Tuesday, February 19, 2008

JANUARY 22, 2008

National Action Board Meeting

Members Present:
Sarah Edens- Southern Region President
Amber Mathisen- Western Region Second Year NAB
Antoine Jefferson- Southern Region Second Year NAB
Autumn Sheridan- Western Region NAB Representative
Amy Schwertner- Secretary
April Mendenhall- Conference Coordinator and Appointed NAB Chair
Christy Clary- Advocacy Team Liaison
Jessica Falkenthal- Web Team Liaison and North Central Region Representative

Members Not Present:
Kristie Storms- North Central Region President
Megan Baker- North East Region President
Beth Bray- North Central Region Second Year NAB
Jasmine Honore- Business Manager

The January meeting of the 2007-2008 National Action Board was called to order on January 22, 2008 at 9:10 PM (CST) via teleconference call by Mendenhall.

The agenda for NAB meetings during national conference was discussed first. It is as follows: Strategic Plan, NAE4-HA, and regional acceptance.

Jefferson is creating a constitutional amendment that will add a diversity section to the club of the year application. Falkenthal then mentioned that an amendment should be created that addressed the NAB chair person. NAB members present agreed with Falkenthal that the NAB chair person should be someone who has had national collegiate 4-H experience and who has successfully completed their past position at the national level. The national organization should be able to vote on the NAB chair person, and this should become effect at the 2009 national conference. A constitutional amendment on the NAB chair person election may be seen at the upcoming national conference.

Mendenhall then announced that Eddie Mentzer and Betty Wingerter would be joining the National Action Board during their Wednesday night meetings at national conference. Wingerter is requesting a list of questions from us for her to answer regarding her NAE4-HA’s relationship with the national collegiate 4-H organization. NAB members should check the Facebook group for brainstorming ideas about the two organizations partnership.

Mendenhall then mentioned that Storms, Bray, and Cerny have not registered for conference yet. Mathisen said that she would try to get in touch with Cerny and Stroms to see if they are planning on attending, and Falkenthal said she would speak with Bray.

Antoine then updated NAB on the diversity activity he will be presenting at conference.

Applications were discussed next. Falkenthal and Schwertner spoke about the National Service Project of Emphasis application. Falkenthal suggested that clubs develop the service project at conference, and then the community serviced project team could organize the project. Discussion and ideas followed. Schwertner then mentioned that she e-mailed the web team, advocacy team, and club of the year applications to the NAB list serve prior to the meeting.

Schwertner said she had no update on the list of service project grants. This issue will be discussed more during the NAB meetings at conference.

The Round Table Discussion workshop at conference will be presented by Schwertner and Honore. The workshop will focus on the information about the National Action Board. They will let Mendenhall and Mathisen know what materials they need.

Advertising of the secretary, business manager, and agricultural consortium positions was discussed next. Since regions choose their own representatives to interview in front of the NAB panel, a short information paper was discussed for candidates to fill out prior to interviews. The paper would include information such as why they want the position and their involvement in the collegiate 4-H program. Mathisen volunteered to work on the application and would send it to the list serve when finished. All of these applications as well as web and advocacy applications will be sent to the national list serve prior to conference.

Clary said that she got all of information from Kristen Barnhart for the voting member orientation and is ready for the meeting.

Mendenhall announced that Mathisen and Sheridan would run the national business meeting because she would busy with conference duties.

Under regional updates, Falkenthal announced that the North Central Region is discussing creating a regional strategic plan.

Falkenthal then gave a short web team update. She said that she needed to pay $160 to the web hosting company for the website URL. Jefferson said that he would speak with Honore so that she could get in touch with Falkenthal about the payment.

Mendenhall then spoke of the conference banquet decorations. The 2009 conference planning committee is responsible for these decorations. It should be something that represents their conference or the city it will take place in.

The next NAB meeting will be held on February 12 at 9 PM (CST).

Jefferson then motioned to adjourn the meeting. Falkenthal seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 10:27 PM (CST).

Amy Schwertner
NAB Secretary

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