Thursday, September 14, 2006

September 12, 2006 NAB Meeting

September 12, 20006
Antoine Jefferson (Southern Region President and NAB Chair) called the seventh meeting of the 2006-2007 National Action Board to order at 9:09 PM (CST).
Members in attendance: Kristen Barnhart (North Central Region
Vanessa Cerny (North East Region
Vanessa Renwick (Western Region
Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region
Second Year NAB, and 2007
National Conference Co
Shane Sheridan (Western Region Second
Year NAB)
Sarah Leidheiser (Business Manager)
Amy Schwertner (Secretary)
Jasmine Honore (2007 National
Conference Co-Coordinator)
April Mendenhall (Advocacy Team
Jessica Falkenthal (Web Team Liaison)
Val Krumm (Strategic Planning
Committee Liaison)
Tommy Inglis (Agricultural Consortium
Byron Garrett (USDA and National 4-H
Evelyn Rachell (Southern Region Advisor)
Samantha Ephgrave
Members not in attendance:
Justin Bolte (North Central Second Year

The first item of business was a vote of approval for the agenda as the order for the day. Voorhies motioned to accept the agenda that was sent to members prior to the start of the meeting. Honore seconded this motion. Motion passed unanimously.

The next item of business was the reading and approval of the minutes from the August meeting. Voorhies motioned that NAB accept the minutes as posted to the NAB blog. Renwick seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

The business manager’s report, given by Leidheiser, followed. She reported that last month we had a balance of $2540.40. Transaction that had taken place since that time are as follows:
Beginning balance: $2540.49
Expenses: Patrick for web hosting: $9.24
Jess for Technology Conference and Advocacy
materials: $21.87
Ending balance: $2509.38
There were no additions or corrections to the business manager’s report.

Old business was that next item of business on the agenda. Barnhart announced to the members of NAB that attended the officer retreat in Washington, DC this summer that if they had not yet received their reimbursements they should e-mail Carolyn Fernandez at the National 4-H Center to get everything straightened out. The mailing addresses that NAB would be using for our physical address was also discussed. Jefferson agreed to use his address. NAB agreed that this would be fine, and each year the address will change with each conference chair until another address was found more suitable. The address can be found on the national website.

A vote on the Leadership Grant was next. Renwick had sent NAB a proposal via e-mail for a $400 NAB Leadership Grant to be used for a person on the 2007 National Conference Planning Committee to travel to and attend the 2006 Western Region Conference, November 2-5. Renwick explained that the purpose for this person attending the 2006 Western Region Conference was so that he/she could present a workshop on how to plan a National Conference, because the Western Region will be hosting the National Conference in 2008. She clarified that this workshop would help ensure a productive and successful 2008 National Conference. However, there were concerns from other members of NAB. Sheridan believed that the money could be used for something else, because there were members on the 2008 National Conference Planning Committee that were skilled enough to plan a productive conference without having a workshop. Falkenthal agreed by adding that there was someone on the 2008 National Conference Planning Committee that had previously planned a National Conference with another organization. She suggested that the Western Region have him give the workshop to the rest of the members of their 2008 Planning Committee to help save money. Ephgrave then provided a historical context on this information. She said that it has been a tradition to have the upcoming host provide their information, leadership, and opinions on conference planning to the following year’s conference planning committee. The time limit for this discussion then ended, and Jefferson suggested moving the item to the end of the meeting for more discussion if time permitted.

Discussion then proceeded to the Strategic Planning Committee and the Strategic Plan that members of NAB created at the officer retreat this past summer. Previously, the Strategic Plan had been sent to all members of NAB as well as comments from the Strategic Planning Committee to be reviewed before the meeting. Renwick commented on the e-mail that she had sent regarding the Strategic Planning Committee’s comments. This e-mail strictly dealt with editing changes to the Strategic Plan. Krumm clarified that there were still some things in the plan that SPC did not understand. She felt that a notes section might be feasible for explaining some of the confusion. She also asked NAB what they would like SPC to do now that the plan had been reviewed. Renwick explained to all members present that NAB separated into pairs at the retreat to discuss the five points that had been decided most important in improving the national organization. Voorhies added that the NAB officers realized that there are a lot of things that need to be improved and accomplished within the national organization; however, the officers agreed that these five points were the most important to begin with. NAB also decided that they would like one member of the Strategic Planning Committee to pair up with a group of their choice to assist in implementing the plan. Voorhies then suggested that we approve the plan with the editing changes that SPC and Renwick suggested in their e-mails just as a starting point and to be able to put the plan in progress. Mendenhall then questioned weather or not the plan had to be passed by the national body or not. Unanimously, NAB members said that it did not have to be passed or ratified like a constitutional amendment would be. However, Sheridan said that it would be a good idea to present it to the national body; all members agreed that that was a great idea, and we should start presenting it to them at the Regional Conferences. Voorhies then moved that NAB accept the changes that Renwick and the Strategic Planning Committee made. Barnhart seconded this motion. Renwick announced that if the plan was approved she would make the editing changes and resend the document to all members; however, there was still question about what to do with the last paragraph that SPC had commented on. There was then discussion about this, yet no decision was made on how to change it. The final assessment was to leave it as is until further suggestions were made. The next comment about the plan was weather or not “National Collegiate 4-H week” could be used or not. Ephgrave announced that she had formerly contacted Garrett about this and he said that the national organization could not use it. However, officers of NAB believed that it could be used, but National 4-H Council would not recognize it. Garrett was no longer on the call at this point, so there was no outcome.
Voorhies said that the wording of this statement could always be changed later, and then called for previous question: The motion was to accept the Strategic Plan after the editing changes had been made, but without correcting/changing the last paragraph. The votes are as follows:
Those in favor:
Kristen Barnhart
Vanessa Cerny (2 votes, because there is currently not a second year NAB from her Region)
Vanessa Renwick
Patrick Voorhies
Jasmine Honore
Those against:
Shane Sheridan
The motion passed with six in favor and one against accepted the Strategic Plan after the editing changes had been made, but without correcting/changing the last paragraph.

NAB then had member of the Strategic Planning Committee that were present at the meeting give their suggestions as to how they felt the plan could be improved. Krumm commented on the last paragraph again, and Inglis explained that they had several different questions about the document and didn’t have anyone to answer them. Krumm added to this comment by saying that it would be a good idea to have footnotes in the plan so that SPC, as well as the national organization, could better understand the plan. Voorhies agreed, and Renwick said that when she made the corrections she would also add a notes page and send it via e-mail to all members.

NAB then discussed what they expected SPC to do next. Voorhies suggested to have SPC be involved in helping NAB carry out and promote the plan. Krumm said that when SPC first met their goal was to be apart of promoting the plan at the regional conferences. She also said that the non-NAB Strategic Planning members would split up to help with one of the five topics in the Strategic Plan.

The next item of business on the agenda was the Agricultural Consortium Report. Inglis had no report, because he’s the Agricultural Consortium Elect, and did not attend the National Meeting. However, Voorhies did attend the National Agricultural Consortium meeting in August in Moline, Illinois and gave a report on it. He said that they approved bi-laws and Collegiate 4-H is now a recognized by them as an organization. It is $125 to become a member. Benefits include access to the Collegiate LifeKnowledge curriculum, members flight paid for to go to the national meeting, and much more. He added that these benefits are approximately $900 worth of value. He concluded by saying that it was an overall good meeting and to find more out about the Consortium of Collegiate Agricultural Organizations you can visit their website at:

Leidheiser then announced that there was only three minutes remaining for the meeting. Voorhies moved to extend the meeting time by ten minutes. Jefferson seconded this motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Honore then gave a National Conference Update. She said that they are currently working on applications for sponsors and a write-up for the national newsletter that will be released at the end of September. Voorhies added that they are still asking clubs and individuals about workshop ideas. All ideas are due to the National Conference Planning Committee by October 4.

Mendenhall then gave a brief Advocacy Team Update. She said that the National 4-H Week material should be done by next week, the work order is finished, and the deadline for the National Newsletter that will be sent via e-mail is September 15.

Falkenthal followed with a Web Team Update. She said that the Web Team has been working very hard with the Advocacy Team to get all of the materials they have been working on up on the national website. She announced that the work order, 4-H Week material, and information on the National Day of Service will be out soon. She then added that the bulletin board has been very active, that she still needs some of the regional constitutions, and that she would still like NAB members to post to the blog.
Regional Conference updates were next. The location, dates, and hosting schools for each region are as follows:North Central Region: Rapid City, South Dakota---October 20-22---South Dakota State
They will be visitng Mt. RushmoreSouthern Region: Ferndale, Arkansas--- November 16-19--- University of Arkansas North Eastern Region: Branchville, New Jersey---September 14-17--
Rutgers University
Rachelle said that she will be meeting up with
members of this conference while they are
touring New York City.
Western Region: Davis, California---November 2-5---UC Davis
They will be participating in an Operation
Military Kid’s Service Project.

The meeting then returned to discussion on the Leadership Grant. Sheridan said that he didn’t really understand the need for the grant if there was already conference planning experience on the 2008 National Conference Planning Committee. Leidheiser then announced that the ten minute extension was up. Voorhies then moved to vote on the $400 Leadership Grant for the Western Region. Barnhart seconded this motion. The votes are as follows:
Those in favor:
Patrick Voorhies
Jasmine Honore
Those against:
Kristen Barnhart
Shane Sheridan
Vanessa Renwick
(Vanessa Cerny was no longer on the call, therefore she did not vote)
The result of the vote was two in favor, two against, and one abstention. Because there was a tie on the vote the conference chair must vote; however, Jefferson was no longer on the call. Voorhies then took over the meeting and asked for suggestions from the members as to the actions that should be taken. Renwick moved that NAB vote by e-mail. Barnhart seconded this vote. All members were in favor. Voorhies announced that the votes should be e-mailed to Jefferson by 11:49 PM (CST) on September 14. The votes would then be counted and the results sent out via e-mail.

There was no further business. Sheridan moved to adjourn the meeting. Honore seconded the motion. Motion passed. The seventh meeting of the 2006-2007 National Action Board was adjourned at 10:12 PM (CST).

Amy Schwertner
NAB Secretary

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