Saturday, December 31, 2005

December 22, 2005 NAB Meeting

NAB Meeting

December 22, 2005

Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the ninth meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at 9:05 PM (CST) over a teleconference. NAB Board members that weren’t present for the meeting were Sommer McConihay (Northeastern Region President), Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager), David Hartley (Reference Liaison), and Shane Sheridan (Western Region President) who was replaced by April Mendenhall.

The first officer report was from Val Krumm (NAB Secretary). The secretary minutes were approved as posted on the NAB Blog (

Next Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region President) gave the Task Force update. The Task Force wants to make a proposal to present to this year’s National Conference delegation, and in order to finish the proposal the Task Force would like to meet in person. There ended up being some confusion on money that was going to be granted, so now the Task Force is down to three options: number 1 – go without the in person gathering which would probably lead to a report not as thorough as it could be, number 2 – continue to have a in person gathering but have the Task Force take care of finances all on their own, or number 3 – have the in person gathering after Columbus and eventually present proposal in 2007. Voorhies explained each of these options to NAB very thoroughly, because the Task Force wanted NAB’s opinion. Voorhies and the rest of NAB discussed every option for an extended period of time. Kyle Fogt (Conference Coordinator) moved for the Task Force to conduct a teleconference to create a proposal to be presented at the 2006 National Conference in Columbus by February 15, 2006. Sarah Leidheiser (Conference Coordinator) seconded, and the motion was passed. Other Task Force news included that they had received reports from every region’s listening session except the Western region. Also, Byron Garrett is officially the NAB USDA liaison. NAB will be inviting him to all meetings and functions here on out.

Next, Krumm gave an Advocacy Team update. She went over what was discussed at the last Advocacy Team meeting. The team would like to construct a pamphlet to be available at Columbus. Also, they would like to promote the national service project. Fogt and Leidheiser brought up that money could possibly come from the National Conference budget to cover the costs of publishing the pamphlets. Krumm emailed out an example pamphlet which member, Samantha Ephgrave, made; NAB members are suppose to email suggestions on the pamphlet back to Krumm. Krumm will make a budget for the Advocacy Team by the next meeting.

Voorhies then gave an update on the Web Team. They haven’t been able to meet yet, but Voorhies emailed them this past week to determine a time and date for a teleconference or echat. They will be brainstorming a design for the website and are hoping that at the National Conference in Columbus delegates will be able to view the website. Voorhies will make a budget for the Web Team by the next meeting.

Fogt and Leidheiser next gave a National Conference update. They reminded everyone that registrations and a schedule are posted on the National Conference website ( When NAB members have their travel plans determined they need to let Fogt and Leidheiser know. It was discussed that it would be a good thing to have a discussion schedule created for each time NAB is able to meet during the conference.

The first item of new business was the National Service project. The idea of this is that Collegiate 4-H picks a "National Service Project of Emphasis" every 3 years. The last one was adopted at the 2003 conference in Dallas and it involved "Cleaning up and Helping out." This project was where all clubs across the nation were suppose to do some kind of work to better their community in terms of "cleaning up" or work with Habitat for Humanity. This year a new National Service project is suppose to be selected. NAB decided to open up this responsibility to any school that would like to take responsibility. It’d be that school’s job to create and promote their service project. This is part of the Collegiate 4-H constitution. Typically in the past it was the conference club that was responsible, but this year it will be open to any school. Krumm will create an application for the National Service project and then email it out to NAB for an email vote. The application will be made available January 9th, 2006 and will be due the week before national conference.

Voorhies next explained an email that he sent out about the Collegiate Ag Organization meeting in Gainesville, Florida January 11-13, 2006. This conference would like a representative from Collegiate 4-H to attend. NAB voted for Voorhies to attend.

Next, Krumm brought up the National newsletter. She wanted suggestions. Discussion led to having the Advocacy Team help creating this year’s newsletter.

Lastly, the national club of the year, new club and scrapbook applications are on the Collegiate 4-H webpage and will also soon be posted on the National Conference website.

The next NAB meeting will be Monday, January 16th at 8PM CST via teleconference.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:50PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Krumm

NAB Secretary

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