NAB Meeting
February 5, 2006
Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the eleventh meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at 12:40PM (CST) over a teleconference. NAB Board members that weren’t present for the meeting were Sommer McConihay (Northeastern Region President), Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager), and Sarah Leidheiser (Conference Coordinator).
The first item of business was the Secretary’s report. Val Krumm (NAB Secretary) said the January’s meeting minutes were posted on the NAB Blog. Secretary minutes were approved.
Next, David Hartley (Reference Liaison) gave a Task Force update. He said that the Task Force will be passing on their report to NAB after the 13th of the month. Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region President) added that every Task Force member that could, will be coming a day early for the National Conference. The exact number of members is still not determined.
Next Bolte asked for any region updates. Voorhies told the group that the Southern Region’s Vice President will be arriving a day early with him for conference. That way he in a way can be there for both the Task Force and NAB meetings. Shane Sheridan (Western Region President) reminded the group that his Western Region Officer Team will also be coming a day early. There were no more regional reports.
NAB next decided to discuss the absence of McConihay at NAB meetings over the past year. Hartley assured the group that national information was still getting passed on to the region, but there just hasn’t been any presence at the national level since this past spring. He added that he personally had been trying to get a hold of McConihay and has had no luck over the past couple of months. NAB decided that there needs to be a representative on NAB for the National Conference to be fair. Many ideas were given by several members to have the seat open to any North East region delegate. Sheridan added that the spot should be brought up to the attention of their regional officers and one of them should fill in; that they as a region should decide who will replace McConihay. Bolte will let the North East region know they need to find a replacement representative for NAB.
Kyle Fogt (Conference Coordinator) next had a checklist of agenda items to go over concerning National Conference.
The first item was travel information. Fogt gathered information from those at the meeting when they’d be arriving in Columbus and how. All travel information should be email to Fogt with specific times, airlines, etc. as soon as possible.
Next, Fogt was curious about exact rooming details, along with meeting room arrangements for Wednesday and Thursday. At the January meeting NAB approved to pay for two rooms for Wednesday night. Voorhies brought up that the rooms for the Task Force should be covered as well, since they are coming a day early too. This then would equal four rooms to be covered by NAB. Voorhies also made a draft of room assignments for Wednesday night for NAB and Task Force members; he will be sending this information out to all NAB members after the meeting. Many NAB members were concerned about the amount of money NAB currently had to determine if NAB could pay for four rooms.
As for the meeting space, Fogt informed the group that Bryon Garrett from USDA will be at the meetings on Wednesday and that a nice meeting room space or suite would be appropriate to meet in. Also, since the group attending the meetings has kept on getting larger over the past couple of months, NAB needed to find a room to fit everyone in. Fogt volunteered to look into meeting room costs and will send this information to NAB.
Next, Fogt asked questions about the Task Force’s attendance. He was wondering who would be attending and how would it work logistically, if there needed to be two meeting spaces and would the Task Force be meeting at the same time as NAB. Voorhies informed the group that the exact number of Task Force members is still not determined, but that they wouldn’t need their own meeting space and would be able to meet in a hotel room. He also let the group know that they were planning on meeting at the same time as NAB.
Fogt then brought up that we need to determine when NAB will be meeting during National Conference. He had already made a tentative schedule for Wednesday and Thursday, but still needed to figure out times for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The group decided that on Wednesday NAB will first meet at 3PM. This will last as long as needed. On Thursday the group will meet in the morning till around 6PM. Fogt said that he’d be willing to look into food options for the group for Wednesday and Thursday; he said that there is a free shuttle to a certain location with many food venues. Fogt will send out a list of places to eat where the shuttle goes. He brought up that it might be nice for NAB to go out for a nice supper on Wednesday night. Voorhies suggested that we needed to remember to not pack lots of decisions till the end during conference. It was addressed to the group that on Friday a possible meeting time would be during a time where two workshops are scheduled back to back. Also, the group could meet during tours. After discussing which was more important educationally and which option gave more time to discuss, workshops or tours, the group decided to meet during tours on Friday. At the next meeting NAB will determine what the group will be discussing during each meeting. Bolte reminded everyone that all amendments must be turned in twenty-four hours before the business meeting and suggested that we provide them on-line.
The next item addressed was when was NAB going to determine award winners, along with the new NAB, Advocacy Team, and Web Team. Several ideas were thrown out for when interviews could be conducted such as in between tours and the evening out on Friday, after the evening out on Friday, or during breakfast Saturday morning. Fogt suggested 7:30AM on Saturday to hold interviews. On Sunday morning there will be time for the new and old NAB and new and old Advocacy and Web teams to meet.
The last National Conference agenda item was items needed for the national business meeting. Bolte reminded the group that he would be bringing his computer and printer. Fogt said there would be a projector and overhead available in the meeting room. Also, some NAB members suggested paper copies of amendments to be available at the regional and national meetings, but that a copy for all delegates wasn’t necessary. Fogt also informed the group that the duration of the national business meeting was almost doubled to an hour and forty-five minutes. This way there wouldn’t be a conflict of time as was seen at last year’s National Conference.
Next, Voorhies told the group that Goebel wouldn’t be able to get to Columbus for the conference until Thursday afternoon due to a class. This meant that someone else would need to step in and collect items at the registration table. Fogt suggested that an Ohio State University member could be in charge of collecting dues, applications, etc.
Next, Krumm gave an Advocacy Team update. The brochures are done and picked up. She will be bringing them with her on Wednesday before conference. She will be sending the receipts and bill to Goebel after the meeting for reimbursement. Also, she reminded the group to send in information for the newsletter by Wednesday, February 8th. The Advocacy Team set up an email for the national newsletter ( for items to be emailed to; member Samantha Ephgrave from Oklahoma State University will be compiling all the information for the newsletter. Also the Advocacy Team though it’d be nice for there to be NAB profiles of the members and maybe a welcome to Columbus statement from Fogt and Leidheiser. All items are more than welcomed. Also, Krumm let the group know that the Advocacy Team would be making a proposal for the next year’s team to ensure another successful year.
Voorhies told NAB that they could work on the voting delegate orientation at the next meeting, since the meeting had gone for a somewhat long duration of time so far.
The next meeting will take place on Saturday, February 18th at 12:30PM CST via teleconference.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:10PM (CST).
Respectfully Submitted,
Val Krumm
NAB Secretary
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