Collegiate 4-H National Action Board
Meeting Agenda – Conference Call
June 7, 2008
I. Call to Order – Casey East 8:05 EST
II. Roll Call – Nocona Canady
Chris Nowicy-present
III. Changes to and Approval of Minutes (Please read prior to meeting)
a. Approval of the minutes from the second meeting on April 5, 2007
b. Approval of the minutes from the third meeting on May3, 2007-minutes will be postponed until next meeting minutes, jess made the motion crystal seconded passed unanimously
IV. Business Manager’s Report – Ashley Buford-not present
- Did Jeff get the forms that you emailed him? Yes he did receive the W9
Still working on the checks with Jasmine and headquarters
Did you meet the May 15 deadline for the electronical fileing requirement for 4-H organization’s taxes on Nat. 4-H website.—will not have to file until next year
V. Committee Reports (You MUST meet prior to the NAB meeting)
a. Diversity – Lisa and Sarah, not present
b. (when meeting with your committee have one person take minutes and post them to the yahoo group.
-list of institutions and send out letter to them and will
i. Update from last meeting
1. Did you get your letter sent out?
2. Was the Club of the Year clause posted on the website – Jessica__ Has been posted on the website
c. Communication and Membership Education – Crystal, Dan, Nocona
i. Update from the last meeting
1. Compilation of all existing Collegiate 4-H Organizations – work with regional Presidents and their teams—we working on emailing out regional presidents and then waiting on responses from them
a. What is the status on this? The perposal form is out and sent to NAB for review
2. Communication among all clubs: Have each club post at least five new opportunities/ideas to message board a month
a. Wait until list is complied. Still working on list
3. Workshops
a. Proposal forms update (everyone should look over this prior to the meeting)will go out 1 week after the july meeting
b. New Dates to remember:
i. Proposals will go out to clubs one week after the July meeting (July 19)
ii. Proposals due by Sept. 30
iii. A poll will be set up after all proposals in and will need to be voted on by all voting members of NAB prior to the Oct. 4 meeting
c. Attach goals to proposal forms
ii. Goals for the month-contact regional presidents and NAB review the proposal form and let us know with any changes
iii. Attach the goals of coll 4-H to the proposal form
iv. Also contact national council and headquarters about workshops and what they can offer
d. Service – Alyssa, Casey, Nocona
i. Update from last meeting
1. Research into a National Collegiate 4-H Spring Break Service Project – What about regions doing it first? Considering making this a summer project rather than spring break, research and we will get back with NAB about that
ii. Goals for the month –research this
e. Partnerships – Ashley, Amy, Jessica, Lisa
i. NAE4-HA
1. Updates about the conference in September.
a. Who will be representing us?NAE4-HA contacted but we are waiting on a contact back
2. Updates on the merge in 2011
3. Update on the packet that will be put together for regional officers to present at regional meetings.-advocacy will be putting together a packet and we will be working with NAE4-HA to develop this further
ii. National 4-H Council-the meeting has not happened yet and we are still working on establishing our purpose as an organization
iii. Goals for the month-Chris is meeting with Cathann and we will be working to develop our national priorities in conjunction with the national priorities, go back to the retreat document and add ideas to it
iv. Set up another NAB retreat and the focus being on goals and what our focus is the same as national 4-h council, the poll for a weekend date between now and the beginning of august
f. Organizational Affairs – Dan, Crystal, Autumn, April
i. Update from the last meeting
1. Did you meet with Cathann and/or Eddy(Crystal sent an email about questions and meeting, and have not heard back from him yet, she will recontact, and will hunt down Cathann’s information) about our goals and how we can become a National organization.
ii. Goals for the month-re email Eddy and access Cathann’s information and actually Chris should be the new contact
g. Advocacy – had 1st meeting right before
i. Promotional packet for National 4-H Week-update the materials that are already out there, create display board materials, and Grace will be working on looking at some other resources, information about creative guides for SET and Digital TV and access. We will be setting up a Club Spotlight and change that every 2 weeks. We will be doing a both at Galaxy
ii. Goals for the month- begin the spotlights and work on getting out a newsletter, with info about new officers and NAB updates and such
We will be meeting the last week of June to get prepared for Galaxy
h. Web Team –
i. Goals for the month-Kevin and Lisa are out of service for the summer at camps so jess will be filling as the temp contact right now
i. Ag Consortium – Crystal
i. Update from your meetings with the Ag Consortium-she has heard nothing and the conf. will be coming up but she will receive information in july about the Ag Const. conf.
ii. Goals for the month
VI. Regional Updates
a. Western Region – Autumn—nothing new working on reg. conf. in the fall
b. North Central Region – Jessica--- regional officer team met and working on focusing the organization and conf. planning is going well. Regional service project is the same as national project ACCESS and they are trying to be helpful in putting out information
c. Northeast Region – Alyssa-no one was present
d. Southern Region – Casey- 3 people went down to Biloxi going to give it a try and they have an officer team meeting in 3 weeks
VII. Old Business
a. NAB Grant – ($300.00 to the 2008 conference and $200.00 to the Minnesota club)
i. Ashley – what is the update on these checks? She is still currently working on this
b. Strategic Plan Implementation Timeline (see attachment)-just keep this in mind and make sure we stay on task
c. The 2008 NAB Goals (see attachment)setting up another retreat for goals
d. The 2009 National Collegiate 4-H Conference – Beth and/or Megan-not on
i. Current planning stage-Just a reminder about dates
1. Dates to remember:
a. Registration goes out Nov. 3
b. Registration is due Dec. 13
c. Registration late fee is due Jan. 5
e. NAB Retreat/Workday-Jess updated we went over national priorities, but was conserned about the progress because NAB members are not aware of what all is going on with national 4-H,google doc. Went well and had people updating it as the meeting progressed
VIII. New Business
a. NAB Advisor (must be from the North Central Region)
i. Brenda Allen?---Crystal suggestion, and she met with Brenda and she accepted so she is the new NAB Advisor. Email and add her to the yahoo group and this will be emailed to Nocona to add to the contact list
IX. Adjournment
a. Please remember that the July meeting was rescheduled due to the 4th of July for July 12, 2008!--- Autumn moves to adjourn Crystal Seconds 8:53 EST
**Reminder**If you are not going to be at the meeting you need to notify both Nocona and Casey before the meetings!!!!!!! Very important so that we can have a quorum or get alternate people from the region to come in on the calls
Meeting Agenda – Conference Call
June 7, 2008
I. Call to Order – Casey East 8:05 EST
II. Roll Call – Nocona Canady
Chris Nowicy-present
III. Changes to and Approval of Minutes (Please read prior to meeting)
a. Approval of the minutes from the second meeting on April 5, 2007
b. Approval of the minutes from the third meeting on May3, 2007-minutes will be postponed until next meeting minutes, jess made the motion crystal seconded passed unanimously
IV. Business Manager’s Report – Ashley Buford-not present
- Did Jeff get the forms that you emailed him? Yes he did receive the W9
Still working on the checks with Jasmine and headquarters
Did you meet the May 15 deadline for the electronical fileing requirement for 4-H organization’s taxes on Nat. 4-H website.—will not have to file until next year
V. Committee Reports (You MUST meet prior to the NAB meeting)
a. Diversity – Lisa and Sarah, not present
b. (when meeting with your committee have one person take minutes and post them to the yahoo group.
-list of institutions and send out letter to them and will
i. Update from last meeting
1. Did you get your letter sent out?
2. Was the Club of the Year clause posted on the website – Jessica__ Has been posted on the website
c. Communication and Membership Education – Crystal, Dan, Nocona
i. Update from the last meeting
1. Compilation of all existing Collegiate 4-H Organizations – work with regional Presidents and their teams—we working on emailing out regional presidents and then waiting on responses from them
a. What is the status on this? The perposal form is out and sent to NAB for review
2. Communication among all clubs: Have each club post at least five new opportunities/ideas to message board a month
a. Wait until list is complied. Still working on list
3. Workshops
a. Proposal forms update (everyone should look over this prior to the meeting)will go out 1 week after the july meeting
b. New Dates to remember:
i. Proposals will go out to clubs one week after the July meeting (July 19)
ii. Proposals due by Sept. 30
iii. A poll will be set up after all proposals in and will need to be voted on by all voting members of NAB prior to the Oct. 4 meeting
c. Attach goals to proposal forms
ii. Goals for the month-contact regional presidents and NAB review the proposal form and let us know with any changes
iii. Attach the goals of coll 4-H to the proposal form
iv. Also contact national council and headquarters about workshops and what they can offer
d. Service – Alyssa, Casey, Nocona
i. Update from last meeting
1. Research into a National Collegiate 4-H Spring Break Service Project – What about regions doing it first? Considering making this a summer project rather than spring break, research and we will get back with NAB about that
ii. Goals for the month –research this
e. Partnerships – Ashley, Amy, Jessica, Lisa
i. NAE4-HA
1. Updates about the conference in September.
a. Who will be representing us?NAE4-HA contacted but we are waiting on a contact back
2. Updates on the merge in 2011
3. Update on the packet that will be put together for regional officers to present at regional meetings.-advocacy will be putting together a packet and we will be working with NAE4-HA to develop this further
ii. National 4-H Council-the meeting has not happened yet and we are still working on establishing our purpose as an organization
iii. Goals for the month-Chris is meeting with Cathann and we will be working to develop our national priorities in conjunction with the national priorities, go back to the retreat document and add ideas to it
iv. Set up another NAB retreat and the focus being on goals and what our focus is the same as national 4-h council, the poll for a weekend date between now and the beginning of august
f. Organizational Affairs – Dan, Crystal, Autumn, April
i. Update from the last meeting
1. Did you meet with Cathann and/or Eddy(Crystal sent an email about questions and meeting, and have not heard back from him yet, she will recontact, and will hunt down Cathann’s information) about our goals and how we can become a National organization.
ii. Goals for the month-re email Eddy and access Cathann’s information and actually Chris should be the new contact
g. Advocacy – had 1st meeting right before
i. Promotional packet for National 4-H Week-update the materials that are already out there, create display board materials, and Grace will be working on looking at some other resources, information about creative guides for SET and Digital TV and access. We will be setting up a Club Spotlight and change that every 2 weeks. We will be doing a both at Galaxy
ii. Goals for the month- begin the spotlights and work on getting out a newsletter, with info about new officers and NAB updates and such
We will be meeting the last week of June to get prepared for Galaxy
h. Web Team –
i. Goals for the month-Kevin and Lisa are out of service for the summer at camps so jess will be filling as the temp contact right now
i. Ag Consortium – Crystal
i. Update from your meetings with the Ag Consortium-she has heard nothing and the conf. will be coming up but she will receive information in july about the Ag Const. conf.
ii. Goals for the month
VI. Regional Updates
a. Western Region – Autumn—nothing new working on reg. conf. in the fall
b. North Central Region – Jessica--- regional officer team met and working on focusing the organization and conf. planning is going well. Regional service project is the same as national project ACCESS and they are trying to be helpful in putting out information
c. Northeast Region – Alyssa-no one was present
d. Southern Region – Casey- 3 people went down to Biloxi going to give it a try and they have an officer team meeting in 3 weeks
VII. Old Business
a. NAB Grant – ($300.00 to the 2008 conference and $200.00 to the Minnesota club)
i. Ashley – what is the update on these checks? She is still currently working on this
b. Strategic Plan Implementation Timeline (see attachment)-just keep this in mind and make sure we stay on task
c. The 2008 NAB Goals (see attachment)setting up another retreat for goals
d. The 2009 National Collegiate 4-H Conference – Beth and/or Megan-not on
i. Current planning stage-Just a reminder about dates
1. Dates to remember:
a. Registration goes out Nov. 3
b. Registration is due Dec. 13
c. Registration late fee is due Jan. 5
e. NAB Retreat/Workday-Jess updated we went over national priorities, but was conserned about the progress because NAB members are not aware of what all is going on with national 4-H,google doc. Went well and had people updating it as the meeting progressed
VIII. New Business
a. NAB Advisor (must be from the North Central Region)
i. Brenda Allen?---Crystal suggestion, and she met with Brenda and she accepted so she is the new NAB Advisor. Email and add her to the yahoo group and this will be emailed to Nocona to add to the contact list
IX. Adjournment
a. Please remember that the July meeting was rescheduled due to the 4th of July for July 12, 2008!--- Autumn moves to adjourn Crystal Seconds 8:53 EST
**Reminder**If you are not going to be at the meeting you need to notify both Nocona and Casey before the meetings!!!!!!! Very important so that we can have a quorum or get alternate people from the region to come in on the calls