National Collegiate 4-H Business Meeting
February 25, 2006
Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the 2006 National Collegiate 4-H Business Meeting to order at 11:55AM (EST) in Columbus, Ohio. At this time, national club dues collection was closed. Also, Bolte briefly discussed the voting procedures for the meeting.
The first item of business was the NAB Secretary’s Summary. Val Krumm (NAB Secretary) gave a brief overview of the last national business meeting which took place in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. There were three constitutional amendments and two resolutions passed. Due to the length of the previous year’s meeting, Krumm offered only highlights of the meeting to the delegates. If anyone wanted to know more information, Krumm said to talk to her. Emily Morehouse (University of Illinois) moved to accept the secretary’s summary. Mary Baughman (The Ohio State University) seconded and the motion passed.
Next, Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager) gave the NAB Business Manager report. First he discussed the statement of activities of the past year. There was a friendly correction of to state that Haley Cook was from Iowa State University. Then, Baughman moved to accept the NAB Business Manager’s Statement of Activites. Morehouse seconded and the motion passed. Next, Goebel discussed the proposed budget for the 2006-2007 year. Jeff Johnson (Iowa State University) moved to accept the 2006-2007 Budget. Miranda Reiman (South Dakota State University) seconded and the motion passed.
Bolte next gave the NAB Summary Report. He discussed the previous year. Also, he told delegates about the NAB Blog ( and told them if they wanted more information they should look there, as it has all of the NAB’s minutes for the past year.
Next in the meeting, committee reports were given. First, Voorhies gave the Web Team report. He reviewed the past year’s events and made an emphasis on the new website. Also, he announced the new Web Team members. The new Web Team members are Jessica Falkenthal (Indiana University), April Mendenthall (Colorado State University), and Voorhies. Then, Krumm gave the Advocacy Team report. She reviewed the team’s past year accomplishments and also announced the new Advocacy Team members. The new members are Mendenthall (Colorado State University) and Heather Powell (Auburn University). Then Shannon Glaspell (West Virginia University) gave the Task Force report. She reviewed the history of the team and discussed the listening sessions & message boards. On behalf of the Task Force she thanked the delegates for their feedback and briefly went over the team’s recommendations. She also announced the Task Force would hand out their website IPod at the banquet later in the night. The final committee report was supposed to be from USDA, but it was pushed back to the banquet instead.
There was no old business presented, so the meeting moved directly into new business where resolutions were first presented.
Resolution 1 was written by Cindy Sperry (UC Davis), Samantha Ephgrave (Member-at-Large), Voorhies, Vanessa Renwick (UC Davis), and Goebel. It was about creating national Collegiate 4-H bylaws. There was no motion for debate. Baughman (The Ohio State University) moved to previous motion on the resolution and Lisa Parker (Texas Tech University) seconded and it was approved. The delegation then voted on the Resolution 1 and it passed.
Resolution 2 was written by Falkenthal (Member-at-Large). It was about creating a national Collegiate 4-H recognition and achievement committee to update existing and creating new contests and recognition methods for outstanding clubs and members. There were a couple minutes of discussion from delegates. There was no motion for debate. Morehouse (University of Illinois) moved to previous motion on the resolution and Baughman (The Ohio State University) seconded and it was approved. The delegation then voted on Resolution 2. Voorhies called for a division count. Resolution 2 passed.
Amendment 1 was written by NAB. It was about restructuring the administration of national Collegiate 4-H, NAB, in Article III of the constitution. Renwick (UC Davis) made a friendly amendment to replace each emeritus with second year. This friendly amendment was passed. Ephgrave (Member-at-Large) moved to amend the amendment by adding Section Q to Article III as: This act shall become effective at the 2007 National Collegiate 4-H Conference upon passage and approval. Powell (Auburn University) seconded. There was then discussion for the full length from the delegates. Voorhies then moved to add a minute and a half to discussion; Shane Sheridan (Western Region President) seconded. After the extra discussion, Tommy Inglis (University of Nevada) moved for debate. Melissa Novak (University of Missouri – Columbia) seconded. Point of order at this time was called by Voorhies. Debate then began. The pro side was represented by Ephgrave (Member-at-Large) and Michelle Craig (Auburn University). The con side was represented by Inglis (University of Nevada, Voorhies, and Sheridan. After the debate, Baughman (The Ohio State University) called to previous section. Morehouse (University of Illinois) seconded and it was approved. The delegation then voted on the amendment to Amendment 1. Voorhies called for a two-thirds division. The amendment to Amendment 1 failed. Voorhies then moved to change the effective date to immediately. Morehouse (University of Illinois) seconded. Novak (University of Missouri) called previous question; Inglis (University of Nevada) seconded and it was approved. The delegation then voted on the amendment to Amendment 1 of have the effective date to immediately. Ephgrave (Member-at-large) called for division. The amendment to Amendment 1 failed. Novak (University of Missouri) moved to change the effective date to February 26, 2006. Hannah Englin (South Dakota State University) seconded. Antoine Jefferson (Louisiana State University) called to question; Jeff Johnson (Iowa State University) seconded. Motion passed. Voorhies moved to close discussion on Amendment 1. Johnson (Iowa State University) seconded and it passed. Jefferson (Louisiana State University) moved to debate and Michael Holcombe (Rutgers University) seconded. Motion passed. The pro side was represented by Voorhies and Sheridan. The con side was represented by Jefferson (Louisiana State University), Goebel. After debate, Ephgrave (Member-at-large) moved to table indefinitely. Craig (Auburn University) seconded. Motion failed. Voorhies moved to previous question; Jefferson (Louisiana State University) seconded. Motion passed. The delegation then voted on Amendment 1 as revised with a date of February 26, 2006. Ephgrave (Member-at-Large) called a point of order. After several recounts throughout the business meeting Amendment 1 passed.
Amendment 2 was written by Ephgrave (Member-at-Large) and Criag (Auburn University). It was about voting rights for the Southern Region in several sections of Article II. Ryan Curtis (The Ohio State University) called a point of order. There was discussion to took place by several delegates. Cindy Sperry (UC Davis) made a friendly amendment of making the voting rights affect not just the Southern region but the National organization. Inglis (University of Nevada) moved to previous question. Holcombe (Rutgers University) seconded and it passed. The delegates then voted on Amendment 2 with its friendly amendment. Amendment 2 passed.
Amendment 3 was written by Sheridan, Jordan Sonnenberg (Colorado State University), Renwick (UC Davis), Sperry (UC Davis), and Novak (University of Missouri). It was about making NAB meetings open by amending Article IV by adding sections C and D. Discussion then began. Jefferson (Louisiana State University) called question on the discussion. Glaspell (West Virigina University) moved for debate. Johnson (Iowa State University) seconded. Michael Cooley (Iowa State University) then called to previous question. Johnson (Iowa State University) seconded and it was approved. The delegation then voted on Amendment 3. Renwick (UC Davis) called for division. Amendment 3 failed due to the count of abstention votes.
Amendment 4 was written by Ephgrave (Member-at-Large), Renwick (UC Davis), Sperry (UC Davis) and Craig (Auburn University). It was about changing the definition of a member-at-large in Article II, Section A, Part 3. Delegates then discussed the amendment. Novak (University of Missouri) moved for previous question. Jefferson (Louisiana State University) seconded and it passed. The delegation then voted on Amendment 4. Amendment 4 passed.
Amendment 5 was written by NAB. It was about the National Service project in Article VII, Sections B, C, and D. Delegates then discussed the amendment. Voorhies made a friendly amendment to remove annually. Jefferson (Louisiana State University) moved to previous question. Baughman (The Ohio State University) seconded and it passed. The delegation then voted on Amendment 5. Amendment 5 passed.
Next the National Service projects were discussed. There were two proposed National Service Projects. The first proposal was from Falkenthal (Member-at-Large) and the second proposal was from Iowa State University Collegiate 4-H which was presented by Cooley. Falkenthal’s service project included making a resource library. Cooley’s service project was having an emphasis on community service with the Operation Military Kids program. The delegates then discussed both proposals. Morehouse (University of Illinois) moved to accept both projects. Baughman (The Ohio State University) seconded and the motion passed.
Reiman (South Dakota State University) moved adjourn the meeting. Baughman seconded the motion passed. The meeting was adjourn.
Then there were some quick announcements. The first announcement was from Bryon Garrett from the USDA over the purpose of NAB, the strategic planning committee, and what the organization needs to do to work as a national organization. Also, there was an announcement about the national listserv and club recognition would be done by National 4-H Week 2006. Next, the Agricultural Consortium committee was discussed. Anyone interested was asked to talk with a member of NAB. Also, the role of a strategic planning committee was discussed. At the end of the announcements the delegation gave applause for Bolte who was the NAB chair for the year. Lastly, the National Conference planners discussed the rest of the day’s activities.
The delegation left for their community service projects at 1:10PM (EST).
Respectfully Submitted,
Val Krumm
NAB Secretary
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