Monday, November 20, 2006


Kristen Barnhart (North Central Region President) called the eight meeting of the 2006-2007 National Action Board to order at 9:11 PM (CST).
Members in attendance:
Vanessa Renwick (Western Region President)
Patrick Voorhies (Southern Region Second Year NAB, and 2007 National Conference Co-Coordinator)
Shane Sheridan (Western Region Second Year NAB)
Sarah Leidheiser (Business Manager)
April Mendenhall (Advocacy Team Liaison)
Jessica Falkenthal (Web Team Liaison)
Val Krumm (Strategic Planning Committee Liaison)
Members not in attendance:
Antoine Jefferson (Southern Region President and NAB chair)
Amy Schwertner (Secretary)
Vanessa Cerny (North East Region President)
Justin Bolte (North Central Second Year NAB)
Jasmine Honore (2007 National Conference Co-Coordinator)
Tommy Inglis (Agricultural Consortium Liaison)
Evelyn Rachell (Southern Region Advisor)
Byron Garrett (USDA and National 4-H Headquarter)

Before business began, NAB approved Krumm and Mendenhall to act as proxies for their respective regions in the absence of representatives, or until they arrived.

The first item of business was the secretary’s report. Renwick motioned to approve the minutes as written online in the NAB blog. Krumm seconded this motion. Motion passed unanimously.
The business manager’s report followed. Leidheiser announced that there was no change in the balance.
The Consortium report was next. Voorhies announced that the Conference Planning Committee is asking their Student Government to assist in paying for the Collegiate LifeSkills Knowledge trainer to present a workshop at the National Conference in February.

Discussion on the Strategic Plan was next on the agenda. Barnhart expressed concerns that liaisons were not being allowed to be involved in the different aspects of the Strategic Plan. It was decided to discuss this matter at the end of the meeting. Updates from each of the five areas of focus were next:
Diversity- no update
Organizational Affairs- committee is working on recontacting people about tax exemption information
Communication and Member Education- Voorhies is working on a database and the Web Team can help if they wish. The Web Team is also working on a more accurate website. They are working with NAB and that National Conference Planning Committee to see about implementing the following things at National Conference:
*New Member Orientation
*Appropriate Schools to hold National Conference
*Request that each NAB member submit a workshop proposal for nationals
*Searching for ideas to increase involvement between the planning committee and NAB
*Proposed that NAB take care of registration at the National Conference so that members have a chance to meet their regional and national representatives
Partnerships- no update
Community Service- Committee would like to promote the Strategic Plan at the regional conferences and possibly during opening ceremonies during nationals. Krumm volunteered to give the presentation.

Voorhies then gave a National Conference Update. He said that he put in a request for funding from NAB for three hotel rooms to house the NAB members and liaisons on the night of February 14. Total cost comes to $277.98. Sheridan motioned that NAB fund this amount of money for rooms for NAB members. Honore seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Mendenhall then gave an Advocacy Team Update. She said that the National 4-H Week media kits and the national newsletter went out the previous week. The team is also working on putting together a follow up survey for National 4-H Week, and NAE4-HA training materials should be completed by the end of October. Advocacy also asked NAB who was going to be in charge of updating and revamping the handbooks for the National Conference in February. NAB decided that the Communication and Member Education committee of the Strategic Plan would be best suited to work on this project.

A Web Team Update by Falkenthal followed. She first thanked the members who have participated in the message boards and encouraged more people to make posts. She then announced that the Web Team has put up the North Central website. A resolution was then passed to have each NAB member post at least 3 posts per month on the message boards.

Krumm then gave an update on the National Service Project of Emphasis. She announced that the committee is planning on having a workshop at nationals over Operation Military Kids. Clubs are also asked to participate in at least one OMK project each semester (1/2 year). There was a suggestion to make up an information power point about Operation Military Kids. Krumm requested that each state at least make initial contact with their military liaisons, and if anyone has any further ideas or suggestions please send them to Krumm by e-mail.
Regional Conference updates were next on the agenda.
Western Region: Conference is scheduled for November 2-5. Registration is due October 20.
Southern Region: Conference is scheduled for November 17-19.
North Central Region: Conference is will be held in one week in South Dakota. They will be electing new officers.
North Eastern Region: no update

There were no further agenda items so discussion continued on the Strategic Plan. It was decided that if the NAB liaisons would like to help with the Strategic Plan they should contact the NAB members working on each section.

Meeting time had then ended and Voorhies motioned to extend meeting time by 15 minutes. Krumm seconded this motion. Motion passed.

Voorhies mentioned that he sent out some corrections to the past minutes posted on the blog and asked for motioned that NAB approve them. Renwick seconded this motion. Motion passed.

It was also decided to post the Strategic Plan online and have all questions directed to their respective regional presidents.

The next meeting will be held on November 14 at 9:00 PM (CST).

Krumm motioned to adjourn the meeting. Voorhies seconded. The eight meeting of the 2006-2007 National Action Board was then adjourned.


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