I. Call to Order - 8:06pm EST
II. Roll Call
- PresentCasey East - Southern Region NAB President, NAB Chair
Ashley Buford - Business Manager
Lisa Richardson - Northeast Region 2nd Year Representative
Jessica Falkenthal - North Central Region President
April Mendenhall - Western Region 2nd Year Representative
Autumn Sheridan - Western Region President
Jessica Falkenthal - North Central Region President
Beth Neil - Co Conference Coordinator
Mike Razim - Advocacy Team, North Central
Crystal Schauer - Ag Consort Liaison - AbsentNocona Canady, Secretary
Sarah Edens, Southern Region 2nd Year Representative
Alyssa Ross, Northeast Region President
Amy Redman, North Central 2nd Year Representative
Megan Johnson, Co-Conference Coordinator
Eddy Mentzer, Liaison from National 4-H Headquarters
III. Minutes
- Will be referred to throughout the meeting via Casey
- Motion to postpone approval to next meeting - Jessica F. (not sure, sorry!); 2nd - Autumn S.
- Motion passed- unanimously
IV. Business Manager's Report
- Sent W-9 form to April and FFA Member Jeff Tatke (sp?)
- W-2 work forms (not sent)
- Will send repeat email to Jeff to check if we have to file
- May 15th - Electronically (sp?) Filing Point - requirement for 4-H clubs and organizations; National, Regional, and Collegiate Groups
- Staff not in office Tuesday-Friday of this week
V. Committee Reports
- Diversity
- List of institutions - 1890 and 1994
- Drafting up a letter to send out by end of this month or beginning of next month. Will be emailed to the list-serv
- Club of the year application update will be posted soon.
- Goal - Getting the letter sent out as soon as possible.
- Communication and Membership Education
- Splitting up regions to contact officers and state organizations to find out activity and presence of Collegiate 4-H groups throughout the regions. Hopefully this will promote inter-club communications between clubs.
- Rough draft for workshop proposal form was put out to Casey and will be sent out to the Yahoo group; open to suggestions.
- Regional presidents by will get contacts by July Meeting
- Workshops
- Deadline moved from November 1st to September 30th
- Workshop poll must be done by the September NAB meeting to confirm workshops.
- Email sent to clubs to let them know about earlier date now so that they can start planning now.
- Service
- Spring Break - National Alternative Spring Break
- Will be something that can work for every region.
- Focusing on inner-city kids
- Inglewood and Chicago have city 4-H clubs
- Members should look on website
- Also places in Nashville and Atlanta
- Looking into a D.C. group; NYC trying to create clubs
- Looking for 4-H groups to allow for easy connections
- Not a mandatory requirement
- Southern Regional Service Project
- Biloxi, MS - helping to rebuild Katrina areas
- Regional service project attempt, maybe leads to national group service project.
- Goal - getting out program/letters throughout regions for suggestions
- Partnerships
- Service and Social Media Grant
- Trying to get Cathann's approval; she doesn't think we're organized enough yet to receive these types of funds.
- Improved our image towards the National 4-H Council
- Everything put on hold for grant
- Potential fall funding from 4-H Council
- Looking for Sponsors
- Poll-merger set up about merger change date
- Instead presented by regional officers at meeting
- Will send out info packet to list-serv
- Conference Representatives
- People staying in NAB next year are encouraged to attend the conference in September; Monday - Friday conference
- Crystal, Lisa, Jessica, Ashley, Casey - Maybes
- Will talk to NAE4-HA next month to get an okay and find funding
- Registration is the Middle of June
- Organizational Affairs
- No official meeting - Autumn and April have spoken
- Organization and paperwork to get us set up as a national organization
- Trying to meet out goals to become a national organization
- Need more specifics from Cathann and Eddy
- What they expect from us and our goals
- Goals of committee need to be clearly specified
- Committee will email Cathann and Eddy to improve goals (needs to be done in the next week)
- Get one of them to attend meeting to let all of NAB know what they need to do.
- Originally made to get NAB organized around a general structure
- Look into other organizations to see how they uses this committee.
- Advocacy
- NAB liaison - voted on by the next meeting
- Congratulations email sent out - Mike and Grace both accepted
- Promo packet for National 4-H week
- Web Team
- Liaison - voted on net week
- Congratulation email sent out - Lisa, Jessica, Kevin
- Ag Consort Liaison
- Sent out email to contact
- Email secretary to understand minutes and see if there are events she needs to attend.
- Will call to get more information
VI. Regional Updates
- West - Regionals put together and waiting on responses from other clubs
- North Central
- Working on Regional strategic plan
- Digitally archiving regional binder with standard procedure for each office.
- Constitution amendments to create a president elect position
- Conference is in Missouri
- Northeast
- Contacting groups
- Conference will be in Maryland
- Sending out forms
- South
- Officer training and other members - service project in Gulf-Coast all week and weekend; meeting on Saturday to formulate a Strategic Plan and goal for the region.
- Fill in positions at 4-H camps
- a. Sent to Collegiate 4-H organizations to get counselors and people to plan workshops
- Conference is in Biloxi, MS
VII. Old Business
- Money Split
- CSU put a proposal in to give $250 to next year's group
- $300 to CSU and $200 to next year's conference hosts
- Motion - Split 300 to 2008 conference and 200 to 2009 Conference - Autumn S.; 2nd - Lisa R.
- Motion passes - unanimously
- Money distributed by check - Sent to Dale L. (CSU) and Minnesota (Beth will email Ashley name)
- National 4-H council will send check - takes about 3-4 weeks
- Social Media
- Partnership spoke about this
- Timeline
- On Yahoo group
- Needs to be taken to committees to work out timelines
- Goals
- On Yahoo group
- Suggestions
- Send changes to Casey if there are any
- Take to committee meetings
- 2009 Conference
- Registration available November 3rd to December 13th; late registration is by Jan 5th
- Tell people at regional meetings
VIII. New Business
- Advisor
- Encouraged to attend NAB meetings and must be on list-serv
- Liaison to NAE4-HA and other national groups
- Iowa Sate - Brenda Allen (4-H office) - active on campus
- Crystal will ask and let us know; she will them be put on the list- serv and will be able to attend committee meetings and conference calls
- Retreat/Workday
- Organizational meeting
- Online meeting or during conference call
- Goal planning meeting - to hash everything out
- Web and Advocacy team should meet before them to help out
- Jessica will set up a pool about date and time period (8pm-12am EST)
- Need to have
- copy of NAB Guidelines
- Cathann and Eddy's suggestions - maybe they will attend
- Committee issues
IX. Next Meeting - June 7th, 8pm EST
- July meeting moved to July 12th, the week after due to the 4th of July Holiday
X. Adjournment
- Motion to Adjourn - Autumn; 2nd - Jessica F.
- Motion Passes - 9:32 pm EST
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