Tuesday, February 21, 2006

February 18, 2006 NAB Meeting

NAB Meeting

February 18, 2006

Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the twelfth meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at 12:35PM (CST) over a teleconference. NAB Board members that weren’t present for the meeting were Sommer McConihay (Northeastern Region President) and David Hartley (Reference Liaison).

The first items of business were reports. The first report given was the Secretary’s report. Val Krumm (NAB Secretary) said the last meeting’s minutes were posted on the NAB Blog. Secretary minutes were approved.

Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager) gave his report next. Goebel went over several items about reimbursements and the budget. He made sure that a receipt would be obtained from the Ohio State University club for the rooms that were going to be paid for by them for the Wednesday before conference. He also told the group that those that would be staying in a NAB room that weren’t NAB members could make their checks out the National 4-H Council. Currently, the total account has $2,300.79; after Krumm receives her reimbursement for the Advocacy Team brochures there will be around $2,059. Left over money in the budget is around $150, which doesn’t include the cost of the Wednesday night rooms. For next year’s proposed budget, Goebel recommended that there be $500 budgeted towards the Advocacy and Web Teams. Next year’s budget will be proposed by this year’s NAB and then approved by the delegation at this year’s national business meeting; there were a couple of members that discussed this item of business.

There were no regional updates given at this meeting.

Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region President) gave a Web Team update next. The website, www.collegiate4h.org, will be debuted at the beginning of the week for the National Conference. The website will have an initial skeleton that next year’s team can continue with or change. Also, the Web Team is planning on giving next year’s team some ideas and visions about the website for the future.

Following the Web Team report, Krumm gave an Advocacy Team update. She said that the Advocacy Team is printing the newsletters on Sunday the 19th and will have those and the pamphlets available on the Wednesday before conference to be put into and then distributed in the delegate’s bags. The Advocacy Team is planning on meeting in the early afternoon to go over a proposal for next year’s team.

Sarah Leidheiser (Conference Coordinator) next gave a national conference update. First she made sure that NAB didn’t need anymore additional times and rooms for meeting before and during conference. Next she thanked everyone for their travel information. Mary Baughman from Ohio State University should be emailing everyone about conference arrival and general information soon. Leidheiser will be the first Ohio State University member at the hotel on the Wednesday before conference. She is planning on being there around 1:30PM. She reminded everyone that there will not be anyone at the airport on Wednesday to help people get to the hotel, but that there is a shuttle that goes from the airport to the hotel. Lastly, she asked for opinion for the evaluations for conference. Leidheiser wanted to know what NAB wanted evaluated about the national and regional meetings. A couple members gave suggestions about communication, how easy the meetings were to understand and follow, the time usage, the room set up, the meeting’s effectiveness, and if what was set out to be accomplished was accomplished.

Next on the agenda was old business. The first item discussed was room arrangements for the Wednesday night before conference. Voorhies set up room assignments after the last meeting and sent those out to all NAB members. Bolte brought up that Hartley might not be coming a day early any more and that Voorhies should talk with Hartley. Leidheiser informed NAB members that some people will have to check out on Thursday and then check back in to their new rooms on Thursday.

Old business continued with NAB outlining and making an agenda for each of the NAB meetings. During Wednesday’s meeting NAB will discuss the budget (which Goebel will already have a draft prepared), go over national service project applications, and will discuss the national business meeting. Bryon Garrett from USDA will be present at the meeting on Wednesday too. Nothing was set for Thursday’s meeting during the meeting. Friday’s meeting will include judging national scrapbook of the year, national club of the year, looking over advocacy and web team applications, and getting all of the amendments printed and ready. Saturday morning interviews will be conducted for NAB secretary and business manager. It was also discussed that someone will need to pay for copies, keep a receipt and then will get reimbursed after the conference. Copies will need to be made available for amendments. It was also discussed that amendments will be posted online too.

Next, NAB discussed its open meeting policy. It was determined that the meeting will go as normal with ten minutes for non-NAB members to talk. If a non-NAB member wants to say something before the ten minutes they will have to talk to their representative and they will have to bring forth their ideas.

The outline for the national business meeting was discussed next. NAB decided to add this to Wednesday’s meeting time to create. Also, NAB made sure that there would be microphones, a projector, a table or cart, and a laptop available for the meeting room.

Last under old business, Voorhies let the group know that a Microsoft Word document of the Collegiate 4-H’s constitution was found. It needs to be updated with last year’s amendments. Krumm will update the constitution. Then she will email it to NAB; Voorhies will then post it on the www.collegiate4h.org website and then he’ll give the link to Krumm who will then add the link to the NAB Blog.

First on new business was the idea of putting together a summary or review report of NAB. Bolte volunteered to write the wrap-up report. If any NAB member has anything they’d like put in the report they need to email Bolte with those items. Krumm recommend that Bolte use the NAB Blog as a tool for creating the report. During Wednesday’s NAB meeting the report will be looked over.

Last for new business was NAB’s voter orientation workshop. It was discussed that final details of the workshop could be put together on Wednesday. Voorhies, Bolte, Krumm, and Shane Sheridan (Western Region President) will be getting together via teleconference on Monday, February 20th at 10:30PM (CST) to make an outline of the workshop.

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 at 7PM (EST) in Columbus, Ohio.


The meeting was adjourned at 1:50PM (CST).

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Krumm

NAB Secretary

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