberg (Colorado State University), Renwick (UC Davis), Sperry (UC Davis), and Novak (University of Missouri). It was about making NAB meetings open by amending Article IV by adding sections C and D. Discussion then began. Jefferson (Louisiana State University) called question on the discussion. Glaspell (West Virigina University) moved for debate. Johnson (Iowa State University) seconded. Michael Cooley (Iowa State University) then called to previous question. Johnson (Iowa State University) seconded and it was approved. The delegation then voted on Amendment 3. Renwick (UC Davis) called for division. Amendment 3 failed due to the count of abstention votes.

Amendment 4 was written by Ephgrave (Member-at-Large), Renwick (UC Davis), Sperry (UC Davis) and Craig (Auburn University). It was about changing the definition of a member-at-large in Article II, Section A, Part 3. Delegates then discussed the amendment. Novak (University of Missouri) moved for previous question. Jefferson (Louisiana State University) seconded and it passed. The delegation then voted on Amendment 4. Amendment 4 passed.

Amendment 5 was written by NAB. It was about the National Service project in Article VII, Sections B, C, and D. Delegates then discussed the amendment. Voorhies made a friendly amendment to remove annually. Jefferson (Louisiana State University) moved to previous question. Baughman (The Ohio State University) seconded and it passed. The delegation then voted on Amendment 5. Amendment 5 passed.

Next the National Service projects were discussed. There were two proposed National Service Projects. The first proposal was from Falkenthal (Member-at-Large) and the second proposal was from Iowa State University Collegiate 4-H which was presented by Cooley. Falkenthal’s service project included making a resource library. Cooley’s service project was having an emphasis on community service with the Operation Military Kids program. The delegates then discussed both proposals. Morehouse (University of Illinois) moved to accept both projects. Baughman (The Ohio State University) seconded and the motion passed.

Reiman (South Dakota State University) moved adjourn the meeting. Baughman seconded the motion passed. The meeting was adjourn.

Then there were some quick announcements. The first announcement was from Bryon Garrett from the USDA over the purpose of NAB, the strategic planning committee, and what the organization needs to do to work as a national organization. Also, there was an announcement about the national listserv and club recognition would be done by National 4-H Week 2006. Next, the Agricultural Consortium committee was discussed. Anyone interested was asked to talk with a member of NAB. Also, the role of a strategic planning committee was discussed. At the end of the announcements the delegation gave applause for Bolte who was the NAB chair for the year. Lastly, the National Conference planners discussed the rest of the day’s activities.

The delegation left for their community service projects at 1:10PM (EST).

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Krumm
NAB Secretary

February 24, 2006 NAB Meeting

NAB Meeting

February 24, 2006

Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the fifteenth meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at 1:05PM (EST) in Columbus, Ohio. NAB Board members that weren’t present for the meeting were Sommer McConihay (Northeastern Region President) and Kyle Fogt (Conference Coordinator); McConihay was replaced by Vanessa Cerny of Rutgers University. Sarah Leidheiser (Conference Coordinator) was in an out through out the meeting. Bryon Garrett from USDA was present for most of the day, as well as up to three guests were present through out the meeting.

Discussion started with an update from the task force. The task force discussed their report, reviewed the history of the group, and went over the listening session process.

The task force is willing to hear comments and recommendations from any delegates. They’d like to see this work continue. One way for members of the task force to continually be contacted about the report, the group is compiling a list of the task force members with their contact info. Each member had different parts of the report that they worked on. There were several different areas where emphasis was put within the report. During the task force’s report to NAB they brought up how they’d like to see collegiate 4-H work with NAE4-HA; they already have a volunteer and contact with this group. The task force will present a short summary to tomorrow’s delegation at the national meeting.

Talk next focused on the strategic planning committee. Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager) reinstated that this committee is for members and should be done by members. He brought up how he’s not comfortable with the structure of the group. He also brought up worries on having old nab stay on one more year. There was a lot of discussion within the group over these issues. The conversation then focused on how this group will not be restricted to themselves and that they will be able to gather information from anywhere. They can conduct surveys and have discussions with different groups. Then the group explained the current NAB system’s structure and how it has equal representation. With the new NAB Article III constitution amendment discussion started pertaining to the need to remove the word ex-officio. The group decided that this could be changed to second year. This can be done by a friendly amendment being approved at the meeting tomorrow. Garrett wanted to make sure that the group keeps in focus what is the validity of collegiate 4-H as a national organization.

The next part of the meeting consisted of judging the national scrapbook of the year and the national club of the year. Northeast, North Central, and the Southern regions all turned in scrapbooks and club of the year applications. Western region had no national scrapbook and national club of the year applications for this year. Due to certain voting members having their own clubs up for awards there were some substitutions for member’s votes. Val Krumm (NAB Secretary) voted for Bolte for the national scrapbook of the year application. Krumm voted for the conference chairs for the national club of the year application. Bethany Krowne from Ohio State University voted for the conference chairs for the national scrapbook of the year. Creenna Sheely from Arkansas University voted for Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region President) for national club of the year. Scrapbook and club of the year judging started at 2:30PM (EST).

At 4:50 PM (EST) the national scrapbook and national club of they year application were done being judged. The winner will be announced at Saturday’s banquet. Discussion then moved to the NAB workshop. Bolte reviewed his presentation with the group and the group determined that in the workshop Krumm would explain the advocacy team, Voorhies would explain the web team, and bolte would discuss NAB to the group. The original idea of discussing USDA by Garrett will just be done at banquet.

Next, the group went over the national business meeting agenda. It will start with calling the meeting to order and then it will follow with roll call. During roll call Krumm will ask for the number of members, advisors, and at the end she will ask for members at large. Cerny volunteered to distribute voting cards during roll call to all due paying clubs. Next will be the approval of the secretary’s summary report; in interest of time, NAB has decided to condense the minutes of the previous national conference and they will be printed on the back of the agendas. A full copy can be found with Krumm if any member would like to review them. Krumm will create the summary. This will be followed by the business manager’s report of the statement of activities and then will be followed by the approval of the proposed budget for 2006-2007. Then there will be the presentation of the NAB summary report. Next will be a couple committee reports: the web team, advocacy team, task force, and USDA update. Currently there is no old business. New business will start with going over the presented resolutions. The first resolution concerns collegiate 4-H bylaws and has been written by Cindy Sperry, Samantha Ephgrave, Voorhies, Vanessa Renwick, and Goebel. This will be resolution 1. The second resolution concerns the recognition of clubs and has been written by Jessica Falkenthal. This will be resolution 2. The first amendment presented is over article III of the constitution and has been written by NAB; this will be bill 1. The second amendment concerns voting action and has been written by Ephgrave and Michelle Craig. This will be bill 2. The next amendment concerns the open meeting policy and has been written by Sheridan, Jordan Sonnenberg, Renwick, Sperry and Melissa Novak. This will be bill 3. The next amendment concerns membership at large and has been written by Ephgrave, Renwick, Sperry, and Craig. This will be bill 4. The next amendment concerns the national service project of emphasis and has been written by Voorhies. This will be bill 5. Next in new business will be the national service project of emphasis. Then there will be announcements about the strategic planning committee, the national listserv & club registration during national 4-H week, the agricultural consortium, and the national conference in 2007. It was decided that one hundred copies will be made of the agenda and secretary minute summary. Also, there will be sixty copies made of the budget, resolutions, and amendments. It was also decided that Goebel will now be the timer during the national business meeting; there will be three minutes for the introduction of the amendment, three minutes allowed for discussion, five minutes for debate, and one minute for voting.

Next, Voorhies moved to accept all applications of the web and advocacy teams and to make them our new teams. Leidheiser seconded and the motion was approved. Web team members include Voorhies and Falkenthal. Advocacy team members include April Mendenthall and Heather Powell.

Voorhies moved to recess till 7:30AM (EST) on Saturday, February 25, 2006. Sheridan seconded and the motion passed at 6PM (EST).

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Krumm

NAB Secretary