NAB Meeting
Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the fourteenth meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at
To start the meeting, discussion continued from the previous day about the national listserv. It was said that the listserv should have a no reply all option and an unsubscribe option. Also, a couple members wanted to make sure that the listserv would be continuously updated. Gathering information on active clubs during national 4-H week was brought up again. It was suggested that the web team set up the listserv with multiple moderators, that the advocacy team would promote the listserv, and that the NAB secretary would compile the information from the listserv and for the active membership list. It was also decided that everyone is going to be on the national listserv that is at conference this year and then they’ll have the option removing themselves from the listserv. The national listserv will be announced at this year’s national conference.
Next, Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region President) gave the web team report. The website is currently compiled at constructed. You can visit the website at This year’s web team is proposing that there are upcoming dates, headlines, NAB information, an online directory of all the clubs nationwide, a photo gallery, and a message board on the website. They’d also like to see a club spotlight section and a feature story section where the web team could work with the advocacy team. They’d also like to see that there’d be a link to the NAB Blog. Also, there could be conference information, a resource library with past workshop information, leadership information, and advocacy materials located on the website. Also there could be a section that would explain relationships with the USDA, NAB, and regional areas. Also, applications could be posted on it too. The website is meant to be a one stop shop for all collegiate 4-H news. Another idea that was discussed within the web team was of having a hall of fame section that could highlight past national club of the years, past NAB members, etc. The proposed budget for next year’s web team totals $185.00.
The next item of discussion was the agriculture consortium. Voorhies discussed this leadership event, as he was the representative to this event earlier in the year. The history of this consortium is that two years ago a group of sixteen organizations got together, one of which was collegiate 4-H. They have created a curriculum called Collegiate Life Knowledge. Nothing in this curriculum deals with agriculture; it deals with group and individual improvement. All of the groups involved in the consortium have an agricultural background, but their goal isn’t agriculturally directed. Samples of the Collegiate Life Knowledge program include possible work shops dealing with teams and time management; there are around thirty to forty workshops available through this program. One question that arose was why collegiate 4-H would want to continue working with this consortium. Members brought up how this would be a way to get new ideas. Also, the only money that would go into this opportunity would be paying for a training to take place at a national conference at some point in time and if we’d have more than one liaison. We could get the training at any time and as much as we’d like. Another question that arose was who would want to continue to be as a liaison. The Collegiate Life Knowledge only pays for one organization representative. Voorhies brought up how the other organizations have kept their original people still as liaisons, and that maybe we could have a liaison for a couple of years too. He then brought up how currently there are no college students on the board besides him, so he brought up issues of youth and adult partnerships and youth in governess. Currently the group is mainly comprised of executive directors. It was then brought up that it is hard to find curriculum for college students and that this program is aimed for this age group. Voorhies volunteered to continue being a liaison.
Bolte then presented the wrap up report that he created to NAB and it will then be presented at the national business meeting. The wrap up report includes all major events that NAB did through the year. All NAB members were given the chance to make suggestions and corrections to the wrap up report. Both the wrap up report and a proposed budget will be presented to the delegates at the national business meeting.
Next Goebel passed out a statement of activities done in the account and a proposed budget to NAB for review. He discussed the details of the current budget and account and then the proposed budget for next year. The proposed budget starts with a remaining balance of $1,264.19. There is an estimated amount of revenue of $1,250.00 coming from national dues which then gives total revenue of $2,514.19. Expenses include money going towards NAB leadership grants, consortium liaison, web team, advocacy team, and miscellaneous which totals $1,735.00. This gives a remaining balance of $779.19.
Voorhies then moved to recess the meeting till
The group returned from recess at
To start off the meeting formal introductions took place of all members.
Next the Northeast region’s current secretary said that she gave NAB voting rights of their region to Shannon Glaspell from West Virginia University. Voorhies moved to accept the proxy of giving Glaspell voting rights.
It was next announced that the task force report was emailed out to all NAB members and it will be presented to the board on Friday at
Next Krumm game an advocacy team report. She went over the different ideas that the team came up with. Ideas include having a NAB liaison, having a display board, having representation at national events, working with the web team, promoting the national listserv, creating the national conference newsletter, and creating national quarterly updates. Both the advocacy team and web team will present their complete proposals to both the new and old NAB on Friday at
The next item of business was the voter orientation workshop. Bolte, Voorhies, Sheridan and Krumm met earlier in the week on Monday, February 20th and discussed ideas about the workshop and came up with an outline. Members discussed how the point of the workshop is to inform delegates about collegiate 4-H and the national business meeting and how it will not be a discussion period. Hard copies of the constitution and amendments will be available at the orientation and at the meeting for members, as well as an electronic copy that will be linked to on the Blog. It was recommended that all NAB members would be present for the workshop. The workshop will be optional for all delegates at the conference, and will be highly recommended for all delegates that will be voting. The workshop will start with the introduction of all NAB members. Then the workshop will move into going over the constitution. Key sections of the document that were decided to be highlighted during this section include Article II Sections A, B, and D, Article V Section D, Article VII Section B, Section C Part3 and Part 4, and Article XI. A copy of the club establishment guidelines will also be available for members to review during this section of the workshop. The third section of the workshop will be about parliamentary procedure. Basic rules on motions and voting will be discussed during this section. The fourth section will be about amendments. There will be a sample for presenting an amendment discussed and also the differences between an amendment and a resolution. The differences between an amendment and a resolution will then work into a group discussion and activity. Examples of amendments and resolutions will be presented in front of the group and then the group will talk about what is what. Members though five examples would be good. The fifth section will be an area where the national business meeting’s agenda and proposed amendments will be reviewed. It was again emphasized that this will not be a discussion or debating time, but a time when the amendments will be reviewed. The sixth section will be about all of the collegiate 4-H bodies including NAB, USDA & National 4-H Council, the advocacy team and the web team. This will be an area where Article III will be discussed. To conclude the workshop there will be a time for questions to be asked. Krumm and Sheridan volunteered to help Bolte making and preparing for the workshop.
Next, Voorhies moved to remove from table the discussion about the national service project of emphasis (NSPE).
Next, Glaspell reminded the group to make sure that there is a positive atmosphere during the conference and that any discretions should be kept to a minimum. Garrett then recognized the historical start of 4-H is one thing, but the need to address the current and the future is another thing. There are issues that need to be addressed and priorities for next year and the next couple of years and so on that needs to be determined. He told the group that these types of issues are happening in organizations every where. The discussion then moved into an idea to create strategic planning for several years and from several levels of collegiate 4-H. This could include a future plan, mission, vision and objectives. Goebel added that NAB should start a committee now and that it could include the task force, existing NAB, and new NAB. There was a lot of discussion that by the members concerning a strategic planning committee. Then the discussion moved into changing the duration of a NAB term. Ideas about having two year terms where there’d be in a way junior and senior NAB members. The Garrett brought up another idea where there’d be two year terms but different regions would have turn over at different times. This would help increase continuity within the group.
Voorhies moved to have a thirty minute recess.
Discussion continued with the change of collegiate 4-H governess.
Article III – Administration (National Action Board)
A. The administration of the National Collegiate 4-H Organization shall be vested in a nine (9)-member board, as well as non-voting members including secretary, business manager, advisors, and committee liaisons, known as the National Action Board, hereafter to be referred to as the NAB.
B. The voting NAB members shall be made up of the elected regional representative from each of the four regions, the National Conference Coordinator, and ex-officio NAB members.
C. Ex-Officio NAB shall be comprised of the four regional representatives from the previous year.
D. NAB members must be college students enrolled during the office span with the exception of NAB advisors and ex-officio NAB members.
E. Ex-officio NAB members no longer enrolled in school may retain their position if they remain active in collegiate 4-H activities at the local and regional levels.
F. Should any regional president/representative member withdraw or transfer to a college or university outside of their elected region, resign, or otherwise become ineligible or unable to perform the duties of their office, the affected region shall appoint a replacement.
G. The regions of the National Collegiate 4-H Organization shall be the same as the USDA/Extension System regions.
H. Each region shall elect their regional representative to the NAB. The region hosting the next National Collegiate 4-H Conference will also elect a National Conference Coordinator.
I. Voting members, excluding the National Conference Coordinator, will serve two, one year terms. The first term members will serve as regional representatives. The second term members will serve as ex-officio NAB members. A term is defined as the fiscal year beginning and ending at National Collegiate 4-H Conference.
J. The National Advisors will be an official of the Extension System/United States Department of Agriculture, one representative from the National 4-H Council, and a faculty advisor from the region hosting the next National Collegiate 4-H Conference.
K. Duties of NAB
1. Serve as a liaison between regions. Communicate information and ideas between regions.
2. Responsible for the administrative duties at National Collegiate 4-H Conference
3. Promote club and membership development within the four regions
4. Maintain and distribute monies held in the National Collegiate 4-H account
L. Duties of Ex-Officio NAB
1. Ensure communication of information of national concern
2. Development and implementation of National Service Project of Emphasis
3. Promote Collegiate 4-H nationally through representation of Collegiate 4-H at National 4-H Congress, National 4-H Conference, and other activities deemed appropriate
4. Development of implementation of strategic planning
5. Responsible for developing partnerships for organizational evaluation
M. Duties of NAB Chair
1. Develop preliminary agenda and meeting announcements two weeks prior to NAB meetings.
2. Coordinate non-NAB member agenda requests.
3. Secure meeting arrangements.
N. Duties of NAB Business Manager
1. Conduct all monetary transactions.
2. Maintain a permanent journal of all transactions and a ledger of all accounts.
3. Prepare a report for the newsletter.
4. Prepare a financial statement at the close of each club year.
5. Prepare a proposed budget for the following year.
6. Facilitate committee relations and reports.
O. Duties of NAB Secretary
1. Maintain records of the NAB Executive Board meeting.
2. Keep records of the business meetings of the National Organization
3. Edit and supervise the publication of the national newsletter.
4. Conduct necessary and appropriate correspondence on behalf of the organization.
P. Duties of the advisor(s)
1. Maintain an active and involved role in the organization
2. Regularly attend NAB meetings
3. Be an advocate to Collegiate 4-H to the organization they represent
4. Provide guidance and outside perspectives to NAB
5. Attend and participate in the National Collegiate 4-H Conference
Voorhies moved to recess for fifteen minutes.
Discussion resumed at
NAB resumed by talking about the strategic planning committee. It was discussed that this should be made of the four current regional representatives on NAB and then four other elected regional positions with an advisor. Ideas were then discussed about Garrett being the advisor, as well as exploring the idea of working with NAE4-HA and National 4-H Council. Also, the group thought that one of the current regional representatives should serve as the chair of the committee. Voorhies moved to create a committee that will concentrate on strategic planning that will include the four current regional representatives and four elected regional representatives selected by the individual regions by the individual region’s discretion with Garrett serving as the advisor; Sheridan seconded and the motion was approved. At the regional meetings each region will discuss how they will determine their additional regional representative.
Voorhies moved to recess till 1PM (EST) on Friday, February 24, 2006.
Respectfully Submitted,
Val Krumm
NAB Secretary
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