NAB Meeting
Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the tenth meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at
The first officer report was from Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region President). He reported that the Task Force is planning on having a meeting this coming week. They are trying to have Byron Garrett from USDA to attend their meeting. They also took NAB’s advice and will be joining NAB a day early before National Conference for their face-to-face meeting.
The second officer report was from Val Krumm (NAB Secretary). Voorhies contacted Krumm before the meeting with some spelling corrections to the previous meetings minutes, and Krumm made the corrections prior to the current meeting. Voorhies moved to approved the last meeting’s minutes as posted on the NAB Blog ( and Shane Sheridan (Western Region President) seconded. Motion passed.
Next, Voorhies updated NAB on the Web Team. The Web Team still hasn’t had a first meeting and is planning on having a teleconference soon. Voorhies then presented the Web Team budged. The budget included website hosting, domain name, and communication expenses that totaled $185.00.
Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager) next presented NAB with his report. There is $690.66 still available from this year’s budget. NAB discussed how this money will need to go towards the Web Team and Advocacy Team budgets, along with the hotel rooms for the meeting the day before conference. Goebel will find out previous year’s ending balance for the February meeting.
Krumm next gave an Advocacy Team update. Krumm went over the presented budget with NAB. The total for this year’s budget is $299.60 for pamphlet printing for promotions. All communications have been done over email or free conference calls. Also, Krumm presented some budget ideas for next year’s Advocacy Team. NAB members discussed the idea of a future display board and business card magnets. Members discussed about when would these promotional tools be used and where would they be stored. There were some additions to the pamphlet; the website was changed and added to the front cover.
Next, NAB discussed the website contest and consideration of a website award proposal from Jess Falkenthal, UC Davis Collegiate 4-H member. NAB discussed how this might be too late to have for this year and that it should have been presented when other applications were released. Voorhies moved to refer this idea to next year’s NAB and to not have a website contest and website award for this year;
NAB next discussed national club establishment guidelines and national dues. It was brought up that we need to make sure that everyone finds out about it and that they know when they can pay their dues. Last year’s NAB business manager, Tony Rekewg, sat at the registration table at the national conference and collected dues and awards/projects. Goebel will be doing the same thing and will being making and sending a memo out about dues.
The next item of business was constitutional amendments. NAB discussed the process and talked about if NAB was going to propose or endorse any amendments. One amendment that was discussed was to change the constitution so a NAB member could continue in their position if they transfer to another school in their region, but if they transferred during their term to a school not in their region then they’d have to find a replacement for their NAB office. Bolte is planning on writing an amendment concerning this issue since it happened to him this past year and he had to get approved to keep his NAB office. Any amendments need to be sent to Krumm twenty-four hours before the business meeting.
National Club of the Year, New Club of the Year, and Scrapbook of the Year were discussed next. Voorhies said that NAB made amendments of the official rules last year and they can be viewed on the USDA website. NAB decided that the winners would be recognized during the closing banquet and certificates would be presented to the award winners.
Since the Task Force and NAB will be arriving to the National Conference a day early NAB needed to decide if we could cover the cost of two rooms. Two rooms will cost $198. The money not distributed out in the account so far needs to go to the Web Team, Advocacy Team, and leadership grants. Considering those budgets Voorhies moved to have NAB cover the costs of the two rooms, the Web Team budget, and the Advocacy Team budget. Fogt seconded; motion approved.
Fogt said that on Wednesday rooms won’t be available until
Next NAB discussed some office supply items for at the National Conference. Bolte is planning on bringing his printer to the conference.
Voorhies next addressed NAB about the Voting Delegate Orientation. The current outline of the workshop goes as follows. In the future assignments and as well as any additions or deletions will be discussed.
I. Explanation of Business Meeting Formation
a. Review of proposed agenda and any amendments
b. Parliamentary Procedure review
II. Brief review of Collegiate 4-H History
III. Constitutional Review
a. Pertinent, Selected details discussed
b. Amendment vs. Resolution
c. How to propose
d. C4H Leadership Structure
IV. National Service Project of Emphasis
Fogt said that this orientation will take place during workshop number four’s time slot, which is almost immediately before the business meeting. This orientation will give members the opportunity to go over how the national business meeting will run.
Next, Voorhies talked about going to the Collegiate Agriculture Consortium meeting and talked about the program Collegiate LifeKnowledge. Voorhies willl be sending meeting information out to NAB members. He wondered if we wanted to do the Collegiate LifeKnowledge training at the National Conference. He also brought up that we needed to determine if Collegiate 4-H should continue being apart of this program and then if we do, do we want him be the person liaison. He said that the program discusses life skills like time management, priorities, as well as resume writing. Fogt said that there are no rooms available to present the program this year. Fogt and Sheridan brought up that they’d like to look over more information on the program before agreeing to be a part of it. Currently there are sixteen agricultural organizations in the Consortium. NAB will discuss this further at the National Conference.
Everyone was reminded to send out Web Team & Advocacy Team applications. Also, it was decided that applications would be due at the beginning of the National Conference. Krumm also reminded everyone to send out the National Service project applications.
The next meeting will take place on Sunday, February 5 at
The meeting was adjourned at
Respectfully Submitted,
Val Krumm
NAB Secretary
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