I. Call to Order - 8:10pm EST @ 4/5/2008
II. Roll Call
III. Minutes
Approved as read by Autumn
IV. Business Manager’s Report
Ashley was not in attendance, Casey will forward excuse to the group
V. Committee Reports
A. Diversity
1. Lisa absent attending a Sigma Alpha Conference
2. Diversity clause was to be added and sent to Jessica
3.Goal –To inform all clubs and work on recruiting
B. Communication and Membership Education
1. Currently working on compiling new information and getting a list of clubs together
2. Goals to work on getting programs for Nationals 2009, work on getting national level presenters at the conference (discuss with Betty and Cathann).
3. Goals: Email and mail final workshop and make them due October 17. After the completed forms have been turned in make a list and decide on final workshop presenters, to be presented to Beth and Megan, as well as NAB.
C. Service
1. National Service projects were sent out to clubs and put on web
2. Find out from Eddy and Ohio State about the information from the National Service Project
3. National Coll. 4-H Spring Break service project, brainstorming and ideas, service committee will discuss later
4. Jessica made a motion that we have information for the regions at the regional conferences, Nocona seconded and motion passed unanimously
5. Set up an online survey/poll to see if there is interest, web team to help in getting that together
D. Partnerships
1. Met and formed a plan for the entire year, discussions about moving in 2010 since it will be held in Arizona and there are not really Collegiate clubs to help in this area. The suggestion was not to move until 2011 when NAE4-HA is in Omaha, Nebraska
2. For 2010 Northeast region should be able to host, possibly in DC at National 4-H Center, with University of Maryland hosting.
3. Ways to get the information out there by setting up a poll, putting it in the newsletter, present at the regional meetings
4. National 4-H Council, Lisa and Jess are going in May to talk about funding
5. Discussed sending members to Galaxy in September those intreseted, Crystal, Casey, Nocona, Jess, Autumn, and Jess will send out information about that.
E. Organizational Affairs
1. No official meeting - Autumn and April have spoken
F. Advocacy/Web Team
1. Voting results
---Grace Tucker and Mike Razim, advocacy team; Lisa Richardson, Jess, and Kevin Kersey, Web team
2. Congratulations emails will be sent out. Meet and decide on NAB liaison
3. Promo packet for National 4-H week
4. Teams meet together
G. Ag Consort Liaison
1. Sent out email to contact and has not heard back yet, but has received minutes from the last meeting
VI. Old Business
A. Casey will email out National Goals again
B. 2009 National Conference
1. Letters have been sent out for grants
2. Hotel and meeting rooms reserved, looking at tours, and service projects
3. To begin working on soon is speakers and food
4. Currently meeting every other week
C. Timeline
1. On Yahoo group
2. Needs to be taken to committees to work out timelines
D. Goals
1. On Yahoo group
2. Suggestions
a. Send changes to Casey if there are any
b. Take to committee meetings
E. 2009 Conference
1. Registration available November 3rd to December 13th; late registration is by Jan 5th
2. Tell people at regional meetings
VII. New Business
A. Casey will send out timeline and the strategic plan and this will be discussed at the next NAB meeting
B. New conference call number will be set up and sent out
C. If you have a conflict with attending the meetings please let both Casey and Nocona know.
VIII.. Adjournment
A. Motion to adjourn
1. Motion Passes - 9:49 pm EST
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