Sunday, July 16, 2006

JULY 15, 2006 NAB Meeting

JULY 15, 2006

Justin Bolte (North Central Region Representative) called the fifth meeting of the 2006-2007 National Action Board to order at 12:06PM (CNT) at the National 4-H Headquarters in Chevy Chase, MD. NAB chair and Southern Region President, Antoine Jefferson, was not able to attend the meeting. The meeting was a face-to-face meeting with one member, Jessica Falkenthal (Web Team Liaison), present through teleconference. Members present were Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region Representative and Co-Conference Coordinator), Jasmine Honore (Conference Planning Committee NAB Representative), Kristin Barnhart (North Central Region President), Sarah Leidheiser (Business Manager), Amy Schwertner (Secretary), Evelyn Rachelle (Southern Region Advisor), Vanessa Renwick (Western Region President), Vanessa Cerny (North Eastern Region President), Shane Sheridan (Western Region Representative), and Samantha Ephgrave (filled in for Jefferson)

The first item of business was the secretary’s report. Barnhart moved to accept the minutes as posted to the NAB blog. Voorhies seconded the motion. Motion passed.

The business manager’s report stood as is because there were no changes.

The meeting then proceeded to the adoption of the standing rule which was proposed by Voorhies. In summary, the standing rule states that if any non-NAB member or non-voting member wishes to express their opinion on matters not obtaining to their committee or function during a NAB business meeting, they must request permission. Voorhies moved to go to discussion for five minutes about the standing rule. NAB members agreed to let Leidheiser keep time. During discussion Voorhies announced that Leidheiser could be sergeant at arms; her duties would include keeping the time. He then called for previous question. Ephgrave seconded the motion. Motion passed that the standing rule will hold until February 2007 with seven in support and one opposing. The opposing vote came from Sheridan.

The Advocacy Team update was next. April Mendenhall (Advocacy Team Liaison) was not present at the meeting; however, she sent NAB members an update via e-mail. Renwick read the update:
-banners are being printed
-some regional power point slides have not been turned in yet
-the shorter version of the power point is still being designed
-the team is waiting on Falkenthal for materials regarding the handbook
-the brochures have been put on hold because more time is needed
-information and news is needed from the regions for the newsletters
-information for the national service project is also needed so that it can be advertised; a defined duty list of what NAB would like to see from the advocacy team regarding the national service project was also asked for.
Ephgrave added to the update that the brochures are still in the progress of being created and there are still some editing updates that need to be made. Barnhart said that she will talk to the Advocacy Team about what NAB would like to see from them. Ephgrave then mentioned that there is an advocacy to-do list that was created by the NAB during retreat discussions and read over them. Voorhies suggested that Advocacy put a time line together for goal achievements so that Barnhart can bring it back to NAB when she speaks with them. The NAB agreed that Barnhart would represent NAB at the next Advocacy meeting.

A Web Team report was given next by Falkenthal. She said that she still needs constitutions from all regions except for the Western Region, as well as dates for regional conferences from the Southern and Northern Regions. She also announced that she has just started collecting photos for the photo gallery so if anyone has any photos from National Conference send them to her so she can put them in the gallery. NAB then requested that the USC 18707 code be added to the collegiate 4-H emblems on the website. Since the NAB team was working with Byron Garrett (National 4-H Headquarters Liaison) over the weekend, they said that they would ask him about the code and let Falkenthal know how to get it.

A Strategic Planning Committee Update was given by Leidheiser, next. She announced that their next meeting will be July 23, 2006. They will be going over the Strategic Plan that NAB creates over the retreat weekend and have a final version back to the board by the first of fall.

Voorhies then gave a Consortium Report. He first said that if NAB wishes to have a representative from the Consortium do a workshop at the 2007 National Conference, they will have to pay for this person’s travels. However, he said that he would be asking for support from LSU before he approaches NAB about funding. He also said that he would be attending the consortium meeting in Moline, Illinois in August. It was then brought up that NAB does not have the money to send both Voorhies and Tommy Inglis (Agricultural Consortium Liaison) to the meeting; however, Inglis could be given the leadership grant so that he could attend the meeting. Voorhies then reminded NAB that there was also a Consortium meeting scheduled for January, and the current plan was to have Voorhies represent collegiate 4-H at the August meeting and Inglis be the representative at the January meeting. Discussion then followed about who would be attending which meeting and how the trips would be paid for. The final decision was to offer Inglis to go to represent the organization, NAB paying for his travels. Voorhies will be attending to represent the organization, travel being paid for by the Consortium. If there is a meeting in January as well, then Inglis would attend, and NAB will fund the trip with the leadership grant. Voorhies then said that he will put together a NAB leadership grant so that Consortium training can be done in Baton Rouge at the 2007 National Conference.

The National Service Projects were discussed next. Operation Military Kids (OMK) was the first of the two service projects to be discussed. Barnhart said that she would contact Michael Cooley (point of contact at Iowa State) for information regarding OMK. NAB agreed that information regarding the project needs to be distributed so that OMK can be discussed at regional conferences and a list of state contacts can be given to clubs.
Falkenthal then reported that the resource library project was almost complete and all documents would be posted on the national website soon.

Barnhart then gave a NAB retreat report. She reported that Friday was spent going through the Task Force Report and recommendations given to NAB for the retreat. The NAB decided what recommendations will be implemented and which one’s don’t follow the goals they’re wishing to achieve within the next five years. NAB also discussed what they can do and where they are as a board. Garrett also sat in on some of the conversation Friday afternoon. Barnhart continued by adding that Saturday morning NAB began work on the Strategic Planning process by forming a mission and vision statement, and Saturday afternoon the NAB will continue with goals and a timeline of achievements.

The meeting then moved on to new business. Sheridan moved to strike the last paragraph of the standing rule. Renwick seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Voorhies moved to limit discussion to five minutes. Barnhart seconded this motion. Motion passed. Discussion of the last paragraph of the standing rule followed. Sheridan asked for clarification of the author’s intent of passage. Voorhies explained that the liaisons should comment when any information regarding their committees is mentioned, but when information about their committees is not being discussed and they wish to express their opinions they must ask for permission first; if permission is granted then they have one minute to express their comments. After the five minute discussion period was over, Voorhies moved for previous question. Ephgrave seconded the motion. Motion passed. The NAB voting members then voted to strike the last paragraph of the standing rule. A point of order was then called that Renwick could not vote against the rule because she seconded the motion made by Sheridan previously. Therefore, she chose to abstain from the vote. The votes were as follows:
Those against (5):
Barnhart, Cerny, Ephgrave, Honore, Voorhies
Those in favor (1):
Abstentions (1):
Motion did not pass. Therefore, the standing rule remains as originally written.

Bolte then announced that the NAB business meetings each month will be held on the seconded Tuesday at 9:00PM (CNT). This meeting schedule will run through the December 12, 2006 meeting. NAB also agreed that the meetings will be limited to one hour; if the limit is over and NAB feels that more discussion is needed then there will be a vote by members to continue or meet again the following week.

Barnhart then moved to adjourn the meeting. Voorhies seconded. Motion passed.

The fifth meeting of the 2006-2007 NAB was adjourned at 12:52PM (CNT).

Respectfully Submitted,
Amy Schwertner
NAB Secretary

Thursday, July 13, 2006

June 25, 2006 NAB Meeting

June 25, 2006

Antoine Jefferson (Southern Region President and NAB Chair) called the fourth meeting of the 2006-2007 NAB board to order at 11:41AM (CNT). Members present for the meeting were Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region Representative and Co-Conference Coordinator), Kristin Barnhart (North Central President), Shane Sheridan (Western Region Representative), Amy Schwertner (Secretary), Tommy Inglis (Ag Consortium Liaison-Elect), Jessica Falkenthal (Web Team Liaison), Val Krumm (Strategic Planning Committee Liaison), and April Mendenhall (Advocacy Team Liaison) filled in for Vanessa Renwick (Western Region President). Byron Garrett (National 4-H Headquarters Liaison) was also present for the meeting.

The first order of business was the meeting guidelines. NAB went over the meeting guidelines that were sent to members by Jefferson preceding the meeting. The guidelines discussed matters such as speaking terms of liaisons and time spent on agenda items. The main reason for establishing the guidelines is to keep the NAB meetings short. The guidelines were discussed by all members of NAB, and it was unanimously decided that this meeting would be used as a “practice” meeting for the guidelines.

The meeting then proceeded to the reading of the minutes. Voorhies moved that the minutes be accepted as posted online to the NAB blog. Mendenhall seconded the motion. Motion passed.

There was no business manager’s report since Leidheiser was not able to attend the meeting.

The next item of business was the strategic planning committee update. Members made suggestions and gave thoughts for discussion items at the NAB retreat. Krumm said that Leidheiser would be e-mailing Jefferson a copy of the minutes from the Strategic Planning Committee’s last meeting; he will then forward it on to the rest of the NAB members. Voorhies then gave Garrett a brief overview of what was discussed about the Strategic Planning Committee in the last NAB meeting, and Sheridan gave a summary of what was discussed in the last Strategic Planning Committee Meeting.

Barnhart then discussed the summer NAB retreat. Garrett told NAB what he believed they should focus on during the retreat. He suggested that NAB focus on the main purpose and function of the national collegiate 4-H body and how collegiate 4-H can benefit everyone. It was also suggested that Saturday evening members leave the 4-H center for a “break” and possibly go to a baseball game or out to eat. The agenda has not yet been completed, but Barnhart told NAB that she would be sending it out as soon as it was ready.

Voorhies then gave the Consortium report. He said that NAB has until August 2007 to pay dues; therefore, the 2007 National Conference will hold a Collegiate Life Knowledge training to see how well it works. Voorhies said that he will send out a proposal in August for funding for someone from Consortium to do this training.

A national conference update was given next. Voorhies announced that the new Co-Coordinator is Jennifer Mader, and the NAB Representative from the 2007 National Conference Planning Committee is Jasmine Honore. He also said that the Planning Committee had a conference meeting the previous weekend and everything was going well. Voorhies will provide Falkenthal with a Conference update for the national website:

Mendenhall then gave the Advocacy Team update. She sent all NAB members a new copy of the budget for the Collegiate 4-H banner and brochures. The price of the brochures was discussed. Barnhart said that The Ohio State University has campus printing services so that the Advocacy Team could get copies of the pamphlets for less money; she will look into it. Mendenhall explained to NAB that the goal is to send most of the collegiate 4-H information and pamphlets out through e-mail to save on shipping cost. However, the Advocacy Team feels that some brochures still need to be printed so that they can accompany the banner and be handed out at different events. There was discussion about this portion of the budget, and the information in the pamphlets. Voorhies then moved that NAB table the conversation and portion of the budget that refers to the pamphlets to the August NAB meeting. Sheridan seconded this motion. There was no further discussion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Finally, Mendenhall talked about the power point slide show that the Advocacy Team will be creating to accompany the banner. She asked NAB to provide any pictures and/or information regarding collegiate 4-H to the Advocacy Team as soon as possible.

Falkenthal then gave the Web Team update. She told NAB that the name needs to be renewed for $9.24 and asked for a motion from one of the voting members. Sheridan moved that NAB provide $9 for this. Voorhies seconded. Barnhart then moved to amend the motion of $9 and provide the Web Team with $9.24 for the renewing of the national website name. Voorhies seconded this motion. Motion passed. The check will be made to Voorhies for reimbursement purposes.
Falkenthal then reported that Voorhies is working on the club directory for the website. She also requested NAB members to post on the message board, and finally, said that she has restored the collegiate 4-H handbook and advisor handbook and will be adding them to the historical documents page of the national website.

The meeting then moved on to Regional updates:
-Western Region: Sheridan announced that they are working on their regional conference, and Mendenhall is currently working on a proposal for the 2008 National Conference.
-Southern Region: Jefferson said that the University of Arkansas is currently working on the regional conference.
-North Central Region: Barnhart said that the North Central Region is focusing on incorporating the national goals into their regional goals. She also said that they are currently working on their regional conference.
-North Eastern Region: There were no representatives from the North Eastern Region to give an update.

The final order of business was an update of the national community service projects. Falkenthal reported on the resource library project. She has been working on forms and other documents that will be added to the national website. Her goal is to have the project completed by July 5. She also said that she would like the regions to explain and promote the national service project at the regional conference.

The next NAB meeting will be held at the retreat. Voorhies moved to adjourn the meeting. Sheridan seconded the motion. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 12:57PM (CNT).

Amy Schwertner
NAB Secretary