Thursday, December 22, 2005

November 13, 2005 NAB Meeting

NAB Meeting

November 13, 2005

Justin Bolte (North Central Region President and NAB Chair) called the eighth meeting of the 2005-2006 NAB board to order at 8:00 PM (CST) over a teleconference. NAB Board members that weren’t present for the meeting were Sommer McConihay (Northeastern Region President) and Shane Sheridan (Western Region President) who was replaced by April Mendenhall.

First item of business was officer reports. There was no secretary’s report taken at the last meeting. Val Krumm (NAB Secretary) was unable to attend the October 13th, 2005 meeting. Derrick Goebel (NAB Business Manager) reported that the balance was the same as at the past meeting at $1,215.66.

Next, each region gave an update and reported on their regional conferences. David Hartley (Reference Liaison) reported for the Northeast Region. Hartley said that their regional conference was hosted by Cornell. Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region President) reported for the Southern Region. Voorhies said that their regional conference was hosted by Oklahoma State University. Also, the Southern Region officers selected the location of the 2007 National Collegiate 4-H Conference. The 2007 National Conference will be hosted by Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisisana. Sarah Leidheiser (Conference Coordinator) reported for the North Central Region. Leidheiser said that their regional conference was hosted by Kansas State University. Mendenhall reported that the Western Region would be electing new officers in December through email and a conference call. Each report commented on what happened during each regional conference and commented on what was discussed during each Task Force’s listening sessions.

Next, NAB was given a Task Force update from Hartley and Voorhies. They commented on how the set up for the national conference delegate orientation was going well. Also, they said that they are still looking for a representative from the Western Region, and Tina Hersch from the North Central region hasn’t been attending meetings for a while. Currently the Task Force is looking for a time and place to hold a face to face meeting to create their final report.

Next was a Web Team update from Voorhies.  The members of the first annual Web
Team are Antoine Jefferson (
Louisiana State University), Justin McConaghy
Oklahoma State University), and Cindy Sperry (UC Davis). They will be holding
their first meeting in the near future.

Then there was an Advocacy Team update from Krumm. Krumm sent all of the applications from all the candidates through email to all of NAB. Voorhies moved to accept both Mary Baughman (Ohio State University) and Samantha Ephgrave (Oklahoma State University) as members of the first Advocacy Team; Leidheiser seconded. Motion passed. Then NAB discussed the first actions of the Advocacy Team. The Advocacy Team will decide what they would like to accomplish first and then will run their ideas through NAB. One suggestion from Hartley was that the Advocacy Team should make templates of brochures for display at the National Conference, and then the delegation could decide what the final brochure would be.

The last update was about the National Conference from Kyle Fogt (Conference Coordinator) and Leidheiser. They told NAB that National Conference registrations and schedule would be online November 15th. Registrations are due January 15th and late registrations will be due February 5th. The cost of this year’s conference is $210 and $235 respectively. Fogt moved to have NAB come to the National Conference Wednesday, February 22. Voorhies seconded and the motion passed. All NAB members are suppose to arrive in Columbus as soon as they can on that Wednesday. At the next NAB meeting everyone will discuss the number of rooms needed on that Wednesday and everyone’s arrival information. Voorhies moved for NAB to take care of the cost of a couple of rooms on that Wednesday. Leidheiser seconded and motion passed.

Next in new business NAB reviewed one Leadership Grant request. Louisisana State University put in a request of up to $400 for travel expenses for a member or group of Oklahoma State University students to put on a weekend long workshop on fundraising, sponsorship, and grant seeking to aid the LSU club in hosting the 2007 National Conference. Fogt moved to moved to accept the request for travel expenses up to $400 for LSU. Leidheiser seconded and the motion passed.

The next NAB meeting will be Thursday, December 22nd at 9PM CST via teleconference.

Leidheiser moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:15PM and Voorhies seconded. Motion passed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Val Krumm

NAB Secretary

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