Friday, September 23, 2005

September 13, 2005 NAB Meeting

NAB Meeting

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region President) called the sixth meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at 8:10 PM (CST) over a teleconference. NAB Board members that weren’t present for the meeting were Sommer McConihay (Northeastern Region President) and Shane Sheridan (Western Region President) who was replaced by Steven Worker from University of CaliforniaDavis. Sarah Leidheiser (Conference Coordinator), Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair), and Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager) joined the meeting while it was in progress. Byron Garrett from USDA also attended the meeting.

The secretary’s report was the first item of business. Voorhies moved to approve the minutes as posted on the NAB blog and Kyle Fogt (Conference Coordinator) seconded; motion passed.

Next, David Hartley (Reference Liaison) gave an update on the Task Force. A couple of weeks previous to the NAB meeting the Task Force met. The group went through the guide that they are planning on sending to all of the regional conferences for their listening sessions. Hartley also explained that the Task Force has set up a website and a message board. The Task Force is hoping for a lot of discussion on the message board. As an incentive for discussing on the board the Task Force will be giving away an ipod shuffle. The Task Force is also planning on giving away random prizes. The message board is located at: The Task Force is also setting up a website at Both Hartley and Voorhies said that the Task Force meetings are going well, but they are still minus one Western Region member. The next Task Force meeting will be October 2nd.

Voorhies let the group know that he is setting up a mailing list of all the Collegiate 4-H clubs across the nation. So far there are 69 clubs; this number is not including the Western Region which he is still adding to the list.

Next, Fogt informed the group that National Conference proposals for workshops are available online. They will be due October 14th. He also said that registrations should on the National Conference website around regional conference times. The 2006 National Collegiate 4-H Conference in Columbus, Ohio’s website is located at:

There were no Web Team applications turned in at the time of the meeting according to Voorhies. He did comment that a couple of individuals had asked some questions about the team. Fogt suggested that hard copies of the applications be available at all of the regional conference. Discussion then started about moving the due date back if not many applicants had sent in their forms by the due date of September 15th. Voorhies moved that if there are less than four applicants by September 15th that the due date will be moved to November 1st. Then the team will be announced shortly after by November 6th. Fogt seconded. The motion was approved. Worker made note that his vote was an extension. Next discussed concerning the Web Team was who was going to be the NAB liaison. Fogt nominated Voorhies to be the NAB liaison for the Web Team; Voorhies accepted.

The next item of business was the Advocacy Team. Sheridan told Worker and Bolte that the application and guidelines that were sent out earlier to NAB were good. These applications will be sent out for approval. The group then discussed due dates for applications. A deadline of November 1st will be set for the Advocacy Team applications pending on the vote of approval of applications by NAB. Voorhies moved that there would be an email vote to be sent to Val Krumm (NAB Secretary) by Sunday, September 18th at Midnight to accept the Advocacy Team applications and outlines; Fogt seconded. Motion was approved. The Advocacy Team will use the same structure as the Web Team and Krumm will be the NAB liaison.

Goebel then joined the meeting and gave the Business Manager report. Currently NAB has $1500 in their account. It was passed that the money asked by the Task Force for their budget be given to them.

Fogt informed the group that Oct 29 – Nov 4 the NAE4-HA Conference (National Association of Extension 4-H Agents) will be held in Seattle, Washington. He talked about the conference and also said that he thought that the conference would be a good way to promote Collegiate 4-H. Fogt is planning on being at the conference and said he’d be willing to set up a booth. He is planning on emailing Cathann Kress to see if he can get a booth set up and to see if he can get some handouts for the booth.

Hartley made a recommendation to NAB to make sure that there would be some kind of orientation to tell what USDA and Collegiate 4-H can do together. Garrett is new to the program and Hartley thought it’d be a good idea to have an USDA employee assigned to the Collegiate 4-H organization. Bolte said he’d get in touch and follow up with Garrett. There were a couple other USDA employee names that were brought up also to be talked to about becoming a national advisor.

The next NAB meeting will be Thursday, October 13th at 8PM CST via teleconference.

There is a new listserv for NAB. It is:

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30PM CST.

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Krumm

NAB Secretary

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